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The '''Playboy magazine'''{{'}}s first issue was published in December 1953.
The '''Playboy magazine'''{{'}}s first issue was published in December 1953.

Revision as of 07:09, 13 February 2024

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The Playboy magazine's first issue was published in December 1953.

The magazine combined some nude and semi-nude photographs of young women with articles written by highly respected writers, leading some men to joke "I only subscribe for the articles".

While the magazine usually contained other nude or semi-nude photographs, every month a photospread of several pages was devoted to the "Playmate of the month". While the young women chosen were often unknown people, the playmate in the very first issue was Marilyn Monroe.

Highly respected authors who were published by Playboy include: Arthur C. Clarke,[1] Ian Fleming,[1] Vladimir Nabokov,[2] Saul Bellow, Chuck Palahniuk, P. G. Wodehouse,[1] Roald Dahl,[3] Haruki Murakami, and Margaret Atwood.[1]
