Talk:Energy balance in pregnancy and lactation: Difference between revisions

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imported>Gareth Leng
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#[[User:Matilda Thornton-Berry|Matilda Thornton-Berry]] 13:32, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
#[[User:Matilda Thornton-Berry|Matilda Thornton-Berry]] 13:32, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
#[[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 13:31, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
#[[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 13:31, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
#hello [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 13:40, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
hello [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 13:40, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
:Matilda, I cut and pasted your reference list in the Bibliography page. Good start. [[User:Nancy Sabatier|Nancy Sabatier]] 16:53, 5 October 2010 (UTC)
Think we are going to need to meet up before tuesday to decide which references to use and a bit to say on each of them? or could each write a bit on every one we put up and then just cut a few out later on?
[[User:Lucy Wilkinson|Lucy Wilkinson]] 10:50, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
==Related articles==
You'll see that on the Related articles subpage I've placed links to all the articles from the other groups this year - and also to last year's articles. Good luck with this, I'm seeing some reference lists come up, but not all.[[User:Gareth Leng|Gareth Leng]] 15:57, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
Reference list looks good. Perhaps we have to many, so as Lucy said we should cut some? We need to meet up to decide how we are going to divide up the article for the draft due in two weeks time. [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 11:41, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
Nice reference list, you don't have to use them all in your article, just choose the most relevant one. [[User:Nancy Sabatier|Nancy Sabatier]] 16:17, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
Let me know whens a good time to go over the plan…ive got an essay to do this week so thought I would do my input now:
I have looked at 5/6 of the review articles on the subject and no have a potential plan of the 3 main headings in the article. Let me know what you think and if you think I have missed any key topics?
• Metabolic adaptations which occur during pregnancy
(Main reference: Metabolic adaptations in pregnancy and their implications for the availability of substrates to the foetus: E Herrera 2000)
Subheading to include: changes in food consumption during pregnancy and lactation, 2 defined stages of pregnancy, effects and causes of increased gluconeogenesis and the conserved evolutionary adaptations to reduce energy expenditure during pregnancy
• Changes of Hormone interactions and appetite regulators during pregnancy and lactation
(Main references: Hormone interaction regulating energy balance during pregnancy: Ladyman et al. 2010, Regulation of Food consumption during pregnancy and lactation in mice: Makarova et al. 2010 & leptin iin pregnancy: an update, Henson and Castracance 2005.)
Subheading to include: changes in orexigenic and anorectic neuropeptides during pregnancy, development of leptin and insulin resistance during different reproductive states and the potential role of prolactin and placental lactogen in hyperphagia.
• The effects and problems associated with Obesity during pregnancy
(Main Reference: The implications of obesity on pregnancy: Wuntakal and Hollingwoth 2009.)
Subheadings to include: Why women are increasing in body weight after parturition, maternal diseases and adverse outcomes of being obese when pregnant and the effects on foetal programming and health problems later in life.
[[User:Matilda Thornton-Berry|Matilda Thornton-Berry]] 19:03, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
Matilda, great start for the plan. [[User:Nancy Sabatier|Nancy Sabatier]] 16:58, 19 October 2010 (UTC)
Hey Guys,
Matilda plan looks good. I'm reading the reviews and they do seem to be the 3 main topics. Are we suggesting that we each take one of the topics? After writing each topic we can collate our stuff and write up some sort of conclusion/summary? What are people thoughts on this and which topic they want to choose?
I've read quite a lot on the 3rd heading, the effects and problems associated with Obesity during pregnancy. If its cool can I run with this one?
Joe [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 12:49, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
A good paper for the first topic, as well as the one you used Matilda, is 'Adjustments in energy expenditure and substrate utilization during late pregnancy and lactation' (1999) Butte et al
[[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 12:57, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
Is there any chance we could be sent a copy of the following article: 'Adjustments in energy expenditure and substrate utilization during late pregnancy and lactation' (1994) Prentice et al. I cannot access the article through pubmed and other interent sources. Thank you [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 13:13, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
What about a section on 'Energy requirements during pregnancy and lactation'. There is a really good reference, ''Energy requirements during pregnancy and lactation' (2007) Butte et al. Seems like quite a key topic? [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 14:00, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
Do you mean this? It's available online.
Butte NF ''et al. '' (1999) Adjustments in energy expenditure and substrate utilization during late pregnancy and lactation ''Am J Clin Nutr''69:299-307 PMID 9989696 [[User:Gareth Leng|Gareth Leng]] 14:34, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
I've done some further reading and two themes that keep appearing are 1. How human energy metabolism is affected during pregnancy and 2. Energy requirements during pregnancy.
Both are summarised in this review: 'Energy Metabolism During Human Pregnancy' (2007) Lof & Forsum. What are people thoughts on using these two topics combined instead of Matildas first one? They are pretty similar in content but a topic title of 'Energy metabolism and energy requirements during pregnancy' could be better? So...
Topic 1: Energy metabolism and energy requirements during pregnancy ('Energy Metabolism During Human Pregnancy' (2007) Lof & Forsum, Metabolic adaptations in pregnancy and their implications for the availability of substrates to the foetus: E Herrera 2000)
