CZ:Unused6: Difference between revisions

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m (Text replacement - "David Frum" to "David Frum")
m (Replaced content with "===PD — target articles (found in links and RAs of deleted articles)=== Replaced by CZ:Suspect article list. Targets")
Tag: Replaced
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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===PD — target articles (found in links and RAs of deleted articles)===
===PD — target articles (found in links and RAs of deleted articles)===
As with [[CZ:Suspect article list]], the articles listed here have been found linking to other articles that have already been deleted or are currently in PD. They all need to be examined with a decision taken about proposed deletion, detailed review, immediate revision, or retention.

Replaced by [[CZ:Suspect article list]].
* [[Abc (disambiguation)]]
* [[Abortion]]
* [[Abraham Foxman]]
* [[Abu Hamza al-Masri]]
* [[Acoustic energy]]
* [[Active radar homing]]
* [[Active radar]]
* [[Adam Albright]]
* [[Aden]]
* [[Adenocarcinoma]]
* [[Adrian Smith]]
* [[Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System]]
* [[Advocates International]]
* [[Aerospace surveillance]]
* [[Aerostat]]
* [[Afghan Arab]]
* [[Agency for International Development]]
* [[Air Combat Command]]
* [[Air Force Space Command]]
* [[Air Force Special Operations Command]]
* [[Air Mobility Command]]
* [[Air Quality Modeling Group]]
* [[Air Resources Laboratory]]
* [[Air Traffic Control]]
* [[Air assault]]
* [[Air defense artillery]]
* [[Air force]]
* [[Air mobility]]
* [[Air operations against North Vietnam]]
* [[Air operations in the Vietnam War]]
* [[Air supremacy]]
* [[Air tasking order]]
* Air warfare planning
* [[Air, artillery and missile defense]]
* [[Air-to-surface missile]]
* [[Airborne Common Sensor]]
* [[Airborne Reconnaissance Low]]
* [[Airborne Warning and Control System]]
* [[Airborne early warning]]
* [[Aircraft carrier]]
* [[Airfoil]]
* [[Aish HaTorah]]
* [[Al Franken]]
* [[Alan Blumlein]]
* [[Alan Dershowitz]]
* [[Alan Turing]]
* [[Albert Wohlstetter]]
* [[Alcee Hastings]]
* [[Alien Torts Claims Act]]
* [[Alison Weir (American)]]
* [[Aliza Davidovit]]
* [[Allen Ginsborg]]
* [[Allison Kaplan Sommer]]
* [[Alton Frye]]
* [[Aluminium powder]]
* [[Aman]]
* [[Ambassador]]
* [[Ameinu]]
* [[American Civil Rights Union]]
* [[American Congress for Truth]]
* [[American Conservative Union]]
* [[American Enterprise Institute]]
* American Family Association
* [[American Film Institute]]
* [[American Foreign Policy Council]]
* [[American Free Press]]
* [[American Institute of Chemical Engineers]]
* [[American Institute of Homeopathy]]
* [[American Institute of Physics]]
* [[American Israel Public Affairs Committee]]
* [[American Life League]]
* [[American Majority]]
* [[American Medical Association]]
* [[American Meteorological Society]]
* [[American National Standards Institute]]
* [[American Thinker]]
* [[American University]]
* [[American Values]]
* [[Americans United for Life]]
* [[Americans United for Separation of Church and State]]
* [[Americans for Democratic Action]]
* [[Americans for Peace Now]]
* [[Americans for Tax Reform]]
* [[Ami Ayalon]]
* [[Ammonium perchlorate]]
* [[Amory Lovins]]
* [[Anatoly Golitsyn]]
* [[Anderson Air Force Base]]
* [[Andrea Shea King]]
* [[Andrew McCarthy]]
* [[Andrew Sullivan]]
* [[Anna Eshoo]]
* [[Annam]]
* [[Anne Bayefsky]]
* [[Anne-Marie Slaughter]]
* [[Antenna]]
* [[Anthony Gancarski]]
* [[Anthony Weiner]]
* [[Anti-air warfare]]
* [[Anti-aircraft artillery]]
* [[Anti-cruise missile missile]]
* [[Anti-radiation missile]]
* [[Anti-satellite missile]]
* [[Anti-shipping missile]]
* [[Anti-tank missile]]
* [[Anti-tank warfare]]
* [[]]
* [[Antipersonnel cluster submunition]]
* [[Antisemitism]]
* [[Antitank cluster submunition]]
* [[Ape]]
* [[Apollo Moon landing hoax claims]]
* [[Arab American Institute]]
* [[Arab]]
* [[Archive:High priority articles for pilot]]
* [[Ariel Center for Policy Research]]
* [[Arjun Gupta]]
* [[Arkansas (U.S. state)]]
* [[Armed Forces Council]]
* [[Armed helicopter]]
* [[Armored fighting vehicle]]
* [[Army Airspace Command and Control]]
* [[Army Battle Command System]]
* [[Army National Guard (United States)]]
* [[Army aviation]]
* [[Arrested landing system]]
* [[Arrow (missile)]]
* [[Art Lundahl]]
* [[Ashland University]]
* [[Asia]]
* [[Aspen Institute]]
* [[Association of Southeast Asian Nations]]
* [[Aster (missile)]]
* [[Astrobiology]]
* [[Asymmetrical warfare]]
* [[Atmospheric reentry]]
* [[Atomicity]]
* [[Attack helicopter]]
* [[Autocannon]]
* [[Automatic Identification System]]
* [[Automatic Radar Plotting Aid]]
* [[Averell Harriman]]
* [[Avi Glicksman]]
* [[Avigdor Lieberman]]
* [[Avionics]]
* [[Avis Bohlen]]
* [[Avram Lyon]]
* [[B-1 Lancer (bomber)]]
* [[B-1 Lancer]]
* [[B-2 Spirit (bomber)]]
* [[B-2 Spirit]]
* [[B-47 Stratojet (bomber)]]
* [[B-50]]
* [[B-52 Superfortress (bomber)]]
* [[B-52 Superfortress]]
* [[B-52]]
* [[BAR LOCK radar]]
* [[BaE Systems Nimrod]]
* [[Bac Can Province]]
* [[Ballistic missile penetration aids]]
* [[Ballistic missile submarine]]
* [[Ballistic missile]]
* [[Ban Me Thuot]]
* [[Banana]]
* [[Bangkok]]
* [[Bao Dai]]
* [[Barack Obama]]
* [[Barbara Bodine]]
* [[Barbara Davis Blum]]
* [[Barbara Mikulski]]
* [[Barbara P. Zabitz]]
* [[Bardyl Tirana]]
* [[Barney Frank]]
* [[Baron Hill]]
* [[Barrett esophagus]]
* [[Barry Blechman]]
* [[Barry Farber]]
* [[Barry McCaffrey]]
* [[Bart Stupak]]
* [[Battalion]]
* [[Battery (artillery)]]
* [[Battle Command and Sustainment Support System]]
* [[Battle damage assessment]]
* [[Battle of Bong Son]]
* [[Battle of Britain]]
* [[Battle of Coronel]]
* [[Battle of Dien Bien Phu]]
* [[Battle of Gettysburg]]
* [[Battle of Na San]]
* [[Battle of Normandy]]
* [[Battle of Sicily]]
* [[Battle of Vinh Yen]]
* [[Battle of the Beams]]
* [[Battle of the Ia Drang]]
* [[Battle of the Philippine Sea]]
* [[Battle of the Teutoburg Forest]]
* [[Battlefield air interdiction]]
* [[Battleship]]
* [[Bearing (direction)]]
* [[Bearing only mode]]
* [[Belknap-class]]
* [[Belt-fed]]
* [[Ben Tre Province]]
* [[Beriev A-50]]
* [[Berlin Blockade]]
* [[Bernie Sanders]]
* [[Betsy Markey]]
* [[Betty McCollum]]
* [[Betty Sutton]]
* [[Beyond visual range]]
* [[Biblical inerrancy]]
* [[Big cat]]
* [[Bill Owens]]
* [[Bill Posey]]
* [[Bill Roggio]]
* [[Binh Dinh Province]]
* [[Binh Phuoc Province]]
* [[Biological Weapons and Toxins Convention]]
* [[Biological weapon]]
* [[Birther Movement]]
* [[Bisphosphonate]]
* [[Bistatic]]
* [[Blue Dog Coalition]]
* [[Blue Force Tracker]]
* [[Boaz Ganor]]
* [[Bob Barr]]
* [[Bob Etheridge]]
* [[Bob Unruh]]
* [[Bobby Bright]]
* [[Body mass index]]
* [[Boeing 737]]
* [[Bomb]]
* [[Bomber aircraft]]
* [[Born-Oppenheimer approximation]]
* [[Boston, Lincolnshire]]
* [[Boulton-Paul Defiant]]
* [[Brad Rothschild]]
* [[Breast adenocarcinoma]]
* [[Brian Kennedy]]
* Brigade Combat Team
* [[Brigade]]
* [[Brigitte Gabriel]]
* [[Brilliant Anti-Tank]]
* [[Bristol Blenheim]]
* [[Brit Tzedek v'Shalom]]
* [[Brookings Institution]]
* [[Brown Institution]]
* [[Bruce Jackson]]
* [[Bruce Springsteen]]
* [[Brunei]]
* [[Bryan Chapell]]
* [[Budapest]]
* [[Buddhist crisis of 1966]]
* [[Bui Tin]]
* [[Bureau of Intelligence and Research]]
* [[Burke-class]]
* [[Burma]]
* [[Burt Prelutsky]]
* [[Burundi]]
* [[Byron Dorgan]]
