User:Robert W King/Sandbox: Difference between revisions

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imported>Robert W King
imported>Robert W King
Line 582: Line 582:

|   align=right
|   servingsize=2 pieces
|servingsize=2 pieces
|   percontainer=1000
|   grams=3
|   calories=5
|   fromfat=100

Revision as of 17:58, 24 February 2008

Section 4 - Timeline Table Template (documented in HTML comments)

History of Computing Timeline
+ ?? BC
 Slamis Tablet
300 BC-500 AD
 Roman Hand Abacus
~1200 AD
 Modern Chinese Abacus
 Leonardo Da Vinci writes the "Codex Madrid"

Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken

test using Template:Timeline_Table

Template:Timeline Table

Thing from excel	var	wgPageName	"Fire"
	var	wgTitle	"Fire"
	var	wgArticleId	"100023366"
	var	wgCurRevisionId 	"100193030"	var	wgPageName	"Fire"
	var	wgTitle	"Fire"
	var	wgArticleId	"100023366"
	var	wgCurRevisionId 	"100193030"
	<table class='diff'>		
	<td colspan='2' class='diff-otitle'>		
	<div id="mw-diff-otitle1">		
	<a href='/wiki?title=Fire&oldid=100192579'>		
	<div id="mw-diff-otitle2">		
	<a href="/wiki/User:Hayford_Peirce" title="User:Hayford Peirce"		
	<td colspan="2" class="diff-lineno">		
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>-
	<td class='diff-deletedline'>
	<del class="diffchange">
	<td class='diff-marker'>+
	<td class='diff-addedline'>
	<ins class="diffchange">
	<td class='diff-marker'> 
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'> 		
	<td class='diff-context'>		
	<td class='diff-marker'>		
	<td class='diff-context'>		
	<!-- diff cache key cz:diff:version:1.11a:oldid:100192579:newid:100193030 -->	var	wgPageName	"Fire"
	var	wgTitle	"Fire"
	var	wgArticleId	"100023366"
	var	wgCurRevisionId 	"100193030"
	<td colspan='2' class='diff-otitle'>		
	<div id="mw-diff-otitle1">		
	<a href='/wiki?title=Fire&oldid=100192564'>		
	<div id="mw-diff-otitle2">		
	<a href="/wiki/User:Hayford_Peirce" title="User:Hayford Peirce">		
	<td colspan='2' class='diff-ntitle'>		
	<div id="mw-diff-ntitle1">		
	<a href='/wiki?title=Fire&oldid=100192579'>
	<div id="mw-diff-ntitle2">
	<a href="/wiki/User:Hayford_Peirce" title="User:Hayford Peirce">
	<td class='diff-marker'> 
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-deletedline'>
	<del class="diffchange">
	<del class="diffchange">
	<td class='diff-marker'>+
	<td class='diff-addedline'>		
	<ins class="diffchange">		
	<ins class="diffchange">		
	<td class='diff-marker'> 		
	<td class='diff-context'>		
	<td class='diff-marker'> 		
	<td class='diff-context'>		
	<td class='diff-marker'> 		
	<td class='diff-context'>		
	<td class='diff-marker'> 		
	<td class='diff-context'>		
	<!-- diff cache key cz:diff:version:1.11a:oldid:100192564:newid:100192579 -->	var	wgPageName	"Fire"
	var	wgTitle	"Fire"
	var	wgArticleId	"100023366"
	var	wgCurRevisionId 	"100193030"
	<td colspan='2' class='diff-otitle'>
	<div id="mw-diff-otitle1">
	<a href='/wiki?title=Fire&oldid=100192314'>
	<div id="mw-diff-otitle2">
	<a href="/wiki/User:Aleta_Curry" title="User:Aleta Curry">
	<td colspan='2' class='diff-ntitle'>
	<div id="mw-diff-ntitle1">
	<a href='/wiki?title=Fire&oldid=100192432'>
	<div id="mw-diff-ntitle2">
	<a href="/wiki/User:Jeffrey_Scott_Bernstein" title="User:Jeffrey Scott Bernstein">
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>-
	<td class='diff-deletedline'>
	<del class="diffchange">
	<td class='diff-marker'>+
	<td class='diff-addedline'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td colspan="2" class="diff-lineno">
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'> 
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>-
	<td class='diff-deletedline'>
	<del class="diffchange">
	<td class='diff-marker'>+
	<td class='diff-addedline'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>		
	<td class='diff-marker'>		
	<td class='diff-context'>		
	<td class='diff-marker'>		
	<td class='diff-context'>	var	wgPageName	"Fire"
	var	wgTitle	"Fire"
	var	wgArticleId	"100023366"
	var	wgCurRevisionId 	"100193030"
	<td colspan='2' class='diff-otitle'>		
	<div id="mw-diff-otitle1">		
	<a href='/wiki?title=Fire&oldid=100192191'>		
	<div id="mw-diff-otitle2">		
	<a href="/wiki/User:Robert_W_King" title="User:Robert W King">		
	<td colspan='2' class='diff-ntitle'>		
	<div id="mw-diff-ntitle1">		
	<a href='/wiki?title=Fire&oldid=100192314'>
	<div id="mw-diff-ntitle2">
	<a href="/wiki/User:Aleta_Curry" title="User:Aleta Curry">
	<td colspan="2" class="diff-lineno">
	<td colspan="2" class="diff-lineno">
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>+
	<td class='diff-addedline'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>+
	<td class='diff-addedline'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'>
	<td class='diff-context'>
	<td class='diff-marker'> 
	<td class='diff-context'>

