People's Republic of China

The People's Republic of China (PRC) refers to the Communist government of China since 1949.
2008 Olympics
PRC diplomats secured the 2008 Olympics for the capital Beijing.
Diplomatic Recognition
The existence of the PRC has remained controversial these last sixty years or so; it was not until 1972 that the country was recognised by the United Nations, which until then had accepted only the Republic of China, i.e. the de facto state of Taiwan. To this day, some commentators prefer to refer to the PRC as 'Mainland China'.
Human rights
Of more general concern than what country is the 'true' China is the PRC's uneven record on human rights; the Chinese Communist Party has been reluctant to engage with Western ideas of what constitutes fair treatment of its citizens, such as the promotion of multi-party democracy. In a country where 70% of the population live a rural lifestyle, the PRC has often resisted calls to place these issues at the top of the agenda. Critics would argue that it places its own rule as the main priority. Also, the freedom of speech and religion are mostly disregarded in the PRC, and many groups, such as the Falun Gong, are persecuted.
Chinese culture
Chinese culture has always strongly influenced neighbouring regions of East Asia, and today the modern PRC continues to receive mixed impressions.
Relations with Taiwan
On the one hand, relations between the PRC and Taiwan have gradually improved, with open hostility much rarer nowadays.
Relations with Japan
Likewise, the PRC has developed closer economic ties with Japan, though arguments persist over the role of that nation in China during World War II.
Relations with UK
Relations with the United Kingdom have been friendly since the sovereignty of Hong Kong, a former British colony, passed to the PRC in 1997.