Stamp collecting/Bibliography: Difference between revisions

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A list of key readings about Stamp collecting.
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  • Chambers (2006). The Chambers Dictionary, 10th Edition. Edinburgh: Chambers Harrap. ISBN 978-0-550101-85-3. 
  • Gibbons, Stanley (1865–present). Postage Stamp Catalogues. London: Stanley Gibbons Ltd. 
  • Mackay, James (2005). The Complete Guide to Stamps & Stamp Collecting. London: Southwater Publishing. ISBN 978-1-844768-57-8. 
  • Mackay, James (2003). Philatelic Terms Illustrated. London: Stanley Gibbons Ltd. ISBN 978-0-852595-57-2. 
  • University of Oxford (2004). Oxford English Dictionary, 11th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-198608-64-6. 
  • (1986) The Stamp Atlas. London: Macdonald. ISBN 978-0-356108-62-9.