Complex number/Citable Version

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< Complex number
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The complex numbers are numbers of the form a+bi, obtained by adjoining the imaginary unit i to the real numbers (here a and b are reals). The number i can be thought of as a solution of the equation . In other words, its basic property is . Of course, since the square root of any real number is positive, . A priori, it is not even clear whether such an object exists and that it deserves be called 'a number', i.e. whether we can associate with it some natural operations as addition or multiplication. Admitting for a moment that the positive answer is given for granted, we define

We then define addition and multiplication in the obvious way, using to rewrite results in the form :

To handle division, we simply note that , so

and, in particular,

It turns out that with addition and multiplication defined this way, satisfies the axioms for a field, and is called the field of complex numbers. If is a complex number, we call the real part of and write . Similarly, is called the imaginary part of and we write . If the imaginary part of a complex number is , the number is said to be real, and we write instead of . We thus identify with a subset (and, in fact, a subfield) of .

Going a bit further, we can introduce the important operation of complex conjugation. Given an arbitrary complex number , we define its complex conjugate to be . Using the identity we derive the important formula

and we define the modulus of a complex number z to be

Note that the modulus of a complex number is always a real number.

The modulus (also called absolute value) satisfies three important properties that are completely analogous to the properties of the absolute value of real numbers

  1. and if and only if

The last inequality is known as the triangle inequality.

Geometric Interpretation

Since a complex number corresponds (essentially by definition) to an ordered pair of real numbers , it can be interpreted as a point in the plane (i.e., . When complex numbers are represented as points in the plane, the resulting diagrams are known as Argand diagrams, after Robert Argand.

Algebraic Closure

An important property of is that it is algebraically closed. This means that any non-constant real polynomial must have a root in .

A Note on Notation

This article follows the usual convention in mathematics (and physics) of using as the imaginary unit. Complex numbers are frequently used in electrical engineering, but in that discipline it is usual to use instead, reserving for electrical current. This usage is found in some programming languages, notably Python.