* [[C-130 Hercules]]
* [[C-17 Globemaster III]]
* [[C-47 Skytrain (transport)]]
* [[C3I-ISR]]
* [[C3I]]
* [[CAISI]]
* [[CEC (disambiguation)]]
* [[CH-47 Chinook]]
* [[CH-53 Sea Stallion]]
* [[CIA activities in Asia-Pacific]]
* [[CIA activities in Cambodia]]
* CIA activities in Europe and Russia
* [[CIO (disambiguation)]]
* [[COBRA (disambiguation)]]
* [[CORONA (satellite)]]
* [[Cabanatuan]]
* [[Caliber]]
* [[Caliphate]]
* [[Cambodia]]
* [[Camera]]
* [[Can Lao]]
* [[Can Tho City]]
* [[Can Tho Province]]
* [[Canadian Air Force]]
* [[Canadian Conservation Institute]]
* [[Cannon]]
* [[Cao Dai]]
* [[Capital (city)]]
* [[Capsule endoscopy]]
* [[Carcinoma]]
* [[Carl Ernst]]
* [[Carleton University]]
* [[Carlton Fulford, Jr]]
* [[Carnegie Endowment for International Peace]]
* [[Caroline Glick]]
* [[Carolyn Amachet]]
* [[Carolyn Maloney]]
* [[Carolyn McCarthy]]
* [[Carrier Strike Group]]
* [[Carrier strike group]]
* [[Carrier wave]]
* [[Carrier-capable]]
* [[Catapult (aircraft)]]
* [[Catharin Dalpino]]
* [[Catholic University of America]]
* [[Cato Institute]]
* [[Censorship]]
* Center for American Progress
* [[Center for Constitutional Rights]]
* [[Center for Defense Information]]
* [[Center for Global Development]]
* [[Center for National Policy]]
* [[Center for Strategic and International Studies]]
* [[Center for a New American Security]]
* [[Centers of gravity (military)]]
* [[Central Asia]]
* [[Central Bureau, Southwest Pacific Area]]
* [[Centre of Defence and Strategic Studies (Canberra)]]
* [[Chaff (electronic warfare)]]
* [[Chaka Fattah]]
* [[Channel Dash]]
* [[Chapman Cox]]
* [[Charles Hill]]
* [[Charles Rangel]]
* [[Chas Freeman]]
* [[Chatham House]]
* [[Chavacano language]]
* [[Chelsea Schilling]]
* [[Chemical Weapons Convention]]
* [[Chemical terrorism]]
* [[Chemical weapon]]
* [[Chester Nimitz]]
* [[Chester W. Nimitz]]
* [[Chicago School of Economics]]
* [[Chief of Naval Operations]]
* [[Chief of Staff of the Air Force]]
* [[Chief of Staff of the Army]]
* [[Chile]]
* [[Cholangiocarcinoma]]
* [[Chris Carney]]
* [[Chris Sawyer]]
* [[Chris Van Hollen]]
* [[Christian Broadcasting Network]]
* [[Christian Coalition]]
* [[Christian Right]]
* [[Christian Zionism]]
* [[Christians United For Israel]]
* [[Christine Chinkin]]
* [[Christopher Dodd]]
* [[Christopher Ford]]
* [[Christopher Murphy]]
* [[Chu Lai]]
* [[Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview]]
* [[Chuck Colson]]
* [[Chuck Hagel]]
* [[Chuck Schumer]]
* [[Cicero]]
* [[Citizenship in the United States]]
* [[Clandestine human-source intelligence]]
* [[Claremont Institute]]
* [[Classified information]]
* [[Claudia Rosett]]
* [[Cliff Stearns]]
* [[Clifford May]]
* [[Close air support]]
* [[Cluster munition]]
* [[Coalition Provisional Authority]]
* [[Coalition government]]
* [[Cochin China]]
* [[Coffee Party]]
* [[Cognitive science]]
* [[Cold War]]
* [[Cold launch]]
* Colette Avital
* [[Colin Powell]]
* [[Colson Center for Christian Worldview]]
* [[Columbia University]]
* [[Combat Control team]]
* [[Combat Studies Institute]]
* [[Combat arms]]
* [[Combat engineer]]
* [[Combat support]]
* [[Combating Terrorism Center]]
* [[Command guidance]]
* [[Command responsibility]]
* [[Commentary (magazine)]]
* [[Commercial-off-the-shelf]]
* [[Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America]]
* [[Committee for State Security]]
* [[Committee on Energy and Commerce]]
* [[Committee on the Present Danger]]
* [[Commodore]]
* [[Common Tri-Mode Seeker]]
* [[Common operational picture]]
* [[Communications Security Establishment]]
* [[Communications intelligence]]
* [[Compartmented control system]]
* [[Compellence]]
* [[Computer engineering]]
* [[Computer]]
* [[Congress of Industrial Organizations]]
* [[Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus]]
* [[Congressional Black Caucus]]
* [[Congressional Caucus on Bosnia]]
* [[Congressional Global Health Caucus]]
* [[Congressional Native American Caucus]]
* [[Congressional Progressive Caucus]]
* [[Congressional Rural Healthcare Coalition]]
* [[Congressional Ukrainian Caucus]]
* [[Connecticut (U.S. state)]]
* [[Conservapedia]]
* [[Conservative Opportunity Society]]
* Conspiracy theory
* [[Constance Babington Smith]]
* [[Constitution]]
* [[Controlling close support to ground forces]]
* [[Conventional takeoff and landing]]
* [[Cooperative Engagement Capability]]
* [[Corps]]
* [[Corrine Brown]]
* [[Council for Citizens against Government Waste]]
* [[Council for the National Interest]]
* [[Counter-rocket, artillery and mortar]]
* [[Counterbattery]]
* Counterinsurgency
* Counterintelligence
* Counterterrorism
* [[Countervalue]]
* [[Country]]
* [[Covert action]]
* [[Craig Kennedy]]
* [[Crimean War]]
* [[Critical infrastructure]]
* [[Cruise missile defense]]
* [[Cruise missile]]
* [[Cruiser]]
* [[Cryonics Institute]]
* [[Cryptography controversy]]
* [[Cuban Missile Crisis]]
* [[Cueing]]
* [[Czech Hydrometeorological Institute]]
* [[DC-3 (airliner)]]
* [[DSU-33]]
* [[Da Nang]]
* [[Dac Lac Province]]
* [[Dai Viet]]
* [[Dale Kildee]]
* [[Dan Burton]]
* [[Dan Eichenbaum]]
* [[Dan Fleshler]]
* [[Dan Lungren]]
* [[Dan Quayle]]
* [[Daniel Byman]]
* [[Daniel Pipes]]
* [[Daniel Senor]]
* [[Danielle Pletka]]
* [[Danny Davis]]
* [[Danny Yatom]]
* [[Darrell Issa]]
* [[Database]]
* [[Dave Camp]]
* [[Dave Reichert]]
* [[David Chu]]
* [[David Deptula]]
* [[David Duke]]
* David Frum
* [[David Halberstam]]
* [[David Horowitz]]
* [[David Keene]]
* [[David Kimche]]
* [[David Limbaugh]]
* [[David Obey]]
* [[David Pearce]]
* [[David Petraeus]]
* [[David Rivkin]]
* [[Davis-Monthan Air Force Base]]
* [[Dean Rusk]]
* [[Debbie Wasserman-Schultz]]
* [[Deceptive decoy]]
* [[Deceptive jammer]]
* [[Deconfliction]]
* [[Defense Intelligence Agency]]
* [[Defense Policy Board]]
* [[Defense Satellite Communications System]]
* [[Defense of Democracies]]
* [[Defensive counter-air]]
* [[Delta Force]]
* [[Demagoguery]]
* Democracy promotion
* [[Democratic Party (United States)]]
* [[Democratic Republic of Vietnam]]
* [[Dennis Blair]]
* Dennis Prager
* [[Dennis Rehberg]]
* [[Dense inert metal explosive]]
* [[Des Moines-class]]
* [[Desmond Travers]]
* [[Destroyer]]
* [[Deuterium]]
* [[Devin Nunes]]
* [[Diana DeGette]]
* [[Dick Cheney]]
* [[Diethylstilbestrol]]
* [[Digital selective calling]]
* [[Dino Brugioni]]
* [[Diplomacy (foreign policy)]]
* [[Diplomat-in-residence]]
* [[Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change]]
* [[Direction finding]]
* [[Director of Central Intelligence]]
* [[Director of National Intelligence]]
* [[Discovery Institute]]
* [[Disseminated intravascular coagulation]]
* [[Dive bombing]]
* [[Doi moi]]
* [[Dominionism]]
* [[Donald Devine]]
* [[Donald Kagan]]
* [[Donald Rumsfeld]]
* [[Dong Minh Hoi]]
* [[Dong Sy Nguyen]]
* [[Donna Christensen]]
* [[Doolittle Raid]]
* [[Dore Gold]]
* [[Doris Matsui]]
* [[Doug Lamborn]]
* [[Doug Macgregor]]
* [[Douglas Feith]]
* [[Douglas MacArthur]]
* [[Douglas Pike]]
* [[Dragon (disambiguation)]]
* [[Drop zone]]
* [[Dual-purpose gun]]
* [[Ductal carcinoma]]
* [[Duong Van Minh]]
* E-2 Hawkeye
* E-3 Sentry
* E-8 Joint STARS
* [[EA-6B Prowler]]
* [[EADS]]
* [[EB-66]]
* [[EF-18 Growler]]
* [[EL-L-8222]]
* [[EL-M-2160]]
* [[Eagle Forum]]
* [[Earl Pomeroy]]
* [[Earth (planet)]]
* [[Ebola]]
* [[Economic Community of West African States]]
* [[Ed Markey]]
* [[Ed Royce]]
* [[Edolphus Towns]]
* [[Edward Christie, Jr.]]
