CZ:Biology Workgroup

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Revision as of 02:36, 28 September 2007 by imported>Chris Day (→‎Core article)
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Workgroups are no longer used for group communications, but they still are used to group articles into fields of interest. Each article is assigned to 1-3 Workgroups via the article's Metadata.

Biology banner.png
Biology article All articles (1,624) To Approve (0) Editors: active (1) / inactive (46)
Authors: active (441) / inactive (0)
Workgroup Discussion
Recent changes Citable Articles (25)
Subgroups (12.5)
Checklist-generated categories:

Subpage categories:

Missing subpage categories:

Article statuses:

Biology workgroup tasks
Suggestions for this page as recommended by Larry Sanger

Still to do:

(i) a welcome message aimed at new editors in your area, and perhaps

(ii) a link to a version of Citizendium_Pilot:Recruitment_Letter adapted for your discipline. And whatever else seems helpful!

The most up to date version of the recruitment letter can been seen here.
How you can help
Launch workgroup tagging of articles

Any article related to the Biology Workgroup should be placed in the category [[Category:Biology Workgroup]]". This means that we think the biology workgroup will be one of the main groups to manage this article. Note, the tag is *not* "[[Category:Biology]]"; that's because we're attaching the article to its *management*.

Note: only articles with the biology workgroup category tag will been seen in the recent changes for all biology articles (see header above).

Launch area managemnet: deferred We should probably defer selection of discipline workgroup management until after more people in each area have arrived, and we have had a chance to finalize how this management will be selected.

Proposed subgroups

The organisation we inherited from Wikipedia is subdivided into disciplines within biology, however, we do not have to follow such a format. We can move forward with subgroups that seem more natural, and I imagine some subgroups will include several related disciplines. We can discuss this more on the subgroups thread, in the biology forum, as we reach a critical mass of editors and authors.

Relevant lists and headers from Wikipedia are shown at the bottom of this section. Also, the list of high priority articles in the next section are currently categorized by discipline.

List of biology disciplines Template:Biology-footer

High priority articles

This list of articles is not complete but it can be used as a starting point for writing new articles or focus our efforts towards getting more articles approved. Articles in bold are regarded as a higher priority. Those struck through are considered as low priority.


  1. Developing Article Charles Darwin
  2. Carolus Linnaeus -
  3. Developed Article Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
  4. Developing Article Gregor Mendel
  5. Approved Article Barbara_McClintock - approved

Developing Article Anatomy

  1. Developing Article Circulatory system
    1. Stub Blood
    2. Developing Article Heart
  2. Endocrine system
  3. Gastrointestinal tract
    1. Large intestine
    2. Small intestine
    3. Stub Liver
  4. Integumentary system
    1. Breast
    2. Stub Skin
  5. Stub Nervous system
    1. Developing Article Brain
    2. Spinal Cord
    3. Peripheral Nervous System
  6. Sensory system
    1. Stub Auditory system
      1. Developing Article Ear
    2. Gustatory system
    3. Olfactory system
      1. Developing Article Nose
    4. Somatosensory system
    5. Visual system
      1. Stub Eye
  7. Reproductive system
    1. Stub Penis
    2. Stub Vagina
  8. Respiratory system
    1. Lung
  9. Skeleton

Stub Biochemistry

  1. Macromolecules
    1. Stub Nucleic acid
      1. Approved Article DNA
      2. Developing Article RNA
    2. Developing Article Protein
      1. Developing Article Enzyme
      2. Developing Article Amino acid
      3. Stub Peptide
    3. Carbohydrate
    4. Developed Article Lipid
  2. Approved Article Metabolism - approved
    1. Developed Article Glycolysis
      1. NAD
    2. Krebs cycle
      1. FAD
    3. Electron transport chain
    4. Developing Article Photosynthesis
    5. Intermediary metabolism

