Savinja River: Difference between revisions

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imported>Igor Grešovnik
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imported>Igor Grešovnik
m (Savinja moved to Savinja River: Due to a general convention about river article names, see

Revision as of 12:27, 17 January 2008

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The Savinja is a river in north Slovenia, a left tributary of the Sava river of length 96 km. It origins in the Rinka Waterfall in the Savinja Alps (Slovenian: Savinjske Alpe) and flows into the Sava river at Zidani Most. It flows through Luče, Ljubno, Mozirje, Celje and Laško.

The main tributaries of the Savinja are the Lučnica, the Ljubnica, the Paka, the Ložnica and the Voglajna.