User:Daniel Mietchen/Basic words

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a, act, activity, age, air, am, amount, answer, anything, apple, area, arm, army, art, attack, aunt, autumn,


baby, back, bag, ball, bank, base, basket, bath, bean, bear, bed, bedroom beer, begin, bell, bird, birth, birthday, bit, bite, block, blood, blow, blue, board, boat, body, bone, book, border, bottle, bottom, bowl, box, boy, branch, bread, break, breakfast, bridge, brother, brown, brush, business, bus,


cake, call, can, candle, cap, car, card, care, case, cat, catch, central, century, chair, chance, change, chase, cheese, chicken, child, children, chocolate, choice, circle, city, class, clock, cloth, clothes, cloud, coffee, coat, coin, cold, colour, comb, computer, condition, continue, control, cook, copper, corn, corner, cost, count, country, course, cover, crash, cross, cry, cup, cupboard, cut.


dance, danger, daughter, day, dead, deer, desk, dinner, direction, dish, direction, dog, door, double, down, draw, dream, dress, drink, drive, drop, duck, dust, duty.


ear, earth, east, education, effect, egg, eight, elephant, end, enemy, enter, equal, entrance, escape, evening, event, everyone, everybody, examination, example, exercise, eye.


face, fact, fall, family, farm, father, fat, fault, fear, feed, female, fever, fight, fill, film, fine, finger, finish, fire, first, fish, fit, five, fix, flag, flat, float, floor, flour, flower, fly, fold, food, fool, foot, football, force, forest, fork, form, fox, four, freedom, freeze, friend, front, fruit, fun, furniture, future.


game, garden, gate, general, gentleman, get, gift, glass, go, goat, god, gold, good, goodbye, grandfather, grandmother, grass, grave, green, grey, ground, group, gun.


hair, half, hall, hammer, hand, hard, hat, hate, he, head, heart, heaven, height, hello, help, hen, her, hers, hide, high, hill, him, his, hit, hobby, hold, hole, holiday, home, hope, horse, hospital, hotel, house, hundred, hour, husband,


I, ice, idea, if, in, increase, inside, introduce, invent, iron, invite, island, it, its.


jelly, job, juice, jump, just.


keep, key, kill, kind, king, kitchen, knee, knife, knock,


ladder, lady, lamp, land, laugh, lead, leaf, leg, left, length, lesson, letter, library, lie, life, light, like, lion, lip, list, listen, live, lock, look, love, luck.


machine, main, male, man, map, mark, market, matter, me, meal, mean, measure, meat, medicine, member, mention, method, middle, milk, million, mind, minute, miss, mistake, mix, model, moment, money, monkey, month, moon, more, morning, mother, mountain, mouth, move, music, my.


name, nation, nature, neck, need, needle, neighbour, net, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, nine, no, noble, noise, nor, north, nose, not, nothing, notice, number.


object, ocean, off, offer, office, oil, old, one, open, opposite, or, orange, order, our, out, outside, own.


page, pain, paint, pair, pan, paper, parent, park, part, partner, party, pass, past, path, pay, peace, pen, pencil, people, pepper, perfect, period, person, petrol, photograph, piano, pick, picture, piece, pig, pin, pink, place, plane, plant, plastic, plate, play, please, pocket, point, poison, police, pool, position, potato, power, present, press, price, prince, prison, private, prize, problem, produce, promise, public, pull, pupil, push, put.


queen, question,


radio, rain, rainy, raise, reach, read, ready, real, really, receive, record, red, remember, remind, remove, rent, repair, repeat, reply, report, rest, restaurant, result, return, rice, rich, ride, right, ring, rise, road, rob, rock, room, round, rubber, rude, rule, ruler, run, rush.


sad, safe, sail, salt, same, sand, save, say, school, science, scissors, search, seat, second, see, seem, sellsend, sentence, serve, seven, several, sex, shade, shadow, shake, shape, share, sharp, she, sheep, sheet, shelf, shine, ship, shirt, shoe, shoot, shop, short, should, shoulder, shout, show, sick, side, signal, silence, silly, silver, similar, simple, single, since, sing, sink, sister, sit, six, size, skill, skin, skirt, sky, sleep, slip, slow, small, smell, smile, smoke, snow, so, soap, sock, soft, some, someone, something, sometimes, son, soon, sorry, sound, soup, south, space, speak, special, speed, spell, spend, spoon, sport, spread, spring, square, stamp, stand, star, start, station, stay, steal, steam, step, still, stomach, stone, stop, store, storm, story, strange, street, strong, structure, student, study, stupid, subject, substance, successful, such, sudden, sugar, suitable, summer, sun, sunny, support, sure, surprise, sweet, swim, sword.



table, take, talk, tall, taste, taxi, tea, teach, team, tear, telephone, television, tell, ten, tennis, terrible, test, than, that, the, their, then, there, therefore, these, thick, thin, thing, think, third, this, though, threat, three, tidy, tie, title, to, today, toe, together, tomorrow, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, total, touch, town, train, tram, travel, tree, trouble, true, trust, twice, try, turn, type.


ugly, uncle, under, understand, unit, until, up, use, useful, usual, usually.


vegetable, very, village, voice, visit.


wait, wake, walk, want, warm, was, wash, waste, watch, water, way, we, weak, wear, weather, wedding, week, weight, welcome, were, well, west, wet, what, wheel, when, where, which, while, white, who, why, wide, wife, wild, will, win, wind, window, wine, winter, wire, wise, wish, with, without, woman, wonder, word, work, world, worry.


yard, yell, yesterday, yet, you, young, your.


zero, zoo.