Topic 2: Changes of Hormone interactions and appetite regulators during pregnancy and lactation (Hormone interaction regulating energy balance during pregnancy: Ladyman et al. 2010, Regulation of Food consumption during pregnancy and lactation in mice: Makarova et al. 2010 & leptin iin pregnancy: an update, Henson and Castracance 2005)
Topic 3: The effects and problems associated with obesity during pregnancy (The implications of obesity on pregnancy: Wuntakal and Hollingwoth 2009)
Does that sound ok? Pretty much as you suggested Matilda. As I said earlier I've done a lot of reading around the obesity topic so would quite like to run with that but if someone else wants to do that no worries, let me know. Joe [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 14:46, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
Jo sounds great, im fine with changing the first topic title to include energy requirements during lactation. If you cover topic 3 in about 700ish words then could i poss cover topic 2 with the changes in hormone interaction? will let luce know too.
[[User:Matilda Thornton-Berry|Matilda Thornton-Berry]] 08:56, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
Thats fine... fraid i have been seriously busy so havent managed to look over all the articles etc but im happy to do teh first part. will look over all of it and write it tomorrow. maybe we should try and meet next monday to write an intro and conclusion if your both done by then. Recon we all keep it to max 700 and then write the rest together once everyone has looked over what each of us has written.
[[User:Lucy Wilkinson|Lucy Wilkinson]] 11:10, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
Just read its that our article in total is meant to be only about 2000 words so actually we shouldnt be writing more than 600 words each.
[[User:Lucy Wilkinson|Lucy Wilkinson]] 11:16, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
Great to see you all interacting and getting organised. Would be even better to see your introduction and plan on the Main Article page this week. Did you manage to get the reference you were looking for?
[[User:Nancy Sabatier|Nancy Sabatier]] 11:31, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
The article plan looks well-organised and it covers the essential aspects of the topic.  Let's see it on the main page!  I have a pdf copy of the Butte paper (Adjustments in energy expenditure and substrate utilization during late pregnancy and lactation) if you need it. [[User:John Menzies|John Menzies]] 11:12, 27 October 2010 (UTC)
I'm just reading through a few articles and dont seem to be able to get the article:'Energy Metabolism During Human Pregnancy' (2007) Lof & Forsum. Has anyone actually managed to get it as a PDF and if so is there anyway you could send it across or make it a link? [[User:Lucy Wilkinson|Lucy Wilkinson]] 12:50, 30 October 2010 (UTC)
No worries about the last question i asked... managed to find the article. Just wandering though, do you think that lactation shouldnt be included in the first topic (the one im doing) as otherwise our whole thing is massively weighted towards pregnancy and not lactation. Only issue is I dont think there is any way i could write about both pregnancy and lactation in 600 words?? [[User:Lucy Wilkinson|Lucy Wilkinson]] 14:28, 1 November 2010 (UTC)
Hi Lucy,
All of the literature I have read is geared towards pregnancy and not lactation so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Can discuss on Tuesday [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 12:30, 2 November 2010 (UTC)
Good effort getting your section written up on the main page so quickly!! Just read it, looks good. Ive edited the main page to include mine and Matilda's headings. Will get my section completed and put on the main page by Monday. When do  people want to meet up to get our intro/conclusion done? [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 12:40, 2 November 2010 (UTC)
Shall we meet up next tuesday after the lecture to finish it all off etc? [[User:Lucy Wilkinson|Lucy Wilkinson]] 11:27, 3 November 2010 (UTC)
Yeap lets meet up after the lecture to go over intro and conclusion, I should have my bit up by then
[[User:Matilda Thornton-Berry|Matilda Thornton-Berry]] 17:48, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
Sounds good. I've got a really busy week this week, essay in on Friday, so I might not get mine done for tomorrow. [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 14:21, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
Tilds is going to do the introduction and ill do the conclusion... jo would that be alright for you to try and sort the figures and references as obviously i have no idea what im doing, think tilda has managed to sort her bit though. [[User:Lucy Wilkinson|Lucy Wilkinson]] 12:36, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
Ive done my section, it says there is a problem with one of my refs, not sure why, after you put ur bit on jo ill do an intro, hope thats ok [[User:Matilda Thornton-Berry|Matilda Thornton-Berry]] 13:12, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
Hey guys,
Good effort getting your bit up tilda, looks good! Sorry mine isn't up yet, had a manic week with deadlines etc. I'll get it done tomorrow. Are we still meeting on Sunday? [[User:Joseph Tomlinson|Joseph Tomlinson]] 15:54, 12 November 2010 (UTC)
==Some feedback==
Well done guys, it's coming along. I looked quickly at "Changes in orexigenic and anorectic neuropeptides during pregnancy"; one or two things to think about. When you talk about changes in NPY expression - are you sure you mean this or do you mean changes in NPY mRNA expression; they are different, although many authors are sloppy about this. Just because they are, that's no reason for you to be. Here I suspect that what was measured was mRNA expression, but I might be wrong and you'll have to correct me if I am. NPY expression implies measurement of NPY content, mRNA expression implies measurement of the mRNA, for example by RTPCR or ISIH. The mention of a-MSH resistance - this is interesting, sounds like an important experiment, need to see exactly what the evidence is for this because it could have been done in many ways, but any one way has problems. Keep in mind always, statements are made on the basis of particular evidence - what's the nature of the evidence and are you sure that the statement is accurate given the nature of the evidence.[[User:Gareth Leng|Gareth Leng]] 13:50, 13 November 2010 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 08:50, 13 November 2010

