User:Andreas Pingel-Keuth

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My name is Andreas Pingel-Keuth.
I was born in 1961 in Germany.
From 1977 to 1980 I passed an apprenticeship as 'Chemielaborant' at the RWTH Aachen. After one year at the 'Fachoberschule für Technik' I studied Chemieingenieurwesen und Biotechnologie (Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology) at 'Fachhochschule Aachen' (University of applied Science Aachen) with a degree as Chemieingenieur (Chemical Engineer).
For the next more than 20 years I worked as a developing engineer for a large company of the chemical industry. Regrettably the research center was liquidated and so I had to look for a new position.
I found it again at the Fachhochschule Aachen, where I currently work.
Due to my bad english, I hope for a german version of Citizendium ;-)