User:Milton Beychok/Sandbox

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Financial Report as of March 15, 2011

Total Donations as of March 15, 2011
Month Donations
November 2010 2,776.09
December 2010   934.33
January 2011   101.55
February 2011    48.41
March 2011    42.89
Total 3,903.27 

In October, 2010, when the Management Council (MC) came into being and began getting organized, it was found that there were no longer any funds available to us for paying the cost of hosting our services. That situation was explained in the announcement made in this forum posting on November 12, 2010. Therefore, the MC began a donation drive in early November.

As shown in the adjacent table, our total donations to date amount to $3,903.27, of which we have now spent $2,131.00 for having our servers hosted through April 22, 2011. Our current remaining funds amount to $1,772.27.

Since the current monthly cost for hosting our servers is $319.90, our current funds are sufficient to last us until September 22, 2011.

The MC is making every effort to find some university, or philanthropist or charitable non-profit organization to help us with free server facilities or with additional funds. However, we have had no success to date. It appears that, after September 22nd, we must continue to raise our own funds by donations.

After September 22nd, what we will urgently need is for a small number of our members to pledge monthly donations ranging from $11 per month to $17 per month, as shown just below:

20 members pledging $17.00 per month would raise $340.00 (which would be $323 after deducting PayPal's fee)
25 members pledging $13.50 per month would raise $337.50 (which would be $320 after deducting PayPal's fee)
30 members pledging $11.25 per month would raise $337.50 (which would be $320 after deducting PayPal's fee)