* [[Edward Jayne, II]]
* [[Edward Lansdale]]
* [[Edward Teller]]
* [[Edward Walker]]
* [[Edwin Dorn]]
* [[Edwin Layton]]
* [[Eggplant]]
* [[Egypt]]
* [[Ehud Olmert]]
* [[Eighteenth Air Force]]
* [[Eighth Air Force]]
* [[Eighth United States Army]]
* [[Einat Ramon]]
* [[Einat Wilf]]
* [[Elaine Donnelly]]
* [[Elbridge Durbrow]]
* [[Electro-optical MASINT]]
* [[Electro-optical tracking]]
* [[Electromagnetic radiation]]
* [[Electromagnetic spectrum]]
* [[Electromagnetic wave]]
* [[Electronic Charting System]]
* [[Electronic attack]]
* [[Electronic countermeasures suite controller]]
* [[Electronic intelligence]]
* [[Electronic protection]]
* [[Electronic warfare expendables dispenser]]
* [[Electronic warfare]]
* [[Electronics countermeasures suite controller]]
* [[Eli Pariser]]
* [[Eliot Cohen]]
* [[Eliot Engel]]
* [[Elizabeth Farah]]
* [[Ellen Bork]]
* [[Ellen Laipson]]
* [[Ellen Tauscher]]
* [[Elliott Abrams]]
* [[Ellsworth Bunker]]
* [[Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon]]
* [[Emile El-Hokayem]]
* [[Emperor of Japan]]
* [[Energy policy]]
* [[Enhanced Position Location Reporting System]]
* [[Enrico Fermi]]
* [[Epithelial cell]]
* [[Eran Schafferman]]
* [[Eric Cantor (politician)]]
* [[Eric Cantor]]
* [[Ernst Roehm]]
* [[Eti Livni]]
* [[Eurocopter Tiger]]
* [[European ballistic missile defense]]
* [[Euskadi Ta Askatasuna]]
* [[Evangelicalism]]
* [[Exocet]]
* [[Expanded capacity HMMWV]]
* [[Expeditionary Strike Group]]
* [[Extrajudicial detention, Israel]]
* [[Extrajudicial detention, U.S.]]
* [[Extrajudicial detention]]
* [[Extramammary Paget's Disease]]
* [[Extraordinary rendition]]
* [[Ezra Weinberg]]
* [[F-105]]
* [[F-111]]
* [[F-117 Nighthawk]]
* [[F-14 Tomcat]]
* [[F-15 Eagle]]
* [[F-15 series fighter aircraft]]
* [[F-15E Strike Eagle]]
* [[F-16 Fighting Falcon]]
* [[F-18 Hornet]]
* [[F-22 Raptor]]
* [[F-35 Joint Strike Fighter]]
* [[F-35A Lightning II]]
* [[F-35C Lightning II]]
* [[FGM-148 Javelin]]
* [[FMU-139]]
* [[FMU-157]]
* [[Falklands War]]
* [[Fall of South Vietnam]]
* [[Family Research Council]]
* [[Fast attack craft]]
* [[Federal Aviation Administration]]
* [[Federalist Society]]
* [[Federation of American Scientists]]
* [[Fermentation (food)]]
* [[Fermented fish sauce]]
* [[Fighter aircraft]]
* [[Filartiga v. Pena-Irala]]
* [[Finnish Meteorological Institute]]
* [[Fire and forget]]
* [[Fire control (military)]]
* [[Fire-and-forget]]
* [[Firefighting]]
* [[Fires brigade]]
* [[First Intifada]]
* [[Fisheries monitoring surveillance and control]]
* [[Fixed-wing aircraft]]
* [[Flare (electronic warfare)]]
* [[Fleet Admiral]]
* [[Fleet Air Arm]]
* [[Florida (U.S. state)]]
* [[Focus on the Family]]
* [[Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below]]
* [[Force multiplier]]
* [[Foreign Policy Initiative]]
* [[Foreign Policy Research Institute]]
* [[Foreign instrumentation signals intelligence]]
* [[Foreign internal defense models]]
* [[Foreign internal defense]]
* [[Forti v. Suarez Mason]]
* [[Forward Area Air Defense]]
* [[Forward air controller]]
* [[Forward edge of the battle area]]
* [[Forward observer]]
* Fouad Ajami
* [[Fourteenth Air Force]]
* [[Fourth Geneva Convention]]
* Fox News
* Francis Fukuyama
* [[Frank Carlucci]]
* [[Frank Gaffney, Jr.]]
* [[Frank Kratovil]]
* [[Frank Pallone]]
* [[Frank S. Meyer]]
* [[Franz Ritter von Epp]]
* [[Fratricide (military)]]
* [[Frederick Kagan]]
* [[Frederick Nolting Jr.]]
* [[Freedom House]]
* [[Freedomworks]]
* [[French Indochina]]
* [[French Third Republic]]
* [[Frequency agility]]
* [[Frequency modulation]]
* [[Frequency]]
* [[Friends of Sabeel-North America]]
* [[Frigate (sail)]]
* [[Fritz-X]]
* [[Fundamentalism ]]
* [[Fusion device]]
* [[Future Combat Systems]]
* [[G. Frederick Reinhardt]]
* [[G5 howitzer]]
* [[Gabrielle Giffords]]
* [[Galia Golan]]
* [[Gang of Six]]
* [[Gary Ackerman]]
* [[Gary Bauer]]
* [[Gary Luck]]
* [[Gary Roughead]]
* [[Gary Schmitt]]
* [[Gay (word)]]
* [[Gaza Strip]]
* [[Gazelle helicopter]]
* [[Gearing-class]]
* [[General Offensive-General Uprising]]
* [[General officer]]
* [[General]]
* [[Geneva Conventions]]
* [[Genocide]]
* [[Geographic Information System]]
* [[Geophysical MASINT]]
* [[George Ball]]
* [[George H. W. Bush]]
* [[George Miller]]
* [[George Wallace]]
* [[Georgia (U.S. state)]]
* [[Geospatial intelligence]]
* [[Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite]]
* [[Gershon Baskin]]
* [[Gia Lai Province]]
* [[Gia Lam Airport]]
* [[Gian Gentile]]
* [[Glenn Beck]]
* [[Glenn Nye]]
* [[Glide bomb]]
* [[Global Broadcast Service]]
* [[Global Information Grid]]
* [[Global Maritime Distress and Safety System]]
* [[Global justice]]
* [[Goldstone Report]]
* [[Goma-2 ECO]]
* [[Gordon Sullivan]]
* [[Government Communications Headquarters]]
* [[Graham Martin]]
* [[Gregory Johnsen]]
* [[Gregory Meeks]]
* [[Grenade]]
* [[Group theory]]
* [[Guadalcanal campaign]]
* [[Guam]]
* [[Guatemala]]
* [[Guided bomb]]
* [[Guided missile]]
* [[Guided shell]]
* [[Gulf War]]
* [[Gulf of Tonkin incident]]
* [[Gulf of Tonkin]]
* [[Gun]]
* [[Gunpowder]]
* [[Guy Spigelman]]
* [[H Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.]]
* [[H-60 helicopter]]
* [[H2S (military)]]
* [[HAHO]]
* [[HALO]]
* [[HMS Sheffield (D80)]]
* [[HOTAS]]
* [[Ha Giang Province]]
* [[Haaretz]]
* [[Habonim Dror]]
* [[Haiphong]]
* [[Halifax-class]]
* [[Hannah Rosenthal]]
* [[Hanoi]]
* [[Hans Frank]]
* [[Hard target penetrator]]
* [[Harrier (fighter)]]
* [[Harriette J. Leibovitz]]
* [[Harry Reid]]
* [[Harvey Kushner]]
* [[Hasbara]]
* [[Hassan Abbas]]
* [[Hawker Hurricane (fighter)]]
* [[Hazard from Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance]]
* [[Heads-up display]]
* [[Health care reform]]
* [[Heath Shuler]]
* [[Heavy Brigade Combat Team]]
* [[Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck]]
* [[Heavy cruiser]]
* [[Hel HaAvir]]
* [[Helicopter]]
* [[Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.]]
