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Revision as of 07:23, 22 November 2007 by imported>Jeffrey Scott Bernstein (answer)
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 Definition An elegantly-shaped bowed stringed instrument, a bit shorter than the player's arm; the main staple of classical orchestras. [d] [e]
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I haven't read through the whole thing, but speaking as a "mere" fiddle player, this looks like another great article, Jeff! When such a well-developed article appears after a single edit, however, I've got to ask: where did this come from? Were you working on it on your own computer, only to upload it all at once?

A few nits: spaces between the paragraphs need to be removed; and links need be added throughout. --Larry Sanger 06:13, 21 November 2007 (CST)

Thank you. I play the violin as well -- but not well, haha. Yes, when I write articles, I write the entire thing on my computer and then upload it all at once. It is easier for me this way, because as I write I keep going back and tweaking already written text as I continue to add new text; and this process is easiest if I write the entire thing on my own computer at first. This is how I wrote the long Shostakovich article, for example, as well.Jeffrey Scott Bernstein 07:23, 22 November 2007 (CST)