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Revision as of 13:44, 23 August 2008 by imported>Howard C. Berkowitz (Where to begin? Separate historical articles about LAN and shared medium theory and research?)
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 Definition An early proprietary standard for local area networks developed by IEEE Project 802; the term has become generic for various connectors and communications techniques although the name of a standard would be more precise. [d] [e]
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Bob Metcalfe / 3Com

Should this article dip into more details about the "discovery" (creation? :) of Ethernet, e.g. Bob Metcalfe, 3Com, et al, or just stick to technical topics? Eric M Gearhart 13:37, 23 August 2008 (CDT)

Good question. I'm struggling with what should and should not be called Ethernet, since the term is applied to almost everything. At Nortel, someone called a 4000-km unrepeatered optical link, for undersea use, "Ethernet" because the endpoints had RJ45 connectors.
If we go back to the original work, we really need to go before Ethernet into ALOHANET and the idea of CSMA/CD. Sooner or later, there needs to be the spectrum of collision detection & retry, collision avoidance through time slotting and token passing, etc.
For most of what I discuss here, 802.3 is more correct, but, even there, I quickly have to examine 802.2, and possibly 802.1q. Did you look at locality of networks, which addresses some of the problematic terminology? Howard C. Berkowitz 13:44, 23 August 2008 (CDT)