* [[Henry Kissinger]]
* [[Henry L. Stimson Center]]
* [[Henry Rowen]]
* [[Henry Waxman]]
* [[Herman Cain]]
* [[Hermann Goering]]
* [[Hideki Tojo]]
* [[High Legislative Council]]
* [[High-value asset]]
* [[Hill Air Force Base]]
* [[Hillsdale College]]
* [[Hina Jilani]]
* [[Historical examples of military swarming]]
* [[Historiography of Hitler]]
* [[History of Egypt]]
* [[History of U.S. foreign policy]]
* [[History of computing]]
* [[History of the U.S. Navy]]
* [[Hit-to-kill]]
* [[Hitler as military leader]]
* [[Ho Chi Minh Trail]]
* [[Ho Chi Minh]]
* [[Hoa Hao]]
* [[Hoang Xuan Lam]]
* [[Holocaust denial]]
* [[HonestReporting]]
* [[Hong Kong]]
* [[Hoover Institution]]
* [[Hostis humani generis]]
* [[House Committee on Ways and Means]]
* [[Howitzer]]
* [[Huba Wass de Czege]]
* [[Hudson Institute]]
* [[Hue]]
* [[Hukbalahap]]
* [[Huu Nghi]]
* [[Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene]]
* [[IEEE Project 802]]
* [[IEEE frequency bands]]
* [[II Corps tactical zone]]
* [[III Marine Expeditionary Force]]
* [[IJN Musashi]]
* [[ITU frequency bands]]
* [[IV Corps tactical zone]]
* [[Idempotence]]
* [[Identification friend or foe]]
* [[Identity politics]]
* [[If Americans Knew]]
* [[Il-2 Shturmovik]]
* [[Imagery intelligence]]
* [[Imaging radar]]
* [[Imperial Way faction]]
* Improvised explosive device
* [[Indian Air Force]]
* [[Indirect fire]]
* [[Indochina and the Second World War]]
* [[Indochina]]
* [[Indonesia]]
* [[Inertial navigation]]
* [[Infantry Brigade Combat Team]]
* [[Infantry fighting vehicle]]
* [[Infantry]]
* [[Information overflow]]
* [[Information overload]]
* [[Information security]]
* [[Infrared countermeasures]]
* [[Infrared guidance]]
* Insensitive high explosives
* [[Institut Français des Relations Internationales]]
* [[Institute for America's Future]]
* [[Institute for Defense Analyses]]
* [[Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers]]
* [[Institute for Fiscal Studies]]
* [[Institute for Historical Review]]
* [[Institute for National Strategic Studies]]
* [[Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine]]
* [[Institute for Social Policy and Understanding]]
* [[Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality]]
* [[Institute for the Study of War]]
* [[Institute of Medicine]]
* [[Integrated air defense system]]
* [[Intelligence analysis management]]
* Intelligence analysis
* [[Intelligence collection ontology]]
* [[Intelligence cycle management]]
* [[Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance]]
* [[Inter-American Development Bank]]
* [[Interceptor]]
* [[Intercontinental ballistic missile]]
* [[Intermediate-range ballistic missile]]
* [[Internally displaced person]]
* [[International Criminal Court]]
* [[International Crisis Group]]
* [[International Institute for Strategic Studies]]
* [[International Maritime Organization]]
* [[International extradition]]
* [[International relations]]
* [[Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers]]
* [[Invincible (carrier)-class]]
* [[Iowa-class]]
* [[Iran-Contra Affair]]
* [[Iran-Iraq War]]
* [[Iraq Study Group]]
* [[Iraq War, major combat phase]]
* [[Iraq War, origins of invasion]]
* [[Iraq War, theater operational planning]]
* [[Iraq and weapons of mass destruction]]
* [[Ireland (disambiguation)]]
* [[Ireland (state)]]
* [[Irma Lindheim]]
* [[Islamic Society of North America]]
* [[Island]]
* [[Isotope]]
* [[Israel Defense Forces]]
* [[Israel Policy Forum]]
* [[Israel21c]]
* [[Israel]]
* [[Israela Oron]]
* [[Israeli Air Force]]
* [[Israeli Defense Forces]]
* [[Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs]]
* [[Israeli intelligence community]]
* [[Issues of Concern for Justice and Society]]
* [[J Street]]
* [[J. Brian Atwood]]
* [[J. Peter Pham]]
* [[J. Scott Gration]]
* [[J.J. Goldberg]]
* [[Jack Keane]]
* [[Jacques Leclerc]]
* [[Jakarta]]
* [[Jaluit Atoll]]
* [[James Cartwright]]
* [[James Clyburn]]
* [[James Dobson]]
* [[James Jesus Angleton]]
* [[James Jones]]
* [[James Langevin]]
* [[James Zogby]]
* [[Jamestown Foundation]]
* [[Jami Miscik]]
* [[Jamie Levin]]
* [[Jan Schakowsky]]
* [[Jane Chastain]]
* [[Jane Harman]]
* [[Janet Napolitano]]
* [[Japanese decision for war in 1941]]
* [[Japanese militarism]]
* [[Jarai language]]
* [[Jean Lartéguy]]
* [[Jean Sainteny]]
* [[Jeanne Shaheen]]
* [[Jeb Hensarling]]
* [[Jeff Bingaman]]
* [[Jeff Flake]]
* [[Jeff Fortenberry]]
* [[Jeff Miller]]
* [[Jeffrey Kendall]]
* [[Jeffry Mallow]]
* [[Jennifer Rubin]]
* [[Jerome Corsi]]
* [[Jerrold Nadler]]
* [[Jerry Goodman]]
* [[Jerusalem Post]]
* [[Jerusalem]]
* [[Jesse Lee Peterson]]
* [[Jewish Agency]]
* [[Jewish Council for Public Affairs]]
* [[Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs]]
* [[Jewish Labor Committee]]
* [[Jewish Voice for Peace]]
* [[Jill Mesirov]]
* [[Jill Stanek]]
* [[Jim Cooper]]
* [[Jim Gerlach]]
* [[Jim Moran]]
* [[Jimmy Carter]]
* [[Jo Ann Emerson]]
* [[Joe Barton]]
* [[Joe McCarthy]]
* [[Joe Scarborough]]
* [[Joe Sestak]]
* [[Joel Belz]]
* [[John Abele]]
* [[John Arensmeyer]]
* [[John Bolton]]
* John Boyd
* [[John Conyers]]
* [[John Culberson]]
* [[John Deutch]]
* [[John F. Kennedy]]
* [[John Hall (politician)]]
* [[John Holmes (diplomat)]]
* [[John Joseph Martin]]
* [[John Larson]]
* [[John Linder]]
* [[John Logie Baird]]
* [[John Mica]]
* [[John Nagl]]
* [[John Olver]]
* [[John Palms]]
* [[John Paul Vann]]
* [[John Podesta]]
* [[John Sarbanes]]
* [[John Spratt]]
* [[John Tanner]]
* [[John Thune]]
* [[John White]]
* [[Joint Air-Ground Missile]]
* [[Joint Fires Integration and Interoperability Team]]
* [[Joint Network Node]]
* [[Joint Staff (U.S.)]]
* [[Joint Tactical Information Distribution System]]
* [[Joint warfare in South Vietnam 1964-1968]]
* [[Jon Henke]]
* [[Jonathan Adelman]]
* [[Jonathan Falwell]]
* [[Jordan]]
* [[Jose Maria Aznar]]
* [[Joseph Crowley]]
* [[Joseph Farah]]
* [[Joseph Lieberman]]
* [[Joseph Pitts]]
* Juan Cole
* [[Judaism]]
* [[Judd Gregg]]
* [[Judicial Watch]]
* [[Judith Gelman]]
* [[Julie Fischer]]
* [[Julie Stahl]]
* [[Just war theory]]
* [[Justice Fellowship]]
* [[KAB-500S]]
* [[KC-135 Stratotanker]]
* [[KH-11 KENNAN]]
* [[KH-4 CORONA]]
* [[KH-9 HEXAGON]]
* [[Kadima]]
* [[Kathleen Troia McFarland]]
* [[Kathy Dahlkemper]]
* [[Keep America Safe]]
* [[Keith Ellison]]
* [[Ken Livingstone]]
* [[Kennedy Space Center]]
* [[Kenneth Adelman]]
* [[Kenneth Bob]]
* [[Kenneth Wollack]]
* [[Kenny Marchant]]
* [[Keven P. Cusack]]
* [[Kevin McCarthy]]
* [[Khmer Rouge]]
* [[Khmer]]
* [[Kilometre]]
* [[King cobra]]
* [[Kirov-class]]
* [[Knights Templar]]
* [[Kongo-class]]
* [[Koninklijke Luchtmacht]]
* [[Kontum Province]]
* [[Kontum]]
* [[Korematsu v. United States]]
* [[Kristinn Taylor]]
* [[Kuwait]]
* [[Kwajalein Atoll]]
* [[La force aérienne canadienne]]
