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The Horseshoe Moraine is the name for a series of moraines that cover much of southern Ontario, west of the Niagara Escarpment.[1] A lobe of the horseshoe moraine abuts the well-known Oak Ridges Moraine in the extreme west of the headwaters of the Humber River.

The 150  km (93.21  mi) long Paris-Galt Moraines are considered part of the Horseshoe Moraines.[2]


  1. Executive Summary: Long Point Conservation Area, Long Point Conservation Area, January 2008. Retrieved on 2018-12-12. “The Horseshoe Moraines are a series of moraines encircling most of southwestern Ontario, with the ‘top’ of the horseshoe near Georgian Bay and the tips of the ‘legs’ at the south, near Lake Erie.”
  2. Long Point Region, Kettle Creek and Catfish Creek Integrated Water Budget: Final Report, AquaResource, April 2009, p. 12. Retrieved on 2018-12-13. “The Horseshoe Moraines physiographic region is situated in the eastern portion of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and it includes the Paris and Galt Moraines that provide low to moderate relief above the surrounding sand plain.”