CZ:Editorial Council Resolution 0003
The resolution
Whereas, Citizendium needs to renew and extend its recruitment efforts;
Whereas, Citizendium needs to attract contributors that will provide high quality, accurate, and timely information;
Whereas, inviting professors and their students to contribute content to Citizendium is a highly appropriate method for satisfying both above mentioned goals;
Resolved, That the Council adopts the CZ:Eduzendium intiative as one of its official recuritment efforts and that Sorin Adam Matei is nominated its leader and Academic Content Coordinator.
Method of execution
- The Council approves that procedure for recruiting and involving academic contributors as described in CZ:Eduzendium.
- The Council approves that Sorin Adam Matei will take the necessary measures to generate the materials needed for the recruitment process and will invite people to work with Citizendium.
No amendments yet
No vote yet
Current status
Initial proposal (not yet on the agenda)
Discussion period has not begun yet
Before it is added to the Agenda, these sponsors, but only these sponsors, may edit the text of the resolution. After it is added to the Agenda, it cannot be edited by anyone except via the amendment process.
- Sponsored by: Sorin Adam Matei
- Co-sponsored by Council members (limited to two names): Larry Sanger
Resolution history
- Proposed:
- Entered queue:
- Entered initial discussion:
- Entered public discussion:
- Entered voting on resolution:
- Close of voting on resolution: