User:Milton Beychok/Sandbox

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which, for the parameter values below, then becomes:

Given an air pollutant concentration at sea-level atmospheric pressure, the concentration at higher altitudes can be obtained from this equation:

L = atmospheric temperature lapse rate = 6.5 K/km
h = altitude, km
g = Earth's surface gravitational acceleration = 9.80665 m/s2
M = Molecular weight of air = 28.9644 g/mol
R = Universal gas constant = 8.314472 J/(mol • K)
P 0 = absolute atmospheric pressure at sea level (in any selected pressure units)
P h = absolute atmospheric pressure at altitude h (in the same pressure units as P 0)
C = Air pollutant concentration, in mass per unit volume at sea level atmospheric pressure P 0 and specified temperature T0 (commonly 288.15 K)
C h = Concentration, in mass per unit volume at altitude h and specified temperature T0