Stub Botany

  1. Developing Article Fungus
    1. Yeast
  2. Plant
    1. Angiosperm
      1. Eudicotyledon
        1. Arabidopsis thaliana
        2. Stub Tobacco
        3. Oak
      2. Monocotyledon
        1. Developing Article Maize
        2. Rice
        3. Developing Article Barley
    2. Bryophyte
      1. Liverwort
      2. Stub Moss
    3. Developing Article Fern
    4. Gymnosperm
  3. Plant anatomy
    1. Leaf
    2. Developing Article Flower
      1. Petal
    3. Root
    4. Stem
    5. Plant tissues
      1. parenchyma
      2. collenchyma
      3. sclerenchyma
      4. epidermis
        1. guard cell
        2. stomate (plural: stomata)
        3. trichome
        4. root hair
      5. xylem article could merge together the subcategories
        1. vessel element
        2. tracheid
      6. phloem article could merge together the subcategories
        1. sieve tube cell
        2. companion cell
  4. Plant physiology
    1. Dehiscence
    2. Flower induction
    3. Nitrogen assimilation
    4. Plant senescence
    5. Wilting
      1. Plasmolysis
    6. Plant hormones
      1. Abscisic acid
      2. Auxin
      3. Brassinosteroid
      4. Cytokinin
      5. Ethylene
      6. Gibberellin
  5. Plant behavior
    1. Gravitropism
    2. Heliotropism
    3. Phototropism
    4. Thigmotropism

Cell biology

  1. Cell
  2. Stub Cell division
  3. Stub Cell nucleus
  4. Cell wall
  5. Developing Article Cell membrane
  6. Cytoplasm
  7. Developing Article Cytoskeleton
  8. Flagellum
  9. Organelles
    1. Stub Chloroplast
    2. Developing Article Mitochondrion
    3. Endoplasmic reticulum
    4. Stub Golgi apparatus
    5. Vacuole
    6. Ribosome

Developmental biology

  1. Cellular differentiation
  2. Stem Cells
  3. Developing Article Cancer
  4. Descriptive embryology

Developing Article Ecology

  1. Endangered species
  2. Species

Developing Article Evolutionary biology

  1. Evidence of evolution
  2. Processes of evolution:
    1. Developing Article adaptation
    2. Stub macroevolution
    3. microevolution
    4. Developing Article natural selection
    5. speciation

Developing Article Genetics

  1. Classical genetics
    1. Mendelian inheritance
    2. Developing Article mutation
  2. Clinical genetics
    1. Developing Article Genetic counseling
  3. Ecological genetics
  4. Molecular genetics
  5. Developing Article Population genetics
    1. selection
    2. genetic drift
    3. Developing Article gene flow
  6. Quantitative genetics

Developed Article Microbiology

  1. Developed Article Archaea
  2. Developed Article Bacteria

Molecular biology

  1. Stub Polymerase chain reaction
  2. Gel electrophoresis
  3. Stub Southern blot
  4. Northern blot
  5. Stub Restriction enzyme
  6. Stub Western blot

Developing Article Physiology

  1. Digestion
  2. Excretion
  3. Biological reproduction
    1. Stub Pregnancy
    2. Stub Asexual reproduction
    3. Sexual reproduction
  4. Respiration (physiology)

Developing Article Taxonomy

  1. Cladistics
  2. Stub Systematics
  3. Tree of life

Developing Article Virology

  1. Approved Article Bacteriophage
  2. DNA virus
  3. RNA virus
  4. Viral diseases
    1. Developing Article AIDS
    2. Developing Article SARS
    3. Chicken Pox & Shingles (Varicella)

Stub Zoology

  1. Stub Protist
  2. Developed Article Animal
    1. Arthropod
      1. Developing Article Insect
        1. Stub Ant
        2. Developing Article Bee
        3. Developing Article Beetle
        4. Butterfly
      2. Arachnid
    2. Chordate
      1. Amphibian
        1. Frog
      2. Developed Article Fish
        1. Shark
      3. Stub Mammal
        1. Developing Article Ape
          1. Stub Human
        2. Bat
        3. Bear
        4. Camel
        5. Developed Article Cat
        6. Developing Article Cattle
        7. The Dog Family
          1. Wolves
          2. Grey Wolf
        8. Dolphin
        9. Elephant
          1. Mammoth
        10. Developed Article Horse
        11. Sheep
        12. Lion
        13. Pig
        14. Whale
      4. Stub Reptile
        1. Developing Article Dinosaur
          1. Stub Bird
            1. Eagle
            2. Duck
            3. Chicken
            4. Stub Owl
            5. Dove
            6. Developing Article Turkey
            7. Ostrich
            8. Developing Article Penguin
        2. Snake

Core article

The list below is adapted from the high priority articles above and the small list that has already started at CZ:Core_Articles#Biology. These are articles that we deem vital to get the biology section going. Please add and delete from this list. We are rstricted to 198 articles that we think are needed now.

For a more comprehensive list search for the red links in the CZ:Biology_Workgroup/list or CZ:Biology_Workgroup/concepts.