* [[Labor Party (Israel)]]
* [[Labor Unions, U.S., History]]
* [[Lacrosse]]
* [[Lakhdar Brahimi]]
* [[Lang Son Province]]
* [[Lao Cai Province]]
* [[Laos]]
* [[Larry Welch]]
* [[Laser rangefinder]]
* [[Laser warning receiver]]
* [[Laura Ingraham]]
* [[Laura Richardson]]
* [[Laurent Murawiec]]
* [[Law]]
* [[Lawfare]]
* [[Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory]]
* [[Le Duc Tho]]
* [[Lee Butler]]
* [[Lee Terry]]
* [[Lemuria]]
* [[Leo Gerard]]
* [[Leonard Boswell]]
* [[Les Kinsolving]]
* [[Lewis Libby]]
* [[Lexington-class]]
* [[Libertarian Party of Connecticut]]
* [[Liberty Lobby]]
* [[Life Legal Defense Foundation]]
* [[Lift (force)]]
* [[Light cruiser]]
* [[Lightning]]
* [[Lightweight and special divisions interim sensor]]
* [[Likud]]
* [[Limor Abunil]]
* [[Linda Banton]]
* [[Linda Chavez]]
* [[Littoral (military)]]
* [[Littoral Combat Ship]]
* [[Littoral Surveillance Radar System]]
* [[Littoral warfare]]
* [[Liz Cheney]]
* [[Lobbying]]
* [[Loc Ninh]]
* [[Lockheed Martin]]
* [[Lockheed-Martin high altitude airship]]
* [[Logistics (military)]]
* [[Lois Capps]]
* [[Long An Province]]
* [[Los Alamos National Laboratory]]
* [[Louis Freeh]]
* [[Louise Slaughter]]
* [[Low probability of intercept]]
* [[Lowy Institute for International Policy]]
* [[Lucille Roybal-Allard]]
* [[Luftforsvaret]]
* [[Luftwaffe]]
* [[Luis Gutierrez]]
* [[Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation]]
* [[Lyndon B. Johnson]]
* [[Lynn Westmoreland]]
* [[M. Peter McPherson]]
* [[M1 Abrams (tank)]]
* [[M1 Abrams tank]]
* [[M1064 mortar carrier]]
* [[M107 shell]]
* [[M109 howitzer]]
* [[M1129 mortar carrier]]
* [[M113 (armored personnel carrier)]]
* [[M113 armored personnel carrier]]
* [[M1130 command vehicle]]
* [[M1132 engineer squad vehicle]]
* [[M1134 anti-tank guided missile vehicle]]
* [[M1152 ECV armament carrier]]
* [[M125 mortar carrier]]
* [[M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System]]
* [[M2 (disambiguation)]]
* [[M2 (machine gun)]]
* [[M2 Bradley (armored fighting vehicle)]]
* [[M2 Bradley armored fighting vehicle]]
* [[M2 mortar]]
* [[M230 autocannon]]
* [[M242 Bushmaster]]
* [[M252 81mm Medium Extended Range Mortar]]
* [[M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System]]
* [[M864 shell]]
* [[M901A3 improved TOW vehicle]]
* [[M939 5-ton truck]]
* [[MBDA]]
* [[MGM-140 ATACMS]]
* [[MGM-52 Lance]]
* [[MH-53 PAVE LOW]]
* [[MH-53 Pave Low]]
* [[MIL-STD-1553]]
* [[MIL-STD-1760]]
* [[MK 19 40mm automatic grenade launcher]]
* [[MPQ-53]]
* [[MPQ-64]]
* [[MPQ-65]]
* [[MQ-8 Fire Scout]]
* [[MQ-8]]
* [[MQ-9 Reaper]]
* [[MRAP]]
* [[MSQ-77]]
* [[Machine gun]]
* [[Magen David Adom]]
* [[Maggie Bar-Tura]]
* [[Mahmoud Abbas]]
* [[Malaysia Airlines Flight 370]]
* [[Malaysia]]
* [[Man Who Sold the Moon (short story)]]
* [[Man-in-the-middle attack]]
* [[Maneeza Hossain]]
* [[Manhattan Institute]]
* [[Manichaean paranoia]]
* [[Marc Lynch]]
* [[March RA]]
* [[Marcia Fudge]]
* [[Mariam Bell]]
* [[Mariana Islands]]
* [[Marine Air-Ground Task Force]]
* [[Marine electronics]]
* [[Marine navigation]]
* [[Maritime and Coastguard Agency]]
* [[Maritime patrol aircraft]]
* [[Marji'iyya]]
* [[Mark 23 (nuclear weapon)]]
* [[Mark 82 bomb]]
* [[Mark 83 bomb]]
* [[Mark 84 bomb]]
* [[Mark 8x series conventional bomb]]
* [[Mark Dubowitz]]
* [[Mark Kirk]]
* [[Marshall Breger]]
* [[Marshall Islands]]
* [[Martha  Krebs]]
* [[Martha C. Pickett]]
* [[Martin Indyk]]
* [[Martin Taft]]
* [[Marvin Olasky]]
* [[Mary Caulkins]]
* [[Mary Jo Kilroy]]
* [[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]]
* [[Massively multiplayer online role-playing game]]
* [[Mast Mounted Sight]]
* [[Mast-mounted sensor]]
* [[Materials MASINT]]
* [[Matra Armat]]
* [[Max Baucus]]
* [[Max Kampelman]]
* [[Maximov Space Systems Research Institute]]
* [[Maxine Waters]]
* [[Maxwell Taylor]]
* [[McGeorge Bundy]]
* [[Measurement and signature intelligence]]
* [[Medal of Honor]]
* [[Media Research Center]]
* [[Media monitoring]]
* [[MediaMatters]]
* [[Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act]]
* [[Medium range ballistic missile]]
* [[Meghan O'Sullivan]]
* [[Mekong Delta]]
* [[Mel Watt]]
* [[Meretz-USA]]
* [[Met Office]]
* [[Meteorology]]
* [[Metre (unit)]]
* [[Metro]]
* [[Meyrav Wurmser]]
* [[Mi-28 (helicopter)]]
* [[MiG-15 (fighter)]]
* [[MiG-17 (fighter)]]
* [[MiG-17]]
* [[MiG-25 (fighter)]]
* [[MiG-29 (fighter)]]
* [[Michael Ackley]]
* [[Michael Arcuri]]
* [[Michael Auslin]]
* [[Michael Fain]]
* [[Michael Ledeen]]
* [[Michael Mukasey]]
* [[Michael Potts]]
* [[Michael Savage]]
* Michael Scheuer
* [[Michele Bachmann]]
* [[Michelle Malkin]]
* [[Michigan (U.S. state)]]
* [[Mickey Edwards]]
* [[Micronesia]]
* [[Microsatellite cluster]]
* [[Midcourse]]
* [[Middle East Forum]]
* [[Middle East Institute]]
* [[Middle East Quarterly]]
* [[Midge Decter]]
* [[Mika Brzezinski]]
* [[Mike Enzi]]
* [[Mike Honda]]
* [[Mike Ross]]
* [[Mikhail Gorbachev]]
* [[Mikhail Tukhachevsky]]
* [[Militant Islam Monitor]]
* [[Military Assistance Command, Vietnam]]
* [[Military Intelligence Company (Brigade Combat Team)]]
* [[Military Intelligence Program]]
* [[Military Review]]
* [[Military Revolutionary Council]]
* [[Military doctrine]]
* [[Military police]]
* [[Military rank]]
* [[Millennium Challenge Act]]
* [[Mine (land warfare)]]
* [[Mira Sucharov]]
* [[Missile Technology Control Regime]]
* [[Missile defense]]
* [[Missile vehicle]]
* [[Missile warning receiver]]
* [[Missouri (U.S. state)]]
* [[Mk. 81]]
* [[Mk. 82]]
* [[Mk. 83]]
* [[Mk. 84]]
* [[Mobile Subscriber Equipment]]
* [[Mobile ad hoc networking]]
* [[Moderate Dems Working Group]]
* [[Molotov Mitchell]]
* [[Mon-Khmer languages]]
* [[Montagnard]]
* [[Morocco]]
* [[Mortar carrier]]
* [[Mortar]]
* [[Morton Blackwell]]
* [[Morton Klein]]
* [[Moshe Arad]]
* [[Moskit]]
* [[Mossad]]
* [[Motalefeh]]
* [[Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact]]
* [[Multiple rocket launcher]]
* [[Multistatic]]
* [[Muslim American]]
* [[Mutual Assured Destruction]]
* [[N1 rocket]]
* [[NARAL Pro-Choice America]]
* [[NEO (disambiguation)]]
* [[NGO Monitor]]
* [[Nagasaki (city)]]
* [[Naja]]
* [[Nancy Pelosi]]
* [[Nanyang Technological University]]
* [[Natan Sharansky]]
* [[Nathan Deal]]
* [[Nathan Estruth]]
* [[National Alliance]]
* [[National Command Authority]]
* [[National Endowment for Democracy]]
* [[National Environmental Research Institute of Denmark]]
* [[National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam]]
* [[National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency]]
* [[National Highway 1 (Vietnam)]]
* [[National Highway 13 (Vietnam)]]
* [[National Highway 14 (Vietnam)]]
* [[National Highway 19 (Vietnam)]]
* [[National Highway 24 (Vietnam)]]
* [[National Highway 25 (Vietnam)]]
