User talk:Caesar Schinas/Archive 3

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Caesar Schinas
Current Talk Page
Archives 1, 2, 3

Moved everything except conversations edited today to /Archive 2. 09:14, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Bot guidance

Hi Caesar,

I like [(Robot: Automated text replacement (-{{[Cc]reditline\|([^|]*)\|([^|]*)\| ?Paul Wormer ?}} +{{creditline|\1|\2}})) this sort of edit summary] and wish to encourage you to make this a habit. I am interested in learning to run bot scripts too (mainly for maintaining reference formatting) and would appreciate your guidance. Could you post one of your recent scripts somewhere, so that I can ask questions and comment? Thanks!


The scripts I use are all (so far) from the pywikipediabot library, normally either or
The command I used with the regex above was simply
python -pt:2 -start:Template:! -regex "{{[Cc]reditline\|([^|]*)\|([^|]*)\| ?Paul Wormer ?}}" "{{creditline|\1|\2}}" -summary:"Remove Paul's name as requested"
I too like the sort of edit summary you mention, which is the default edit summary for - but I usually change it to something like - in that example - "removing name from credit per author request" or some such, because I think most Citizens will understand that better. Perhaps I should still include the regex at the end somewhere. Or perhaps I'll create a page in my userspace which lists all the command I use; what do you think of that idea?
Caesar Schinas 06:38, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Daniel, see User:Caesar_Schinas/bot-recent. Caesar Schinas 07:58, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Cool, thanks! --Daniel Mietchen 14:20, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Upload menu

I looked at your upload menu. I don't want to pretend to know about GUI's, yet I like to remark that—just like the old menu—the menu deviates much from what one is used to elsewhere on the internet. More familiar would be four tabs (copyright owner, not copyright owner, advanced, help) with drop-down menus that give the choices. Do the colors of the big squares in the menu, as it is now, have any meaning, or is it just a matter of aesthetics? --Paul Wormer 08:52, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

It's very difficult (or even impossible) to create any form of interactive interface like that on MediaWiki.
The only way I can see to further simplify this would be to have the first page ask just one simple question - "Do you own the copyright? (y/n)", and then have further questions after clicking yes or no. And so on. But this level of "simplification" would introduce a lot of extra steps, which I think would make the wizard less usable.
The colours do have a meaning; they refer loosely to the amount of freedom - green = high free, yellow = low free, red = not free. This colour scheme is already used at later stages in the process; I just brought it forward because I think that it is clearer if the buttons aren't all the same colour.
But it may be that this use of these colours will only serve to complicate matters... what do you think?
Caesar Schinas 08:59, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
what one is used to elsewhere on the internet — can you give me an example (other than Wikimedia)? I would be interested to see an existing upload wizard. Caesar Schinas 09:00, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
See also User:Caesar Schinas/Upload2 for a wizard with a highly-simplified first step... next steps not completed yet.

I revised CZ:Article of the Week...

I just revised the CZ:Article of the Week to provide a place (and instructions) for any CZ author or editor to simply add the names of new nominees.

I did NOT make any revisions to the transcluded versions of the articles that were added by Daniel Mietchen, Caesar Chinas or myself. All I did was provide a new section where anyone can simply add new nominees without having to transclude them.

I also reworded some section headers (and relocated one section) to make clear that Administrators of the "Article of the Week" initiative would do the transclusions.

I did that because I felt many authors and editors would be reluctant to make nominations if they had to do the transclusion themselves.

Caesar, would you review what I have done in detail and make any changes you deem necessary? If what I have done is acceptable to everyone, I will also revise CZ:New Draft of the Week similarly. Milton Beychok 23:31, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

It looks a bit cluttered at the moment, but I like the concept (assumeing that we are going to continue to use the transclusion system, that is). Caesar Schinas 07:00, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

Bot to populate Related Articles subpages

I am wondering whether you (or I, if you help me) could run a script that does the following:

  1. search for CZ:Clusters that do not have a Related Articles subpage
  2. populate the "other related topics" section of this page with anything that links to that cluster from main space
  3. add a note on top of the page that the content was bot-generated and would need human intervention

I think this would greatly facilitate navigation on the site, since we have many articles that are not put in context this way yet.

What's your take on that? --Daniel Mietchen 11:38, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

Well, that would obviously requite the creation of a custom script rather than a standard one, but it doesn't sound too complex. The only problem I can see is that it would rely on Special:WhatLinksHere, which is often considerably out of date due to the fact that the job queue doesn't run quickly enough. (Actually, the job queue is "only" 980 at present...)
I'll see what I can do when I have time. Caesar Schinas 15:45, 11 June 2009 (UTC)
OK, thanks. I suppose it makes sense to run the script in a regular fashion (once per week or so), and then the little time lag at Special:WhatLinksHere doesn't really matter. --Daniel Mietchen 18:37, 11 June 2009 (UTC)
Well, if it only operates on articles which don't already have related articles pages, then all that will matter is the length of the job queue when the bot is run. But fortunately, most changes to links will take effect immediately; the job queue is mostly template transclusions and categories.
But another thing - are all articles linking to an article necessarily related to it, anyway?
Caesar Schinas
No, they are not, but deleting them by hand is easier than putting them in. To avoid confusion, we might use a separate section "Bot suggestions" instead of the existing "Other related" one. --Daniel Mietchen 10:26, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
Yes, that's a good idea.
Of course, an alternative would just be to make the Related Articales link redirect to Special:WhatLinksHere for pages with no RA subage.
Caesar Schinas 10:34, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
I do not see this as a viable alternative, as it leaves way more manual work to do than a section with {{r}}-preformatted entries which simply have to be cut-and-pasted into the other sections (or deleted). --Daniel Mietchen 11:14, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
Yes, that's true. Caesar Schinas 11:20, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

I just can't resist!

