Talk:Quantum operation

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Revision as of 15:36, 11 April 2009 by imported>Paul Wormer (→‎Comment on pure v. impure states: new section)
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 Definition A mathematical formalism used to describe a broad class of transformations that a quantum mechanical system can undergo. [d] [e]
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Comment on pure v. impure states

In usual textbooks of QM one distinguishes pure and impure states (at the moment I do not have access to any text on QM, I'm writing from memory, so I cannot quote sources). I would write:

An impure state of a quantum system is represented on a Hilbert space by a non-negative definite trace class operator on with trace equal to one. Such operators are called density operators.

After projective measurement the state has become pure, i.e., , describe a density that is a delta-function with as peak the pure state ψi. --Paul Wormer 20:36, 11 April 2009 (UTC)