* [[National Highway 7 (Vietnam)]]
* [[National Highway 9 (Vietnam)]]
* [[National Institute for Public Policy]]
* [[National Institute of Aerospace]]
* [[National Institute of Standards and Technology]]
* [[National Institutes of Health]]
* [[National Intelligence Council]]
* [[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]]
* [[National Organization for Women]]
* [[National Reconnaissance Office]]
* [[National Right to Life Committee]]
* [[National Security Agency and Southeast Asia, 1954-1961]]
* [[National Security Agency]]
* [[National Security Network]]
* [[National Tax Limitation Committee]]
* [[National Taxpayers Union]]
* [[Nativism (politics)]]
* [[Naval Fire Control System]]
* [[Naval gunfire support]]
* [[Naval guns and gunnery]]
* [[Naval infantry]]
* [[Naval vessel designation code]]
* [[Navigation]]
* [[Navy]]
* [[Nazism]]
* [[Neil Armstrong]]
* [[Neil Sheehan]]
* [[Neoconservatism]]
* [[Network Centric Airborne Defense Element (missile)]]
* [[New Democrat Coalition]]
* [[New Organizing Institute]]
* [[Newt Gingrich]]
* [[Nghe An Province]]
* [[Ngo Dinh Nhu]]
* [[Nguyen Cao Ky]]
* [[Nguyen Co Thach]]
* [[Nguyen Dynasty]]
* [[Nguyen Khanh]]
* [[Nguyen Van Linh]]
* [[Nguyen Van Loc]]
* [[Nguyen Van Thieu]]
* [[Niels Bohr]]
* [[Niki Tsongas]]
* [[Nimitz-class]]
* [[Ninh Thuan Province]]
* [[Nita Lowey]]
* [[No-fly zone]]
* [[NoSQL]]
* [[Noam Dolgin]]
* [[Nobel Peace Prize]]
* [[Nomi Colton-Max]]
* [[Non-commissioned officer]]
* [[Norman Gelman]]
* [[Norman Podhoretz]]
* [[North American Air Defense Command]]
* [[North American Union]]
* [[North Carolina-class]]
* [[North Dakota (U.S. state)]]
* [[North Korea]]
* [[Northrop Grumman]]
* [[Norton Schwartz]]
* [[Norwegian Institute for Air Research]]
* [[Novator R-172 (missile)]]
* [[Novator R-172]]
* [[Nuremberg Trials]]
* [[Nydia Velazquez]]
* [[OC-135B Open Skies]]
* [[OECD]]
* [[Obama administration]]
* [[Occupied Territories]]
* [[Offensive counter-air]]
* [[Office of Management and Budget]]
* [[Office of Science and Technology Policy]]
* [[Offutt Air Force Base]]
* [[Ogden Air Logistics Center]]
* [[Ohio-class]]
* [[Oliver Hazard Perry-class]]
* [[Oliver North]]
* [[Once an Eagle]]
* [[One Nation Working Together]]
* [[One-time pad]]
* [[Open Society Institute]]
* [[Open source intelligence]]
* [[Opium]]
* [[Orchid]]
* [[Organization of the Islamic Conference]]
* [[Oriental (word)]]
* [[Orientalism]]
* [[Oriolus isabellae (Isabela Oriole)]]
* [[Orrin Hatch]]
* [[Otomat (missile)]]
* [[Ottoman Empire]]
* [[Out of Iraq Caucus]]
* [[Outer space]]
* [[Over-the-horizon]]
* [[P-3 Orion]]
* [[P-700 3M-45 Granat]]
* [[P-8 Poseidon]]
* [[PBXN-106]]
* [[PRD-13]]
* [[PSC-5]]
* [[PSN-13]]
* [[Pacific Ocean]]
* [[Pacific War]]
* [[Pacification in South Vietnam]]
* [[Pajamas Media]]
* [[Paleoconservatism]]
* [[Palestine (disambiguation)]]
* [[Palestine Liberation Front]]
* [[Palestine Liberation Organization]]
* [[Palestine]]
* [[Palestinian Authority]]
* [[Palestinian Islamic Jihad]]
* [[Panavia Tornado]]
* [[Panthera tigris (Tiger)]]
* [[Parachute]]
* [[Pararescue]]
* [[Paratrooper]]
* [[Paris Peace Talks]]
* [[Parker Griffith]]
* [[Parliament]]
* [[Partnership for a Secure America]]
* [[Pasco Bowman II]]
* [[Passive radar homing]]
* [[Pat Boone]]
* [[Pat Trueman]]
* [[Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act]]
* [[Patrice Lewis]]
* [[Patricia Friend]]
* [[Patrick Kennedy]]
* [[Patrick McHenry]]
* [[Paul K. Van Riper]]
* [[Paul Mus]]
* [[Paul Pillar]]
* [[Paul X. Kelley]]
* [[Paula Dobriansky]]
* [[Peace operations]]
* [[Pearl Harbor (World War II)]]
* [[Peer-to-peer]]
* [[People's Army of Viet Nam]]
* [[People's Liberation Army Air Force (China)]]
* [[Pete Stark]]
* [[Peter  Rodman]]
* [[Peter A. Sturrock]]
* [[Peter Boyer]]
* [[Peter Orszag]]
* [[Peter, Paul and Mary]]
* [[Phalanx close-in weapons system]]
* [[Pham Van Dong]]
* [[Phan Khac Suu]]
* [[Phan Quang Dan]]
* [[Philip Gordon]]
* [[Philippine Sea]]
* [[Philippines]]
* [[Photogrammetry]]
* [[Phyllis Schlafly]]
* [[Pidgin (language)]]
* [[Pidgin]]
* [[Piracy]]
* [[Plant extract]]
* [[Pleiku]]
* [[Polar Operational Environmental Satellite]]
* [[Policy Planning Staff]]
* [[Political Cesspool]]
* [[Political opinion broadcasting]]
* [[Political party]]
* [[Political science]]
* [[Politics]]
* [[Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine]]
* [[Populism]]
* [[Pornography]]
* [[Portable]]
* [[Poverty elimination]]
* [[Prepositioning ship]]
* [[President of Israel]]
* [[President's Intelligence Advisory Board]]
* [[Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident]]
* [[Prime Minister of Israel]]
* [[Prime Minister of the United Kingdom]]
* [[Prison Fellowship Ministries]]
* [[Pro-life movement]]
* [[Progressive Policy Institute]]
* [[Proximity fuze]]
* [[Puff, the Magic Dragon (aircraft)]]
* [[PzH 2000 howitzer]]
* [[Quadrennial Defense Review]]
* [[Quang Binh Province]]
* [[Quang Nam Province]]
* [[Quang Ngai]]
* [[Quang Tri Province]]
* [[R. James Woolsey]]
* [[R. Keith Elliott]]
* [[RC-135 COBRA BALL]]
* [[RC-135 COMBAT SENT]]
* [[RC-135 RIVET JOINT]]
* [[RC-135 family aircraft]]
* RDX (explosive)
* [[RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile]]
* [[RIM-156 Standard SM-2]]
* [[RIM-161 Standard SM-3]]
* [[RIM-162 ESSM]]
* [[RIM-174 Standard SM-6]]
* [[RIM-2 Terrier]]
* [[RIM-24 Tartar]]
* [[RIM-66 Standard SM-1]]
* [[RIM-67 NTU versions]]
* [[RIM-67 Standard SM-1]]
* [[RIM-67 Terrier upgrade]]
* [[RIM-8 Talos]]
* [[RUM-139 Vertical Launch ASROC]]
* [[Rachel Bronson]]
* [[Racism in Australia]]
* [[Radar altimeter]]
* [[Radar warning receiver]]
* [[Radiation]]
* [[Radio Frequency Identification]]
* [[Radiofrequency MASINT]]
* [[Raduga KSR-5]]
* [[Rahm Emanuel]]
* [[Raid on Osama bin Laden]]
* [[Raid]]
* [[Ran HaCohen]]
* [[Randy Scheunemann]]
* [[Ranger School]]
* [[Ray Anderson]]
* [[Ray Comfort]]
* [[Ray Odierno]]
* [[Raytheon]]
* [[Reagan Doctrine]]
* [[Rear Admiral]]
* [[Rebecca Hagelin]]
* [[Reconnaissance in force]]
* [[Reconnaissance satellite]]
* [[Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Squadron (Brigade Combat Team)]]
* [[Red Army]]
* [[Regent Law School]]
* [[Reginald Victor Jones]]
* [[Regnery Publishing]]
* [[Renewable energy]]
* [[Renner-Teller effect]]
* [[Republic of Vietnam]]
* [[Republic of Yemen]]
* [[Republican Party (United States)]]
* [[Republican Study Committee]]
* [[Research]]
* [[Restructuring of the U.S. political right]]
* Restructuring of the United States Army
* [[Retrorocket]]
* [[Reuben Munger]]
* [[Revanchism]]
* [[Revolution in military affairs]]
* [[Rhode Island (U.S. state)]]
* [[Richard Armitage]]
* [[Richard Clarke]]
* [[Richard Cronin]]
* [[Richard Garwin]]
* [[Richard Goldstone]]
