Talk:Vector rotation

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Revision as of 19:30, 7 April 2009 by imported>Paul Wormer (→‎Paper on internet: new section)
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 Definition Process of rotating one unit vector into a second unit vector. [d] [e]
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Any help creating a quaternion methods section for the article would be greatly appreciated. Also, I wonder if the final equation shown is sufficient for this article, or whether I should expand the final answer to show the full calculation of rxx, rxy and the final values of rotated vector in terms of V1 and V2. David E. Volk 17:46, 8 March 2009 (UTC)

Paper on internet

I found a copy of the Möller-Hughes paper here. It seems that the present CZ article lacks the general formula and only gives the formula for the special case of almost parallel V1 and V2 (plus typo).

Question: what is the use of the rotation matrix? Usually such a matrix is used to construct V2 from V1, but now V2 is already known.

--Paul Wormer 00:30, 8 April 2009 (UTC)