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 Definition Adaptations in the control of food intake and energy expenditure in different reproductive states. [d] [e]
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 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English
  1. Lucy Wilkinson 12:44, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
  2. Matilda Thornton-Berry 13:32, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
  3. Joseph Tomlinson 13:31, 28 September 2010 (UTC)

hello Joseph Tomlinson 13:40, 28 September 2010 (UTC)

Matilda, I cut and pasted your reference list in the Bibliography page. Good start. Nancy Sabatier 16:53, 5 October 2010 (UTC)

Think we are going to need to meet up before tuesday to decide which references to use and a bit to say on each of them? or could each write a bit on every one we put up and then just cut a few out later on? Lucy Wilkinson 10:50, 9 October 2010 (UTC)

Related articles

You'll see that on the Related articles subpage I've placed links to all the articles from the other groups this year - and also to last year's articles. Good luck with this, I'm seeing some reference lists come up, but not all.Gareth Leng 15:57, 9 October 2010 (UTC)

Reference list looks good. Perhaps we have to many, so as Lucy said we should cut some? We need to meet up to decide how we are going to divide up the article for the draft due in two weeks time. Joseph Tomlinson 11:41, 12 October 2010 (UTC)

Nice reference list, you don't have to use them all in your article, just choose the most relevant one. Nancy Sabatier 16:17, 14 October 2010 (UTC)

Let me know whens a good time to go over the plan…ive got an essay to do this week so thought I would do my input now: I have looked at 5/6 of the review articles on the subject and no have a potential plan of the 3 main headings in the article. Let me know what you think and if you think I have missed any key topics?

• Metabolic adaptations which occur during pregnancy

(Main reference: Metabolic adaptations in pregnancy and their implications for the availability of substrates to the foetus: E Herrera 2000)

Subheading to include: changes in food consumption during pregnancy and lactation, 2 defined stages of pregnancy, effects and causes of increased gluconeogenesis and the conserved evolutionary adaptations to reduce energy expenditure during pregnancy

• Changes of Hormone interactions and appetite regulators during pregnancy and lactation (Main references: Hormone interaction regulating energy balance during pregnancy: Ladyman et al. 2010, Regulation of Food consumption during pregnancy and lactation in mice: Makarova et al. 2010 & leptin iin pregnancy: an update, Henson and Castracance 2005.)

Subheading to include: changes in orexigenic and anorectic neuropeptides during pregnancy, development of leptin and insulin resistance during different reproductive states and the potential role of prolactin and placental lactogen in hyperphagia.

• The effects and problems associated with Obesity during pregnancy (Main Reference: The implications of obesity on pregnancy: Wuntakal and Hollingwoth 2009.)

Subheadings to include: Why women are increasing in body weight after parturition, maternal diseases and adverse outcomes of being obese when pregnant and the effects on foetal programming and health problems later in life.

Matilda Thornton-Berry 19:03, 18 October 2010 (UTC)

Matilda, great start for the plan. Nancy Sabatier 16:58, 19 October 2010 (UTC)

Hey Guys,

Matilda plan looks good. I'm reading the reviews and they do seem to be the 3 main topics. Are we suggesting that we each take one of the topics? After writing each topic we can collate our stuff and write up some sort of conclusion/summary? What are people thoughts on this and which topic they want to choose?

I've read quite a lot on the 3rd heading, the effects and problems associated with Obesity during pregnancy. If its cool can I run with this one?


Joe Joseph Tomlinson 12:49, 25 October 2010 (UTC)

A good paper for the first topic, as well as the one you used Matilda, is 'Adjustments in energy expenditure and substrate utilization during late pregnancy and lactation' (1999) Butte et al

Joseph Tomlinson 12:57, 25 October 2010 (UTC)


Is there any chance we could be sent a copy of the following article: 'Adjustments in energy expenditure and substrate utilization during late pregnancy and lactation' (1994) Prentice et al. I cannot access the article through pubmed and other interent sources. Thank you Joseph Tomlinson 13:13, 25 October 2010 (UTC)

What about a section on 'Energy requirements during pregnancy and lactation'. There is a really good reference, Energy requirements during pregnancy and lactation' (2007) Butte et al. Seems like quite a key topic? Joseph Tomlinson 14:00, 25 October 2010 (UTC)


Do you mean this? It's available online.

Butte NF et al. (1999) Adjustments in energy expenditure and substrate utilization during late pregnancy and lactation Am J Clin Nutr69:299-307 PMID 9989696 Gareth Leng 14:34, 25 October 2010 (UTC)

I've done some further reading and two themes that keep appearing are 1. How human energy metabolism is affected during pregnancy and 2. Energy requirements during pregnancy. Both are summarised in this review: 'Energy Metabolism During Human Pregnancy' (2007) Lof & Forsum. What are people thoughts on using these two topics combined instead of Matildas first one? They are pretty similar in content but a topic title of 'Energy metabolism and energy requirements during pregnancy' could be better? So...

Topic 1: Energy metabolism and energy requirements during pregnancy ('Energy Metabolism During Human Pregnancy' (2007) Lof & Forsum, Metabolic adaptations in pregnancy and their implications for the availability of substrates to the foetus: E Herrera 2000) Topic 2: Changes of Hormone interactions and appetite regulators during pregnancy and lactation (Hormone interaction regulating energy balance during pregnancy: Ladyman et al. 2010, Regulation of Food consumption during pregnancy and lactation in mice: Makarova et al. 2010 & leptin iin pregnancy: an update, Henson and Castracance 2005) Topic 3: The effects and problems associated with obesity during pregnancy (The implications of obesity on pregnancy: Wuntakal and Hollingwoth 2009)

Does that sound ok? Pretty much as you suggested Matilda. As I said earlier I've done a lot of reading around the obesity topic so would quite like to run with that but if someone else wants to do that no worries, let me know. Joe Joseph Tomlinson 14:46, 25 October 2010 (UTC)

Jo sounds great, im fine with changing the first topic title to include energy requirements during lactation. If you cover topic 3 in about 700ish words then could i poss cover topic 2 with the changes in hormone interaction? will let luce know too. Matilda Thornton-Berry 08:56, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

