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Scholarly studies
- Baron, Hans. The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance: Civic Humanism and Republican Liberty in an Age of Classicism and Tyranny (2 vol 1955), highly influential, deep study of civic humanism (republicanism); 700 pp. excerpts and text search
- Bock, Gisela; Skinner, Quentin; and Viroli, Maurizio, ed. Machiavelli and Republicanism. (1990). 316 pp. excerpt and text search
- Bouwsma, William J. The Waning of the Renaissance: 1550-1640. (2001). 288 pp.
- Bouwsma, William J. The Waning of the Renaissance: 1550-1640. (2001). 288 pp.
- Brotton, Jerry. The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction (2006) excerpt and text search
- Brown, Meg Lota. Women's Roles in the Renaissance. (2005). 335 pp.
- Burckhardt, Jacob. The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860), a famous classic; excerpt and text search 2007 edition; also complete text online
- Burke, Peter. The European Renaissance: Centres and Peripheries. (1998). 284 pp.
- Cambridge Modern History, Vol. 1. The Renaissance (1903), older atticles by scholars complete text online
- Campbell, Gordon. The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance. (2003). 4000 entries in 862 pp.; online at OUP
- Connell, William J. Society and Individual in Renaissance Florence (20020 online edition
- Cook, James Wyatt. Encyclopedia of Renaissance Literature. (2005). 598 pp.
- Copenhaver, Brian P., and Charles B. Schmitt. Renaissance Philosophy (1992), 453pp online edition
- Crum, Roger J. and Paoletti, John T., eds. Renaissance Florence: A Social History. (2006). 674 pp.
- Fletcher, Stella. The Longman Companion to Renaissance Europe, 1390-1530. (2000). 347 pp.
- Frazier, Alison Knowles. Possible Lives: Authors and Saints in Renaissance Italy. (2005). 527 pp.
- Frommel, Christoph Luitpold. The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance. (2007). 224 pp
- Grendler, Paul F., ed. Encyclopedia of the Renaissance. (6 vol. 1999). 3000 pp.
- Grendler, Paul F., ed. The Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students. (2003). 970 pp.
- Hale, John. The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance. (1994). 648 pp. excerpt and text search
- Hall, Bert S. Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe: Gunpowder, Technology, and Tactics (2001) excerpt and text search
- Hartt, Frederick and Wilkins, David G. History of Italian Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture. (5th ed. 2003). 768 pp.
- Hattaway, Michael, ed. A Companion to English Renaissance Literature and Culture. (2000). 747 pp. * Holt, Mack P., ed. Renaissance and Reformation France, 1500-1648. (2002). 263 pp.
- Hay, Denys. The Italian Renaissance in Its Historical Background (1961) online edition
- Johnson, Paul. The Renaissance: A Short History. (2000). 197 pp. excerpt and text search
- Kelley, Donald R. Renaissance Humanism. (1991). 176 pp.
- King, Margaret L. Women of the Renaissance (1991) excerpt and text search
- Kinney, Arthur F., ed. A Companion to Renaissance Drama. (2002). 623 pp.
- Kittell, Ellen E. and Madden, Thomas F., eds. Medieval and Renaissance Venice. (1999). 345 pp.
- Kraye, Jill, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism. (1996). 320 pp.
- Kristeller, Paul Oskar, and Michael Mooney. Renaissance Thought and its Sources (1979) excerpt and text search
- Levi, Anthony. Renaissance and Reformation: The Intellectual Genesis. (2002). 483 pp.
- Mackenney, Richard. Renaissances: The Cultures of Italy, c. 1300-c. 1600. (2005). 302 pp.
- Najemy, John M. "Baron's Machiavelli and Renaissance Republicanism." American Historical Review 1996 101(1): 119-129. ISSN 0002-8762 Fulltext in Jstor.
- Nauert, Charles G. Historical Dictionary of the Renaissance. (2004). 541 pp.
- Ongaro, Julio. Music of the Renaissance. (2003). 202 pp.
- Panofsky, Erwin. Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art (1969) online edition
- Patrick, James A., ed. Renaissance and Reformation (5 vol 2007), 1584 pages; encyclopedia
- Perkins, Leeman L. Music in the Age of the Renaissance. (1998). 750 pp.
- Plumb, J. H. The Italian Renaissance (2001) excerpt and text search
- Pocock, J.G.A. The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition (1975; new ed. 2003), a highly influential study; excerpt and text search
- Rabb, Theodore K. The Last Days of the Renaissance and the Rise of Modernity. (2006). 272 pp. excerpt and text search
- Rabb, Theodore K. Renaissance Lives: Portraits of an Age. (1993). 257 pp. excerpt and text search
- Rowse, A. L. The Elizabethan Renaissance: The Life of the Society (2000) excerpt and text search
- Ruggiero, Guido, ed. A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance. (2002). 561 pp.