Thing 2

Module Module1

    Dim url
    Dim CZ
    Dim wikipath
    Dim totalcdata
    Dim title
    Dim currentid
    Dim articleid
    Dim oldid
    Dim latestid
    Dim diffclass

    Sub Main()
        Dim T

        T = 0
        title = "fire"
        url = wikipath + "/" + title
        Do Until CZ.readyState = 4


        articleid = Right(Mid(totalcdata, InStr(totalcdata, "wgArticleId"), 24), 9)
        currentid = Right(Mid(totalcdata, InStr(totalcdata, "CurRevisionId"), 26), 9)


            If latestid <> oldid Then

            End If

        Loop While latestid <> oldid

    End Sub
    Function initCZ()
        wikipath = ""
        CZ = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
        CZ.Toolbar = 0
        CZ.Visible = 1
        Do Until CZ.readyState = 4
        Return CZ
    End Function

    Function getcdata()
        Dim tags
        Dim thing
        Dim x
        Dim test

        x = 0
        tags = CZ.document.getElementsbyTagName("script")

        For Each Items In tags
            thing = tags.Item(x).innerHtml
            test = InStr(thing, "CDATA")
            If test <> 0 Then
                totalcdata = thing
                Exit For
            End If
            x = x + 1
        Return totalcdata
    End Function

    Function navtorecentdiff()
        url = wikipath + "?title=" + title + "&diff=prev&oldid=" + (Right(currentid, 9))
        Do Until CZ.readystate = 4

        Return url
    End Function

    Function getoldid()
        Dim tags
        Dim thing
        Dim x
        Dim test

        x = 0
        tags = CZ.document.getElementsbyTagName("a")

        For Each Items In tags
            thing = tags.Item(x).outerHtml
            test = InStr(thing, "oldid")
            If test <> 0 Then
                latestid = oldid
                oldid = Mid(thing, test + 6, 9)
                Exit For
            End If
            x = x + 1

        Return oldid
    End Function

    Function navolddiff()
        url = wikipath + "?title=" + title + "&diff=prev&oldid=" + oldid
        Do Until CZ.readystate = 4

        Return url

    End Function

    Function getinsdiffchange()
        Dim tags
        Dim thing
        Dim x
        Dim test
        Dim totalwrite

        x = 0
        tags = CZ.document.getElementsbyTagName("ins")

        For Each Items In tags
            thing = tags.Item(x).innerHtml
            test = InStr(thing, "class=diffchange")
            If thing <> Nothing Then
                diffclass = diffclass + "+" + "'" + thing + "'" + "; "
            End If
            x = x + 1
        totalwrite = title + " | " + articleid + " | " + latestid + " | " + diffclass + vbCrLf
        IO.File.AppendAllText(("c:\" + title + "_insdiffchange.txt"), totalwrite)
        diffclass = Nothing
        Return diffclass
    End Function