Just to clarify, i combined the list the concepts and the core article we already had. I then edited for duplicates and removed items that did not seem to fit the core concept. We now have 300 articles. Feel free to add topics that are missing. Also feel free to group articles into topic related concepts, although this alphabetical list is probably OK for those wanting to see what is missing from CZ. Chris Day (talk) 16:33, 27 September 2007 (CDT)

Biology related

  1. acquired characteristics
  2. Stub actin stub
  3. Stub action potential stub
  4. Stub action spectrum
  5. active site
  6. active transport
  7. adaptive radiation
  8. Developing Article algae
  9. Developing Article allele
  10. anaerobic respiration
  11. Stub Ant
  12. Developing Article antibiotic resistance
  13. Stub antibody
  14. Developing Article apoptosis
  15. Arabidopsis thaliana
  16. archaebacteria
  17. Stub Asexual reproduction
  18. ATP synthase
  19. autosome
  20. biological membrane
  21. Bryophyte
  22. Calvin cycle
  23. Carbohydrate
  24. carbon cycle
  25. Stub carnivore
  26. Stub cell division
  27. Stub Cell nucleus
  28. Cell wall
  29. cellulose
  30. centromere
  31. chemoautotrophic
  32. chemiosmosis
  33. chiasma
  34. chlorophyll
  35. Stub Chloroplast
  36. chromatid
  37. chromatin
  38. chromosome
  39. circadian rhythm
  40. codon
  41. convergent evolution
  42. Cytoplasm
  43. cytosol
  44. diploid
  45. DNA replication
  46. DNA virus
  47. double helix
  48. Drosophila melanogaster
  49. ecological niche
  50. Electron transport chain
  51. Stub electrophoresis
  52. Stub embryo
  53. Endoplasmic reticulum
  54. endosymbiosis
  55. enhancer
  56. enzyme kinetics
  57. eubacteria
  58. evolutionary tree
  59. exon
  60. Stub Eye
  61. facilitated diffusion
  62. FADH2
  63. fat
  64. feedback inhibition
  65. Flagellum
  66. fluid mosaic model
  67. fundamental niche
  68. fungi
  69. gamete
  70. Stub gene duplication
  71. Stub gene
  72. genetic code
  73. genetic drift
  74. genetic recombination
  75. Stub genome
  76. glycoprotein
  77. Stub Golgi apparatus
  78. gravitropism
  79. growth curve
  80. habitat (ecology)
  81. haploid
  82. herbivore
  83. heredity
  84. hermaphrodite
  85. heterochromatin
  86. heterozygote
  87. hibernation
  88. homeobox
  89. homeostasis
  90. Homology (biology)
  91. homozygote
  92. Developing Article Human Genome Project
  93. insectivores
  94. Developing Article intron
  95. invasive species
  96. Stub ion channel
  97. Lac repressor
  98. leaf
  99. Stub liver
  100. locus (genetics)
  101. Lyon hypothesis
  102. Stub Macroevolution
  103. meiosis
  104. Mendelian inheritance
  105. metaphase
  106. Michaelis-Menten kinetics
  107. Microarray
  108. Microevolution
  109. Developing Article microsatellite
  110. microtubules
  111. Developing Article Mitochondrion
  112. Stub mitosis
  113. molecular clock
  114. Developing Article monoclonal antibody
  115. monophyletic
  116. Muller's ratchet
  117. mutagen
  118. myosin
  119. Stub neuron
  120. neurospora crassa
  121. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
  122. Developed Article nitrogen cycle
  123. Non-coding RNA
  124. non-competitive inhibition
  125. Stub Nucleic acid
  126. Stub nucleotide
  127. Okazaki fragment
  128. oncogene
  129. operon
  130. osmosis
  131. oxidative phosphorylation
  132. parasitism
  133. Stub Peptide
  134. Stub phagocytosis
  135. Stub phenotype
  136. phloem
  137. phospholipid bilayer
  138. phosphorylation
  139. Developing Article Photosynthesis
  140. phylogeny
  141. plant
  142. plasmid
  143. plasmolysis
  144. Stub Polymerase chain reaction
  145. Stub polypeptide
  146. polysaccharide
  147. Stub population
  148. predation
  149. Stub Pregnancy
  150. promoter
  151. protein biosynthesis
  152. Stub protein folding
  153. Developing Article protein structure
  154. proteolysis
  155. pseudopod
  156. Punnett square
  157. Quantitative trait loci
  158. receptor (biochemistry)
  159. recombination
  160. Redox
  161. Reproduction
  162. Stub Restriction enzyme
  163. retrovirus
  164. Ribosome
  165. RNA virus
  166. root
  167. seed
  168. senescence
  169. Sexual reproduction
  170. Stub signal transduction
  171. sister chromatid
  172. Skeleton
  173. speciation
  174. Splicing (genetics)
  175. starch
  176. stoma
  177. substrate (biochemistry)
  178. Developing Article symbiosis
  179. telomere
  180. Stub thermocline
  181. thermoregulation
  182. Approved Article thylakoid
  183. Trait (biological)
  184. transcription (genetics)
  185. transcription factor
  186. Transformation (genetics)
  187. tropism
  188. Vacuole
  189. vesicle (biology)
  190. Visual perception
  191. Stub vitamin
  192. Wobble base pair
  193. X chromosome
  194. xylem
  195. Y chromosome
  196. zygote

