Physical therapy

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Physical therapy is the auxiliary health profession which makes use of physical therapy modalities to prevent, correct, and alleviate movement dysfunction of anatomic or physiologic origin.[1] The discipline includes the assessment of strength and range of motion. Physical therapists, especially for sports medicine, may practice independently, but when under physician supervision, physical and rehabilitation medicine is the relevant specialty.

Prescribing and planning physical therapy

Either a prescribing physician or an independent therapist begins the process by focusing on relief of pain, which will ease the transition into the more stressful restoration of function. General categories include heat, massage and electrical stimulation, with specific decisions about the source/method and places of application. For example, heat can come from hydrotherapy, ultrasonic therapy or diathermy.

Restoration of function includes exercise therapy, relaxation therapy and ambulation. The physical therapist may also work with multidisciplinary teams in pain management and cardiac rehabilitation.[2]

Related disciplines

Where physical therapy concentrates on strength and range of motion, occupational therapy improves function with respect to specific tasks in activities of daily living. Dance therapy, while emphasizing emotional support, also can help movement, as can recreational therapy.

Physical therapy modalities

Physical therapy and chiropractic

The relationship between the disciplines of physical therapy and chiropractic are complex, and even more so in the health care efficiency debate since chiropractic has been accepted by an NIH Consensus Conference as effective for some conditions. Some practitioners are certified in both and find them synergistic. Other chiropractors are actively challenging changes in the scope of practice of physical therapists that permits the latter to do spinal manipulation. [3]

Some chiropractors have presented themselves as primary care providers following an alternative medicine paradigm. A current argument, however, is that they are complementary rather than alternative providers. One proposal is that "the most appropriate role for the chiropractor is that of a direct-access, conservative and minimalist, neuromusculoskeletal specialist fully integrated in the current health care system and contributing to the evidence-based health care movement."[4]


  1. Anonymous (2025), Physical therapy (English). Medical Subject Headings. U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  2. Frederic J. Kottke, Justus F. Lehmann, ed. (1990), Krusen's Handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation (4th edition ed.), W. B. Saunders, ISBN 0721629857pp. 649-651
  3. Peter A. Huijbregts (2007), Chiropractic Legal Challenges to the Physical Therapy Scope of Practice: Anybody Else Taking the Ethical High Ground?, vol. 15, at 69–80.
  4. Craig F Nelson et al. (2005), "Chiropractic as spine care: a model for the profession", Chiropractic & Osteopathy 13: 9, DOI:10.1186/1746-1340-13-9