    Function getdeldiffchange()
        Dim tags
        Dim thing
        Dim x
        Dim test
        Dim totalwrite

        x = 0
        tags = CZ.document.getElementsbyTagName("del")

        For Each Items In tags
            thing = tags.Item(x).innerHtml
            test = InStr(thing, "class=diffchange")
            If thing <> Nothing Then
                diffclass = diffclass + "-" + "'" + thing + "'" + "; "
            End If
            x = x + 1
        totalwrite = title + " | " + articleid + " | " + latestid + " | " + diffclass + vbCrLf
        IO.File.AppendAllText(("c:\" + title + "_deldiffchange.txt"), totalwrite)
        diffclass = Nothing
        Return diffclass
    End Function

End Module

Excel VB Script version

Function grabdiffdata()
    Dim url
    Dim CZ
    Dim wikipath
    Dim totalcdata
    Dim title
    Dim currentid
    Dim articleid
    Dim oldid
    Dim latestid
    Dim diffclass
    Dim T
    Dim tags
    Dim thing
    Dim x
    Dim test
    Dim totalwrite

    T = 0

    wikipath = ""
    Set CZ = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    CZ.Toolbar = 0
    CZ.Visible = 1
    CZ.navigate (wikipath)
        Do Until CZ.readyState = 4

    title = "fire"
    url = wikipath + "/" + title
    CZ.navigate (url)
        Do Until CZ.readyState = 4

    x = 0
    Set tags = CZ.document.getElementsByTagName("script")
        For Each Items In tags
            thing = tags.Item(x).innerHTML
            test = InStr(thing, "CDATA")
            If test <> 0 Then
                totalcdata = thing
                Exit For
            End If
            x = x + 1

    articleid = Right(Mid(totalcdata, InStr(totalcdata, "wgArticleId"), 24), 9)
    currentid = Right(Mid(totalcdata, InStr(totalcdata, "CurRevisionId"), 26), 9)

    url = wikipath + "?title=" + title + "&diff=prev&oldid=" + (Right(currentid, 9))
    CZ.navigate (url)
        Do Until CZ.readyState = 4

            x = 0
            Set tags = CZ.document.getElementsByTagName("a")
                For Each Items In tags
                    thing = tags.Item(x).outerHTML
                    test = InStr(thing, "oldid")
                    If test <> 0 Then
                        latestid = oldid
                        oldid = Mid(thing, test + 6, 9)
                        Exit For
                    End If
                x = x + 1

            If latestid <> oldid Then
                x = 0
                Set tags = CZ.document.getElementsByTagName("ins")
                    For Each Items In tags
                        thing = tags.Item(x).innerHTML
                        test = InStr(thing, "class=diffchange")
                        If thing <> Empty Then
                            diffclass = diffclass + "+" + "'" + thing + "'" + "; "
                        End If
                    x = x + 1
                totalwrite = title + " | " + articleid + " | " + latestid + " | " + diffclass + vbCrLf
                'IO.File.AppendAllText(("c:\" + title + "_insdiffchange.txt"), totalwrite)
                diffclass = Empty
                x = 0
                Set tags = CZ.document.getElementsByTagName("del")
                For Each Items In tags
                    thing = tags.Item(x).innerHTML
                    test = InStr(thing, "class=diffchange")
                    If thing <> Empty Then
                        diffclass = diffclass + "-" + "'" + thing + "'" + "; "
                    End If
                    x = x + 1
                totalwrite = title + " | " + articleid + " | " + latestid + " | " + diffclass + vbCrLf
                'IO.File.AppendAllText(("c:\" + title + "_deldiffchange.txt"), totalwrite)
                diffclass = Empty
                url = wikipath + "?title=" + title + "&diff=prev&oldid=" + oldid
                CZ.navigate (url)
                    Do Until CZ.readyState = 4
        End If
        Loop While latestid <> oldid
End Function

Nutrition test

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 2 pieces (3 g)
Servings Per Container 1000
Amount Per Serving
Calories 5 Calories from Fat 100
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 13gg 20%
 Saturated Fat 5g 10%
Cholesterol 30mg 10%
Sodium 660mg 28%
Total Carbohydrate 31g 10%
 Dietary Fiber 0g 0%
 Sugars 5g
Protein 5g
Vitamin A 4% Vitamin C 2%
Calcium 15% Iron 4%