Normal subgroup

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A subgroup H of a group G is termed normal if the following equivalent conditions are satisfied:

  1. Given any and , we have
  2. H occurs as the kernel of a homomorphism from G. In other words, there is a homomorphism such that the inverse image of the identity element of K is H.
  3. Every inner automorphism of G sends H to within itself
  4. Every inner automorphism of G restricts to an automorphism of H
  5. The left cosets and right cosets of H are always equal:

Some elementary examples and nonexamples

All subgroups in Abelian groups

In an Abelian group, every subgroup is normal. This is because if is an Abelian group, and , then .

More generally, any subgroup inside the center of a group is normal.

It is not, however, true that if every subgroup of a group is normal, then the group must be Abelian. A counterexample is the quaternion group.

All characteristic subgroups

A characteristic subgroup of a group is a subgroup which is invariant under all automorphisms of the whole group. Characteristic subgroups are normal, because normality requires invariance only under inner automorphisms, which are a particular kind of automorphism.

In particular, subgroups like the center, the commutator subgroup, the Frattini subgroup are examples of characteristic, and hence normal, subgroups.

A smallest non-example

The smallest example of a non-normal subgroup is a subgroup of order two in the symmetric group on three elements. Explicitly, we can take the cyclic subgroup of order two generated by the 2-cycle Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle (12)} in the symmetric group of permutations on symbols .

Quotient group

The quotient group of a group G by a normal subgroup N is defined as the set of (left or right) cosets:

with the the group operations

and the coset as identity element. It is easy to check that these define a group structure on the set of cosets and that the quotient map is a group homomorphism.

First Isomorphism Theorem

The First Isomorphism Theorem for groups states that if is a group homomorphism then the kernel of f, say K, is a normal subgroup of G, and the map f factors through the quotient map and an injective homomorphism i:

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