Talk:Test articleA/Draft

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Revision as of 11:39, 12 August 2007 by imported>Chris Day (→‎Discuss approval process)
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Test articleA

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Discuss approval process

A key question is whether a new article starts on the draft page or whether it starts on the article page. The idea would be that ONLY approved article reside in the main article space, all unapproved article would live in the draft space. See Japan for an example of that set up. The main article redirects to the draft version in this case. One disadvantage is that each new article needs to have a draft page and draft talk page set up as well as redirects being placed for the main article and its talk page. In addition to the three key pages (approval, metadata and unused subpages) that means at least seven pages need to be startted for a new article.

The alternative is to have it as in the Test article not approved version where the draft version does not exist until the article is approved. This is how we do it now. In addition to the three key pages (approval, metadata and unused subpages) that five pages need to be started for a new article.

Discuss categories

Are all the categories used useful, do we want to prune? For example we could cut the checklist series.

Discuss use of sub-subpages

The subpages template can be used on sub-subpages. At present we have it set up for the subpage Tables, Timelines and Signed Articles. Which other subpage topic might require this feature?

Discuss use of watchlist category

Is it useful to have a category with all a worgroups related pages that can be used similar to a watchlist in conjuntion with related changes?