* [[Richard Holbrooke]]
* [[Richard M. Clarke]]
* [[Richard Murphy]]
* [[Richard Neal (politician)]]
* [[Richard Nixon]]
* [[Richard Perle]]
* [[Richard Pipes]]
* [[Rick Larsen]]
* [[Righteous among the Nations]]
* [[Ring of Five]]
* [[Rob Bishop]]
* [[Robert Andrews]]
* [[Robert Bennett]]
* [[Robert Brady]]
* [[Robert Cone]]
* [[Robert Hughes (Australian actor)]]
* [[Robert Kagan]]
* [[Robert Komer]]
* [[Robert M. Gates]]
* [[Robert McFarlane]]
* [[Robert McNamara]]
* [[Robert Pelletreau]]
* [[Robert Pound]]
* [[Robert Spencer]]
* [[Rocket engine]]
* [[Rocket motor]]
* [[Rocket science]]
* [[Ron Werber]]
* [[Ronald Reagan]]
* [[Rosa DeLauro]]
* [[Roy Moore]]
* [[Royal Air Force]]
* [[Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute]]
* [[Royal Navy]]
* [[Royal Netherlands Air Force]]
* [[Royal Norwegian Air Force]]
* [[Royal Saudi Air Force]]
* [[Rules of engagement]]
* [[Rush Holt]]
* [[Rush Limbaugh]]
* [[Russ Carnahan]]
* [[Russian Air Force]]
* [[Russian aircraft industry]]
* [[Russo-Japanese War]]
* [[Ryan Firebee]]
* [[S-200 (missile)]]
* [[S-300 PMU (missile)]]
* [[S-60]]
* [[S-75 Dvina]]
* [[SA-5 GAMMON]]
* [[SHAS]]
* [[SIGINT from 1945 to 1989]]
* [[SIGINT ground-based platforms]]
* [[SLAM (disambiguation)]]
* [[SPG-62]]
* [[SPS-49]]
* [[SPS-64]]
* [[SPY-1]]
* [[SPY-2]]
* [[SR-71 Blackbird]]
* [[SS-1 SCUD]]
* [[Sacrificial decoy]]
* [[Saddam Fedayeen]]
* [[Saddam Hussein]]
* [[Safety and survivability of naval vessels]]
* [[Safety of Life at Sea]]
* [[Saigon]]
* [[Samantha Smith]]
* [[Same-sex marriage]]
* [[Sami Mohy El Din Muhammed Al Hajj]]
* [[Samuel Blumenfeld]]
* Samuel Huntington
* [[Samuel Lewis]]
* [[Samuel Norich]]
* [[Sander Levin]]
* [[Sarah Palin]]
* [[Sarin]]
* [[Satellite communications]]
* [[Satellite]]
* [[Saudi Arabia]]
* [[School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University]]
* [[School of Advanced Military Studies]]
* [[Scott Garrett]]
* [[Scott Rigell]]
* [[Scripps Research Institute]]
* [[Sea of Japan]]
* [[Sean Hannity]]
* [[Search and rescue transponder]]
* [[Search and rescue]]
* [[Second Chief Directorate]]
* [[Second Intifada]]
* [[Secretary of State]]
* [[Security Service]]
* [[Security organization of Saddam Hussein]]
* [[Self-organizing network]]
* [[Self-propelled artillery]]
* [[Semi-active radar homing]]
* [[Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry]]
* [[Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs]]
* [[Senate Select Committee on Intelligence]]
* [[Service Employees International Union]]
* [[Shalem Center]]
* [[Sharman Altshuler]]
* [[Sheila Widnall]]
* [[Sheldon Whitehouse]]
* [[Sherrod Brown]]
* [[Shi'a Islam]]
* [[Shin Bet]]
* [[Shlomo Ben-Ami]]
* [[Shlomo Gazit]]
* [[Short range ballistic missile]]
* [[Sidney Topol]]
* [[Sierra Club]]
* [[Signal-to-noise ratio]]
* [[Signaling strategy]]
* [[Signals intelligence before the Second World War]]
* [[Signals intelligence collection, ground-based]]
* [[Signals intelligence collection, space-based]]
* [[Signals intelligence from 1954 to 1979]]
* [[Signals intelligence from 1980 to 1989]]
* [[Signals intelligence from 1990 to the present]]
* [[Signals intelligence in the Second World War]]
* [[Signals intelligence]]
* [[Simmy Ziv-El]]
* [[Singapore English]]
* [[Singapore]]
* [[Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System]]
* [[Single Integrated Operational Plan]]
* [[Siraj Wahhaj]]
* [[Sirena]]
* [[Situational awareness]]
* [[Slavery]]
* [[Small Business Majority]]
* [[Smith Richardson Foundation]]
* [[Smog]]
* [[Social conservatism]]
* [[Social justice]]
* [[Socialism]]
* [[Software Engineering Institute]]
* [[Sonia Sotomayor]]
* [[Souphanouvong]]
* [[South China Sea]]
* [[South Dakota-class]]
* [[South Vietnam's ground war, 1972-1975]]
* [[Southeast Asia]]
* [[Southern Poverty Law Center]]
* [[Souvanna Phouma]]
* [[Soviet support for Iran during the Iran-Iraq War]]
* [[Soviet support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War]]
* [[Space Shuttle Challenger disaster]]
* [[Space debris]]
* [[Space launch vehicle]]
* [[Space surveillance]]
* [[Spacecraft]]
* [[Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities]]
* [[Special operations weather]]
* [[Special operations]]
* [[Spectroscopic MASINT]]
* [[Spread spectrum]]
* [[Spruance-class]]
* [[Standard SM missile series]]
* [[Stanley McChrystal]]
* [[Starship Troopers (book)]]
* [[State of Iran]]
* [[Stealth]]
* [[Stem cell]]
* [[Steny Hoyer]]
* [[Stephen Solarz]]
* [[Steve Abbot]]
* [[Steve Cohen]]
* [[Steve Driehaus]]
* [[Steve Forbes]]
* [[Steve Israel]]
* [[Steve Scalise]]
* [[Steven Bradbury]]
* [[Steven Hancoff]]
* [[Steven Weinberg (Jewish leader)]]
* [[Stormshadow missile]]
* [[Strait of Malacca]]
* [[Strategic Corporal]]
* [[Strategic Forces Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee]]
* [[Strategic Hamlet Program]]
* [[Strategic Studies Institute]]
* [[Strategic bombing]]
* [[Strategic strike]]
* [[Strike-North Faction]]
* [[Strike-South Faction]]
* [[Stryker Brigade Combat Team]]
* [[Stryker armored fighting vehicle family]]
* [[Stuart Appelbaum]]
* [[Su-27 (fighter)]]
* [[Su-35 (fighter)]]
* [[Submarine]]
* [[Suborbital]]
* [[Suicide attack]]
* [[Super Frelon helicopter]]
* [[Suppression of enemy air defense]]
* [[Supreme Leader of Iran]]
* [[Surface-to-surface missile]]
* [[Surface-to-underwater missile]]
* [[Surveillance]]
* [[Susan Davis (politician)]]
* [[Susan Rice]]
* [[Suzanne Farver]]
* [[Suzanne Kosmas]]
* [[Suzanne Woolsey]]
* [[Swarming (military)]]
* [[Swatow-class]]
* [[Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute]]
* [[Sydney Cotton]]
* [[Syria]]
* [[TALD family decoy]]
* [[TPQ-36]]
* [[TPQ-37]]
* [[TPQ-46]]
* [[TPY-2]]
* [[TRC-170]]
* [[TSC-154]]
* [[TSQ-226]]
* [[Tactical Air Command]]
* [[Tactical Imagery Intelligence Wing]]
* [[Tactical Mobility Requirements Board]]
* [[Tactical air navigation]]
* [[Tactical land movement]]
* [[Tailhook]]
* [[Taiwan]]
* [[Tammy Baldwin]]
* [[Tank (military)]]
* [[Target acquisition]]
* [[Tay Ninh Province]]
* [[Tea Party Movement]]
* [[Tea Party caucus]]
* [[Tea Party movement]]
* [[Technical intelligence]]
* [[Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (missile)]]
* [[Tertiary explosive]]
* [[Tet Offensive]]
* [[Texas (U.S. state)]]
* [[Thai Nguyen Province]]
* [[Thailand]]
* [[Thalassemia]]
* [[Thanh Hoa Province]]
* [[The Barnes Review]]
* [[The Children's Machine]]
* [[The Father of Us All]]
* [[The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy]]
* [[The King's College]]
* [[The NextRight]]
* [[The Two Vietnams after Geneva]]
* [[Theater Battle Management Core System]]
* [[Theater ballistic missile]]
* [[Theodore Bikel]]
* [[Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.]]