- Rundle, David, ed. The Hutchinson Encyclopedia of the Renaissance. (1999). 434 pp. online edition
- Skinner, Quentin. Visions of Politics. Vol. 2: Renaissance Virtues. (2002). 461 pp.
- Sider, Sandra. Handbook to Life in Renaissance Europe (2007) excerpt and text search
- Soergel, Philip M., ed. Arts & Humanities Through the Eras. Vol. 1: Renaissance Europe (1300-1600). (2005) 465 pp.
- Speake, Jennifer and Bergin, Thomas G., eds. Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation. (2004). 550 pp.
- Turner, Jane, ed. Encyclopedia of Italian Renaissance and Mannerist Art. (2 v. 2000), 1881 pp. excerpts from Grove's Dictionaries.
- Turner, Richard N. Renaissance Florence (2005) excerpt and text search
- Wightman, W. P. D. Science and the Renaissance - Vol. 1 (1962) online edition
- Bouwsma, William J. "The Renaissance and the Drama of Western History." American Historical Review 1979 84(1): 1-15. Issn: 0002-8762 in Jstor
- Copenhaver, Brian P. "Did Science Have a Renaissance?" Isis 1992 83(3): 387-407. Issn: 0021-1753 in Jstor
- Cochrane, Eric. Historians and Historiography in the Italian Renaissance. (1981). 640 pp.; covers writers who died before 1610
- Dannenfeldt, Karl H., ed. The Renaissance: Medieval or Modern? (1959), excerpts from scholars online edition
- Gatti, Hilary. "The State of Giordano Bruno Studies at the End of the Four-hundredth Centenary of the Philosopher's Death." Renaissance Quarterly 2001 54(1): 252-261. Issn: 0034-4338 Fulltext: in Jstor
- Gouwens, Kenneth; with Commentary by Bouwsma, William J.; Grafton, Anthony; and Starn, Randolph. "Perceiving the Past: Renaissance Humanism after the 'Cognitive Turn.'" American Historical Review 1998 103(1): 55-82. Issn: 0002-8762 in Jstor
- Helton, Tinseley, ed. The Renaissance: A Reconstruction of the Theories and Interpretations of the Age (1961)
- Hudson, Lorna, ed. Feminism and Renaissance Studies. (1999). 467 pp.
- Lamb, Mary Ellen. "Recent Studies in the English Renaissance." Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 2006 46(1): 195-252. Issn: 0039-3657. Covers literature
- Quint, David. "Recent Studies in the English Renaissance." Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 1998 38(1): 173-200. Issn: 0039-3657 in Jstor
- Martin, John Jeffries, ed. The Renaissance: Italy and Abroad, Rewriting Histories. (2002) 328 pp.
- Martin, John. "Inventing Sincerity, Refashioning Prudence: the Discovery of the Individual in Renaissance Europe." American Historical Review 1997 102(5): 1309-1342. Issn: 0002-8762 in Jstor
- Muir, Edward. "The Italian Renaissance in America." American Historical Review 1995 100(4): 1095-1118. Issn: 0002-8762 in Jstor
- Pocock, J. G. A. "The Machiavellian Moment Revisited: a Study in History and Ideology.: Journal of Modern History 1981 53(1): 49-72. ISSN 0022-2801 in Jstor.
- Snider, Alvin. "Recent Studies in the English Renaissance." Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 1999 39(1): 171-216. Reviews 109 books published 1996-98, categorizing them as early modern culture, writing women, Renaissance authors, religious identities, and the print and politics of prose. See Lamb (2006) for later books. Issn: 0039-3657; in Jstor
- Tollebeek, Jo. "'Renaissance' and 'Fossilization': Michelet, Burckhardt, and Huizinga." Renaissance Studies 2001 15(3): 354-366. Issn: 0269-1213, online
- Trinkaus, Charles. "Humanism, Religion, Society: Concepts and Motivations of Some Recent Studies." Renaissance Quarterly 1976 29(4): 676-713. Issn: 0034-4338 in Jstor
- Woolfson, Jonathan, ed. Palgrave Advances in Renaissance Historiography. (2005). 317 pp.
Primary sources
- Bondanella, Julia Conaway, and Mark Musa. The Italian Renaissance Reader (1987) excerpt and text search
- Elmer, Peter et al., eds. The Renaissance in Europe: An Anthology. (2000). 412 pp.
- Findlen, Paula, ed. The Italian Renaissance: The Essential Readings. (2002). 354 pp.
- Ross, James Bruce, and Mary M. McLaughlin, eds. The Portable Renaissance Reader (1977) excerpt and text search
- Whitlock, Keith, ed. The Renaissance in Europe: A Reader. (2000). 363 pp.