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Emoticons or "smilies", are textual context tools for indicating moods or expressions in email, irc, instant messenger, or other real-time chat communications. Their use is particularly helpful when trying to convey an idea by sarcasm, laughter, cynicism, or any other mood that relies on auditory voice inflextions to indicate their presence.
List of "basic" emoticons
Laughing: | :D , =D
Crying: | ;( , =`(
Smiling: (or happy) | :) , =) , :]
Surprised: | :O , :o , =O
Confused:(or tongue-tied) | :S , =S
Frowning, or sad: | :( , =(
Extremely sad: | :< , :[
Kisses: | :* , :-* , =*
Silent (or mute): | :# , =#
Sneaky/tricky (derived from anime as in the "sneaky cat" face): | :3 , =3
"Giving the raspberry": | :P , =P
Sarcastic or jokingly "giving the raspberry" | ;P , ;-P
Anger or disappointment: | >:( , >:|
Very angry: | >X-(
Advanced Emoticons
Big Cheesy Grin Smiley | {:-D
Don King | ===:-D