* [[Theodore Roosevelt]]
* [[Thermite]]
* [[Thermobaric explosives]]
* [[Third Indochina War]]
* [[Third United States Army]]
* [[Thomas Dinwoodie]]
* [[Thomas Henriksen]]
* [[Thomas Joscelyn]]
* [[Thomas P. M. Barnett]]
* [[Thomas Pickering]]
* [[Thomas Ridge]]
* [[Thomas Sowell]]
* [[Tibet]]
* [[Ticonderoga-class]]
* [[Tim Bishop]]
* [[Tim Murphy]]
* [[Timor-Leste]]
* [[Timothy Keating]]
* [[Titanium]]
* [[Tom Dine]]
* [[Tom Feeney]]
* [[Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission]]
* [[Tom Lantos]]
* [[Tom Minnery]]
* [[Tom Tancredo]]
* [[Tom Whitmore]]
* [[Tonkin]]
* [[Tony Badran]]
* [[Trade union]]
* [[Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System]]
* [[Training and Doctrine Command]]
* [[Tran Thien Khiem]]
* [[Tran Van Tra]]
* [[Transport aircraft]]
* [[Trung Sisters]]
* [[Truong Chinh]]
* [[Tu Duc]]
* [[Tu-160 (bomber)]]
* [[Tu-22M]]
* [[Tuyen Quang Province]]
* [[Twentieth Air Force]]
* [[Two-state solution]]
* [[Type 45-class]]
* [[Type 89 grenade launcher]]
* [[Tzipi Livni]]
* [[U-2 Dragon Lady]]
* [[U.S. Ambassador to Israel]]
* [[U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam]]
* [[U.S. Army Command and General Staff College]]
* [[U.S. Army special operations helicopter]]
* [[U.S. Committee for a Free Lebanon]]
* [[U.S. Department of Defense]]
* [[U.S. Department of State]]
* [[U.S. House Armed Services Committee]]
* [[U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor]]
* [[U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform]]
* [[U.S. House of Representatives]]
* [[U.S. Intelligence and terrorism from 2000]]
* [[U.S. Navy procurement]]
* [[U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee]]
* [[U.S. Senate Committee on Finance]]
* [[U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations]]
* [[U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs]]
* [[U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary]]
* [[U.S. advisers in the Vietnam War]]
* [[U.S. colleges and universities]]
* [[U.S. foreign policy]]
* [[U.S. government training of foreign police]]
* [[U.S. intelligence activities in Cambodia]]
* [[U.S. intelligence activities in Iran]]
* [[U.S. intelligence activities in Nicaragua]]
* [[U.S. intelligence activities in Russia and Eurasia]]
* [[U.S. intelligence and transnational counterproliferation activities]]
* [[U.S. intelligence and transnational crime and drugs]]
* [[U.S. intelligence involvement with World War II Japanese war criminals]]
* [[U.S. intelligence involvement with World War II war criminals]]
* [[U.S. support to South Vietnam before Gulf of Tonkin]]
* [[UH-1 Iroquois]]
* [[UH-60 Blackhawk]]
* [[UHF Follow-On (satellite)]]
* [[ULQ-30]]
* [[UN Human Rights Council]]
* [[UN Watch]]
* [[USS Alamance (AKA-75)]]
* [[USS Algorab (AKA-8)]]
* [[USS Almaack (AKA-10)]]
* [[USS Artemis (AKA-21)]]
* [[USS Athene (AKA-22)]]
* [[USS Aurelia (AKA-23)]]
* [[USS Betelgeuse (AKA-11)]]
* [[USS Birgit (AKA-24)]]
* [[USS Bunker Hill (CG-52)]]
* [[USS Caswell (AKA-72)]]
* [[USS Circe (AKA-25)]]
* [[USS Cole (DDG-67)]]
* [[USS Corvus (AKA-26)]]
* [[USS Devosa (AKA-27)]]
* [[USS Duplin (AKA-87)]]
* [[USS Electra (AKA-4)]]
* [[USS Hydrus (AKA-28)]]
* [[USS Jason Dunham (DDG-109)]]
* [[USS Lenoir (AKA-74)]]
* [[USS Lexington (CV-2)]]
* [[USS Lumen (AKA-30)]]
* [[USS McCampbell (DDG-85)]]
* [[USS Medea (AKA-31)]]
* [[USS Mellena (AKA-32)]]
* [[USS Mount McKinley (AGC-7)]]
* [[USS New Hanover (AKA-73)]]
* [[USS New Jersey (BB-64)]]
* [[USS O'Kane (DDG-77)]]
* [[USS Ostara (AKA-33)]]
* [[USS Ottawa (AKA-101)]]
* [[USS Pamina (AKA-34)]]
* [[USS Polana (AKA-35)]]
* [[USS Prentiss (AKA-102)]]
* [[USS Procyon (AKA-2)]]
* [[USS Rankin (AKA-103)]]
* [[USS Renate (AKA-36)]]
* [[USS Roxane (AKA-37)]]
* [[USS Samuel B. Roberts (DE-413)]]
* [[USS San Jacinto (CG-56)]]
* [[USS Sappho (AKA-38)]]
* [[USS Sarita (AKA-39)]]
* [[USS Scania (AKA-40)]]
* [[USS Selinur (AKA-41)]]
* [[USS Seminole (AKA-104)]]
* [[USS Shoshone (AKA-65)]]
* [[USS Sidonia (AKA-42)]]
* [[USS Sirona (AKA-43)]]
* [[USS Skagit (AKA-105)]]
* [[USS Southampton (AKA-66)]]
* [[USS Starr (AKA-67)]]
* [[USS Stokes (AKA-68)]]
* [[USS Suffolk (AKA-69)]]
* [[USS Sylvania (AKA-44)]]
* [[USS Tabora (AKA-45)]]
* [[USS Tate (AKA-70)]]
* [[USS Thuban (AKA-19)]]
* [[USS Todd (AKA-71)]]
* [[USS Tolland (AKA-64)]]
* [[USS Torrance (AKA-76)]]
* [[USS Towner (AKA-77)]]
* [[USS Trego (AKA-78)]]
* [[USS Troilus (AKA-46)]]
* [[USS Trousdale (AKA-79)]]
* [[USS Tulare (AKA-112)]]
* [[USS Turandot (AKA-47)]]
* [[USS Tyrrell (AKA-80)]]
* [[USS Union (AKA-106)]]
* [[USS Valencia (AKA-81)]]
* [[USS Valeria (AKA-48)]]
* [[USS Vanadis (AKA-49)]]
* [[USS Venango (AKA-82)]]
* [[USS Veritas (AKA-50)]]
* [[USS Vermilion (AKA-107)]]
* [[USS Vinton (AKA-83)]]
* [[USS Virgo (AKA-20)]]
* [[USS Washburn (AKA-108)]]
* [[USS Waukesha (AKA-84)]]
* [[USS Wheatland (AKA-85)]]
* [[USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG-81)]]
* [[USS Woodford (AKA-86)]]
* [[USS Xenia (AKA-51)]]
* [[USS Zenobia (AKA-52)]]
* [[Underwater-to-underwater missile]]
* [[Unguided rocket]]
* [[Unidentified flying object]]
* [[Unified Combatant Command]]
* [[Union of Progressive Zionists]]
* [[United Auto Workers]]
* [[United Nations]]
* [[United States Army Forces Command]]
* [[United States Army Institute of Heraldry]]
* [[United States Army Special Forces]]
* [[United States Central Command]]
* [[United States Department of Veterans Affairs]]
* [[United States Fleet Forces Command]]
* [[United States Institute for Peace]]
* [[United States Institute of Peace]]
* [[United States Joint Forces Command]]
* [[United States Military Academy]]
* [[United States Mission to the Republic of Vietnam]]
* [[United States Navy/Catalogs/Electronics]]
* [[United States Navy/Catalogs/Weapons]]
* [[United States Navy]]
* [[United States Pacific Command]]
* [[United States Secretary of State]]
* [[United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs]]
* [[United States Seventh Fleet]]
* [[United States Sixth Fleet]]
* [[United States Southern Command]]
* [[United States Special Operations Command]]
* [[United States Strategic Command]]
* [[United States Transportation Command]]
* [[United States intelligence community]]
* [[Universal jurisdiction]]
* [[University of Virginia]]
* [[Unmanned Aerial Vehicle]]
* [[Unmanned aerial vehicle]]
* [[Urea nitrate]]
* [[Utah (U.S. state)]]
* [[V-1000 (missile)]]
* [[V-1]]
* [[V-22 Osprey]]
* [[VENONA]]
* [[VRC-90]]
* [[Vanessa Mae]]
* [[Varanus bitatawa]]
* [[Vertical launch system]]
* [[Vertical takeoff and landing]]
* [[Vessel monitoring system/VMS by nation]]
* [[Vessel monitoring system]]
* [[Veterans of Foreign Wars]]
* [[Vibrio parahaemolyticus]]
* [[Vice Admiral]]
* [[Victor Davis Hanson]]
* [[Victoria Holt]]
* [[Victoria Toensing]]
* [[Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang]]
* [[Vietnam War ground technology]]
* [[Vietnam War military technology]]
* [[Vietnam wars]]
* [[Vietnam, war, and the United States]]
* [[Vietnam]]
* [[Vietnamese Communist grand strategy]]
* [[Vietnamization]]
* [[Viking program]]
* [[Vin Weber]]
* [[Vincent Cannistrano]]
* Virginia Foxx
* [[Visible light]]
* [[Vox Day]]
* [[Voyenno-vozdushnye sily Rossii]]
* [[Vympel K-13 (missile)]]
* [[Vympel R-27 (missile)]]
* [[Vympel R-33 (missile)]]
* [[Vympel R-37 (missile)]]
* [[Vympel R-60 (missile)]]
* [[Vympel R-73 (missile)]]
* [[WAU-23]]
* [[WHITE CLOUD satellite]]
* [[Wake Island]]
* [[Walid Phares]]
* [[Walid Shoebat]]
* [[Wallbuilders]]
* [[Wally Herger]]
* [[Walter Bedell Smith]]
* [[Walter Cronkite]]
* [[Walter E. Williams]]
* [[War crime]]
* [[War of 1812]]
* [[War on terror]]
* [[Warfighter Information Network–Tactical]]
* [[Warhead]]
* [[Warren Bass]]
* [[Warship]]
* [[Washington Institute for Near East Policy]]
* [[Washington Naval Treaty]]
* [[Wayne LaPierre, Jr.]]
* [[Weapons of mass destruction]]
* [[Weather intelligence]]
* Weekly Standard
* [[West Bank]]
* [[Whip (political)]]
* [[White House]]
* [[Wideband Global Satellite]]
* [[William Bennett]]
* [[William DuPuy]]
* [[William Durch]]
* [[William F. Buckley Jr.]]
* [[William Federer]]
* [[William Harrop]]
* [[William Lind]]
* [[William Press]]
* [[William Van Cleave]]
* [[William Y. Smith]]
* [[Wisconsin (U.S. state)]]
* [[Wolf Blitzer]]
* [[Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University]]
* [[World Economic Forum]]
* [[World Journalism Institute]]
* [[World Trade Center]]
* [[World War II, Pacific]]
* [[World War II, air war, European Theater strategic operations]]
* [[World War II, air war, Mediterranean and European tactical operations]]
* [[World War II, air war, Russian front]]
* [[World War II, air war]]
* [[World War II, submarine operations]]
* [[World War Two in the Pacific]]
* [[Wyche Fowler]]
* [[Xavier Becerra]]
* [[Xuan Thuy]]
* [[YANKEE Station]]
* [[Yael Dayan]]
* [[Yamato-class]]
* [[Yemen]]
* [[Yen Bai Province]]
* [[Yusuf al-Qaradawi]]
* [[Yvette Clarke]]
* [[Zero-state solution]]
* [[Zev Jabotinsky]]
* [[Zimmerman Telegram]]
* [[Zionism]]
* [[Zoe Lofgren]]

[[Category:Articles for deletion|Targets]]
[[Category:Articles for deletion|Targets]]

Revision as of 12:43, 26 May 2024

PD — target articles (found in links and RAs of deleted articles)

Replaced by CZ:Suspect article list.