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Started this article as I began to investigate the history of physicians in the United States. I began in an effort to understand how MDs and DOs became eligible to practice medicine, but DC followed a different path to chiropractic. In my preliminary efforts- I will try to outline the history of osteopathy, its founding, write about Schools of Osteopathy, and try to provide current information about the field.Nancy Sculerati MD 11:34, 11 March 2007 (CDT)

Howell JD. The paradox of osteopathy.[see comment][comment]. New England Journal of Medicine. 341(19):1465-8, 1999 Nov 4. UI: 10547412:"In the spring of 1864, Andrew Taylor Still, a rural Kansas practitioner, watched helplessly as the best medications then available failed to save his three children from spinal meningitis. Still founded a school to teach his new system of osteopathy in Kirksville, Missouri, in 1892...Osteopaths, on the other hand, have worked hard to employ the entire therapeutic armamentarium of the modern physician, and in so doing they have moved closer to allopathy. [2] The move toward assimilation became explicit in California in the early 1960s, when the California Medical Association and the California Osteopathic Association merged in what has been called the osteopathic profession's darkest hour. [3] By attending a short seminar and paying $65, a doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) could obtain an M.D. degree; 86 percent of the D.O.'s in the state (out of a total of about 2000) chose to do so. The College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons became the University of California College of Medicine, Irvine. Many osteopaths feared that the California merger was the wave of the future and that the profession would not survive. But it did, and in so doing it may have become even stronger. D.O.'s are now licensed in all 50 states to prescribe drugs, deliver babies, perform surgery - in short, to do anything that M.D.'s can do."