Lie algebra/representation

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In mathematics, more specific algebra, a Representation of a Lie algebra is a simplification of the abstract Lie algebra to a simpler matrix Lie algebra. A representation of a Lie algebra g is a homomorphism from the Lie algebra to the endomorphisms (linear maps) of some vector space.


  • Given a matrix Lie algebra g⊆End(V) of some vector space V, then i:g⊆End(V) is a representation. If the dimension of V is minimal, this is called the fundamental representation of the matrix Lie algebra.

Note that for so(3) this is the representation via Pauli matrices, i.e. on C2 as su(2).

Adjoint representation

Let g be a Lie algebra. Consider the vector space V=g and construct the linear maps adX:VV: Y→[X,Y], then ad:g→End(V): X→adX is a representation of g called the adjoint representation.

Direct sum and tensor product

Given two representations ρi:g→End(Vi) we can consider its direct sum ρ1⊕ρ2:g→End(V1V2): X→ρ1(X)⊕ρ2(X).

Conversely, given a Lie algebra representation ρ we can ask whether it can non-trivially be written as direct sum of two representations. If it cannot and is not the 0-representation, then ρ is called irreducible. The goal of classification of representations is thus to decompose representations into irreducible ones. Given the root system of a Lie algebra it is easy to write down all its irreducible representations.

Given two representations of the same Lie algebra g as above, we can also construct a new representation as


The meaning of fundamental representation of a Lie algebra g is that all irreducible representations of g occur as irreducible factors of tensor products of the fundamental representation.

Other methods to construct new representations is by taking exterior powers of a representation. This is analog to the tensor product with an addional relative minus sign between the two summands.

Universal enveloping algebra

Given a Lie algebra g we can ask for homomorphisms to associative algebras (endowed with the commutator bracket). The universal enveloping algebra U(g) is now defined as an associative algebra together with an embedding of g fulfilling the following universal property:

Every homomorphism φ from the Lie algebra g to an associative algebra A extends uniquely to a homomorphism φ' from the universal enveloping algebra U(g) to A.

The existence of universal envelopping algebras follows from the quotient of the tensor algebra by the ideal generated by


Unfortunately the tensor algebra as well as the quotient are infinite dimensional (except in the trivial case g=0) even if g is finite dimensional.

Ado's theorem

Given an abstract Lie algebra g we can ask whether we can write it as a subalgebra of a matrix algebra. In terms of representations we are asking for a faithful representation. For arbitrary fields the answer is no.

Ado's theorem states however that every finite dimensional Lie algebra over an algebraically closed field has a faithful finite dimensional representation.


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