Health Sciences related: Move article red links to this column from first column if they are more appropriate for health sciences. Or, move back to the first column if these article names are not suitable for health sciences.

  1. Acid-base physiology
  2. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
  3. albinism
  4. Arterial system
  5. Stub Auditory system
  6. Stub Blood
  7. Bone
  8. capillary
  9. collagen
  10. diabetes
  11. Digestion
  12. Down syndrome
  13. egg (biology)
  14. Endocrine system
  15. Stub gene therapy
  16. genetic fingerprint
  17. Developing Article Heart
  18. Stub human
  19. immune system
  20. intestine
  21. karyotype
  22. Klinefelter syndrome
  23. lung
  24. Developing Article malaria
  25. muscle
  26. non disjunction
  27. organ (anatomy)
  28. Reproductive system
  29. Respiration (physiology)
  30. Stub Skin
  31. sperm
  32. testes
  33. tumor
  34. Turner syndrome
  35. Developing Article vaccine
  36. Viral diseases

Lower priority

  1. abiogenesis
  2. acetyl CoA
  3. Developing Article acid
  4. activation energy
  5. aerobic
  6. Stub Biochemistry
  7. biological emergence
  8. blastula
  9. Stub Botany
  10. Stub carotenoid
  11. Cell biology
  12. Cellular differentiation
  13. Chi square test
  14. chitin
  15. Cladistics
  16. Classical genetics
  17. conformation
  18. Developmental biology
  19. diffusion
  20. dimer
  21. Stub DNA sequencing
  22. Excretion
  23. gene pool
  24. Genomics
  25. Stub glucose
  26. Hershey-Chase experiment
  27. housekeeping gene
  28. hybrid
  29. knock-out mouse
  30. Stub mass extinction
  31. mass spectrometry
  32. Molecular biology
  33. nucleosome
  34. peroxisome
  35. phospholipid
  36. pigment
  37. Plant physiology
  38. Plant tissues
  39. plastid
  40. primary structure
  41. proteomics
  42. punctuated equilibrium
  43. purine
  44. pyrimidine
  45. quaternary structure
  46. secondary structure
  47. Stub Southern blot
  48. Stub Systematics
  49. taxis
  50. Developing Article Taxonomy
  51. tertiary structure
  52. twin
  53. xanthophyll
  54. Stub Zoology

Biographies We may already have some of these under different spellings or without the middle name.

  1. Developing Article Alfred Russel Wallace
  2. Carolus Linnaeus
  3. Ernst Haeckel
  4. Stub Francis Crick
  5. Developing Article Gregor Mendel
  6. James Watson
  7. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
  8. Konrad Lorenz
  9. Stub Louis Pasteur
  10. Lynn Margulis
  11. Max Delbrück
  12. Developing Article Thomas Hunt Morgan

Already have these: Move these to the first column if they need a lot of work.

