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Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) can be defined as the extreme and sadistic sexual, psychological or physical assault on another, perpetrated by one or more Satanists in a specific ritual. It is similar to the terms ritual abuse, sadistic ritual abuse and organized sadistic abuse. Not all cults are Satanic, and not all sadism is ritualistic or even a group activity. Whether or not a given ritual is abusive is also dependent on context: eating pork is commonplace to billions of people, while forcing a devout Muslim or Jew to eat pork would be abusive. Some cultures believe male circumcision or female genital mutilation are quite appropriate, and neither Christianity or Satanism may have anything to do with their beliefs.

In the interest of precision, therefore, addresses abuse that has a specific association with Satanic belief or symbols, and refers readers to the articles on forms of abuse that do not involve Satanic belief or symbols.

Gould, whose paper on ritual abuse said "The evidence is rapidly accumulating that the problem of ritual abuse is considerable in scope and extremely grave in its consequences," only addressed Satanism with the comment "While ritual abuse is certainly an integral part of some kinds of Satanism, it is most likely that the deeper reason for the prevalence of ritual abuse is that, simply put, it reliably creates a group of people who function as unpaid slaves to the perpetrator group. Because their core personalities are amnesic to their cult activities, these ritual abuse victims pose little threat to their controllers. ".[1].

Young's study does, in the available abstract, "Thirty-seven adult dissociative disorder patients who reported ritual abuse in childhood by satanic cults are described" but there is no further detail on the specifics of the Satanic symbolism or validation beyond patient accounts.[2].

One article has termed the Wikipedia article on the subject a promotion of pedophilia,[3] while others regard it as a moral panic or as a subversion ideology.[4]

A 1992 report by Kenneth V. Lanning, Supervisory Special Agent, Behavioral Science Unit, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Federal Bureau of Investigation said "Most people today use the term to refer to abuse of children that is part of some evil spiritual belief system, which almost by definition must be satanic."[5] Williams observes that the definition is especially difficult for law enforcement. Ritual with a child is not necessarily abusive; rites of passage such as First Communions, Bar Mitzvahs, and other coming-of-age ceremonies are ritual by definition.


  1. Gould, C. (1995). "Denying Ritual Abuse of Children". Journal of Psychohistory 22 (3): 328 - 329.
  2. Young, W.C.; Sachs R.G., Braun B.G., Watkins R.T. (1991). "Patients reporting ritual abuse in childhood: a clinical syndrome. Report of 37 cases.". Child Abuse Negl. 15 (3): 181-189.
  3. S.M.A.R.T., Press Release: Wikipedia “Satanic Ritual Abuse” article promotes PEDOPHILIA
  4. Mary deYoung, Sociological Views on the Controversial Issue of Satanic Ritual Abuse: Three Faces of the Devil, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
  5. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Lanning