You've been a real busy boty recently. (:>) Milton Beychok 21:24, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

 :-D Caesar Schinas 07:31, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

Another for your 'to do' list

Since you are a whizz with bots, it would be nice to have one do the donkey work of enforcing Editorial Council Resolution 0012 - the one that created 'inactive editor' categories for editors who have not made an edit in 3 months, or 500+ in the past year. I have done a few of these but it's hard work. :) Thanks. John Stephenson 10:15, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

Best seen in conjunction with the list of active editors. --Daniel Mietchen 10:24, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
I presume that the bot which Jitse used to generate that page would require very little modification to do what John is suggesting. Perhaps we should ask him for the code, rather than start from scratch, even if doing so would be fairly simple. Caesar Schinas 10:33, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
Like Daniel's suggestion above, this will require a custom bot - but again, not a complex one. I'll try and find time some time to do both...
Both of these are actually bots which could/should be run automatically every certain period of time. I wonder whether bots like this can be installed onto CZ's servers?
Caesar Schinas 10:30, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

How to use CZ images in a PHP online discussion forum?

I want to use one of my CZ images, Image:Refinery Products Barrel.png, in an online PHP forum (which uses BB markup code]). When I use


it isn't accepted, even when the spaces are converted to %20 .... I think the problem is the colon in the image name. I also tried removing the Image: and using


and that also didn't work.

What can I do, if anything, to make the image display in my posting in the online forum? Thanks in advance, Milton Beychok 19:09, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

The problem is that the URL you're using isn't actually the URL of the image; it's the URL of the CZ page for the image. To get teh URL of the image, go to the CZ Image page, Image:Refinery Products Barrel.png, and click on the preview image. This will take you to the image itself, and you can then copy its URL, which in this case is
So the code you want is [img][/img].
Is this for the CZ forum, or another? (I don't know if "hotlinking" CZ images from other websites is allowed - most/many site owners try to prevent this, since it uses their bandwidth with no benefit to them/their site.)
Caesar Schinas 06:59, 13 June 2009 (UTC)
Thanks, Caesar, that did the trick. The image was for an article I wrote in an on-line chemical engineering discussion forum that welcomes articles and images.
By the way, I just sold the first PDF e-book version of my book to a post-grad student in Ireland ... it went smoothly and he seems quite satisfied with the transaction. Regards, Milton Beychok 17:41, 13 June 2009 (UTC)
Congratulations! But did you manage to solve the thing about changing the link each time?
When I mentioned hotlinking, I didn't mean the owners of the other website would mind; I meant that it uses CZ's bandwidth with no benefit to CZ. But I don't suppose it matters much for just a few images. Caesar Schinas 08:09, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Major Facepalm

I found an easier way. Check out my Sandbox, Sandbox3, and Sandbox2. Yes they are in that order for a reason. Of course, this only encompases one unit of measurement, but it can be adapted as needed. Now to delete all those useless convert templates.Drew R. Smith 07:51, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Wow, that code is hard to follow... I can't work out what a lot of it does. But if it works without all those other templates, great! Well done! :-D
Alot of it is beyond me as well. I asked for help at wikipedia, since I only have a limited understanding of the syntax and they pointed me to some other templates.Drew R. Smith 08:22, 14 June 2009 (UTC)
But what do you mean about only encompassing one unit of measurement? I mean, surely for just one conversion, you could do something like (for inches to cm) {{#expr:{{{in}}}*2.54}} rather than all that code... or am I completely misunderstanding what all that code does?
I'm not sure exactly why, but #exper always seems to give an error on CZ. Perhaps CZ doesn't have the same version of wiki sofware that WP does?Drew R. Smith 08:22, 14 June 2009 (UTC)
It seems to work fine for me - for example, {{#expr:12*2.54}} gives 30.48. Caesar Schinas 08:55, 14 June 2009 (UTC)
By the way, I notice you just created Template:Intricate_template - two things. Firstly, I had been going to integrate this concept into Template:TlDoc, since it is used on most templates anyway, so that on complex templates we could just use the code {{TlDoc|complex}}, or similar. Secondly, even if it is going to be a standalone template, it should be called {{TlComplex}} or similar, as this is how all (or most) of our other meta-templates are named at present.
Ok, I can move these over there if you want. Is there a specific way you want it done, or just "use your best judgement"?Drew R. Smith 08:22, 14 June 2009 (UTC)
I've just im[plemented what I suggested with {{TlDoc}}. Unless you can see anything wrong with it, I'd say just speedydelete the new ones and use {{TlDoc|complex}} instead. Caesar Schinas 08:55, 14 June 2009 (UTC)
Caesar Schinas 08:06, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Ok, that looks great. I'll speedy the old one. Do you mind if I add an icon to it, or are there rules against that?Drew R. Smith 09:40, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Well, we don't have icons on any of our other meta-templates at present, and I would be against the idea unless there's a good reason, but I don't think there are actually any rules about this.
I note that the icons which you have uploaded so far are low-quality copies of Wikimedia icons - if you are going to use these, it would be better to upload higher-quality versions. (CZ doesn't accept SVG, unfortunately, but high quality PNG versions of SVG icons at Wikimedia projects can be easily downloaded.) Caesar Schinas 09:45, 14 June 2009 (UTC)