  1. Developing Article acetylcholine
  2. Developing Article adaptation
  3. Stub Adenosine triphosphate
  4. Developing Article Alexander Fleming
  5. Developing Article amino acid
  6. Developing Article anabolism
  7. Developing Article Anatomy
  8. Developed Article animal
  9. Developed Article Antonie_van_Leeuwenhoek
  10. Developed Article bacteria
  11. Developing Article Bioinformatics
  12. Developing Article biotechnology
  13. Developing Article cancer
  14. Developing Article catabolism
  15. Developing Article cell (biology)
  16. Developing Article Cellular respiration
  17. Developing Article Charles Darwin
  18. Developing Article circulatory system
  19. Developing Article citric acid cycle
  20. Developing Article cloning
  21. Developing Article cytoskeleton
  22. Developing Article dihybrid cross
  23. Approved Article DNA
  24. Stub Escherichia coli
  25. Developing Article Ecology
  26. Developing Article endosymbiotic theory
  27. Developing Article enzyme
  28. Stub epigenetics
  29. Stub eukaryote
  30. Developing Article Evolution
  31. Developing Article fermentation (biochemistry)
  32. Developing Article flower
  33. Developing Article Genetics
  34. Developing Article genotype
  35. Developing Article glycogen
  36. Developing Article histone
  37. Stub hormone
  38. Developing Article insect
  39. Developed Article insulin
  40. Developing Article kidney
  41. Approved Article life
  42. Developed Article Lipid
  43. macromolecule
  44. Developed Article marine biology
  45. Developed Article microbiology
  46. Stub microfilament
  47. Developing Article mutation
  48. Developing Article natural selection
  49. Stub nervous system
  50. Developing Article neurotransmitter
  51. Stub organelle
  52. Developed Article organism
  53. Developing Article Physiology
  54. plasma membrane
  55. Developed Article pollination
  56. Developing Article prion
  57. Stub prokaryote
  58. Developing Article Protein
  59. Stub protist
  60. Developing Article RNA
  61. species
  62. Developing Article stem cell
  63. Developing Article synapse
  64. Developed Article systems biology
  65. Developed Article transposon
  66. Developing Article Vasopressin
  67. virus
  68. Stub wood
  69. x-ray diffraction

Bear in mind the Health Sciences Workgroup has 198, too, and there must not be overlap. --Larry Sanger 12:02, 27 September 2007 (CDT)

Also note that the red links on the "already have" list are articles that are marked as externally sourced. These may be included at CZ:Core Articles to be rewritten.--Joe Quick (Talk) 18:53, 27 September 2007 (CDT)

Tree-of-life subgroup

A major part of the articles in the biology workgroup can be categorized under the concept of Tree of Life. All article about a species, genus or any other taxonomic level are part of this subgroup.

Naming convention

To be determined


Taxoboxes facilitate the navigation through the Tree-of-Life and each taxon is required to have one using the Template:Taxobox.

Major topics from wikipedia biology portal

General Life | species | biology
Ecology Biomass | food chain | indicator species | extinction | habitat | species distribution | Gaia theory
Conservation Biodiversity | biodiversity hotspot | nature reserve | edge effect | Allee effect | corridor | fragmentation | pollution | invasive species | in situ - ex situ | seedbank | environmental economics
Evolution Natural selection | genetic drift | sexual selection | speciation | mutation | gene flow
Tree of life Animals | plants | fungi | protists | bacteria | archaea | prokaryote | eukaryote | three-domain system | angiosperms | insects | nematodes | viruses
Development Tissues | fertilization | embryogenesis | gastrulation | neurulation | organogenesis | differentiation | morphogenesis | metamorphosis | ontogeny
Life cycle reproduction | ploidy | spermatogenesis | alternation of generations | oogenesis | parasitism | evolution of sex | meiosis | DNA replication
The cell Cell wall | cell membrane | cytoskeleton | mitochondrion | chloroplast | nucleus | endoplasmic reticulum | Golgi apparatus | cell cycle | mitosis | metabolism | cell signaling | protein targeting
Biochemistry DNA | RNA | protein | enzyme | protein folding | carbohydrate | lipid | glycolysis | citric acid cycle | electron transport chain | oxidative phosphorylation | photosynthesis | protein structure
Genetics Gene | genome | karyotype | transcription | translation | recombination | chromosome | Mendelian inheritance | phenotype | genotype | epigenetics | splicing | mutation | genetic fingerprint | chromatin | classical genetics | ecological genetics | molecular genetics | population genetics | quantitative genetics
Techniques Genetic engineering | transformation | gel electrophoresis | chromatography | centrifugation | cell culture | DNA sequencing | DNA microarray | green flourescent protein | vector | Enzyme assay | Protein purification | Western blot | Northern blot | Southern blot | restriction enzyme | polymerase chain reaction | two-hybrid screening
Other fields Anatomy | astrobiology | botany | bioengineering | bioinformatics | human biology | microbiology | origin of life | paleontology | parasitology | pathology | pharmacology | phylogenetics | physiology | marine biology | systems biology | taxonomy | zoology
Classification of man Primate | mammal | vertebrate | craniata | chordate | deuterostome | animal
History of biology Natural history | geography | ecology | molecular biology | evolutionary biology | Great Chain of Being