Thats fine... fraid i have been seriously busy so havent managed to look over all the articles etc but im happy to do teh first part. will look over all of it and write it tomorrow. maybe we should try and meet next monday to write an intro and conclusion if your both done by then. Recon we all keep it to max 700 and then write the rest together once everyone has looked over what each of us has written. Lucy Wilkinson 11:10, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

Just read its that our article in total is meant to be only about 2000 words so actually we shouldnt be writing more than 600 words each. Lucy Wilkinson 11:16, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

Great to see you all interacting and getting organised. Would be even better to see your introduction and plan on the Main Article page this week. Did you manage to get the reference you were looking for? Nancy Sabatier 11:31, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

The article plan looks well-organised and it covers the essential aspects of the topic. Let's see it on the main page! I have a pdf copy of the Butte paper (Adjustments in energy expenditure and substrate utilization during late pregnancy and lactation) if you need it. John Menzies 11:12, 27 October 2010 (UTC)

I'm just reading through a few articles and dont seem to be able to get the article:'Energy Metabolism During Human Pregnancy' (2007) Lof & Forsum. Has anyone actually managed to get it as a PDF and if so is there anyway you could send it across or make it a link? Lucy Wilkinson 12:50, 30 October 2010 (UTC)

No worries about the last question i asked... managed to find the article. Just wandering though, do you think that lactation shouldnt be included in the first topic (the one im doing) as otherwise our whole thing is massively weighted towards pregnancy and not lactation. Only issue is I dont think there is any way i could write about both pregnancy and lactation in 600 words?? Lucy Wilkinson 14:28, 1 November 2010 (UTC)

Hi Lucy,

All of the literature I have read is geared towards pregnancy and not lactation so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Can discuss on Tuesday Joseph Tomlinson 12:30, 2 November 2010 (UTC)


Good effort getting your section written up on the main page so quickly!! Just read it, looks good. Ive edited the main page to include mine and Matilda's headings. Will get my section completed and put on the main page by Monday. When do people want to meet up to get our intro/conclusion done? Joseph Tomlinson 12:40, 2 November 2010 (UTC)

Shall we meet up next tuesday after the lecture to finish it all off etc? Lucy Wilkinson 11:27, 3 November 2010 (UTC)

Yeap lets meet up after the lecture to go over intro and conclusion, I should have my bit up by then Matilda Thornton-Berry 17:48, 4 November 2010 (UTC)

Sounds good. I've got a really busy week this week, essay in on Friday, so I might not get mine done for tomorrow. Joseph Tomlinson 14:21, 8 November 2010 (UTC)

Tilds is going to do the introduction and ill do the conclusion... jo would that be alright for you to try and sort the figures and references as obviously i have no idea what im doing, think tilda has managed to sort her bit though. Lucy Wilkinson 12:36, 10 November 2010 (UTC)

Ive done my section, it says there is a problem with one of my refs, not sure why, after you put ur bit on jo ill do an intro, hope thats ok Matilda Thornton-Berry 13:12, 10 November 2010 (UTC)

Hey guys, Good effort getting your bit up tilda, looks good! Sorry mine isn't up yet, had a manic week with deadlines etc. I'll get it done tomorrow. Are we still meeting on Sunday? Joseph Tomlinson 15:54, 12 November 2010 (UTC)

Some feedback

Well done guys, it's coming along. I looked quickly at "Changes in orexigenic and anorectic neuropeptides during pregnancy"; one or two things to think about. When you talk about changes in NPY expression - are you sure you mean this or do you mean changes in NPY mRNA expression; they are different, although many authors are sloppy about this. Just because they are, that's no reason for you to be. Here I suspect that what was measured was mRNA expression, but I might be wrong and you'll have to correct me if I am. NPY expression implies measurement of NPY content, mRNA expression implies measurement of the mRNA, for example by RTPCR or ISIH. The mention of a-MSH resistance - this is interesting, sounds like an important experiment, need to see exactly what the evidence is for this because it could have been done in many ways, but any one way has problems. Keep in mind always, statements are made on the basis of particular evidence - what's the nature of the evidence and are you sure that the statement is accurate given the nature of the evidence.Gareth Leng 13:50, 13 November 2010 (UTC)