User:Rebecca E. Harvey/Defined benefit pension plan

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A defined benefit pension plan is a type of retirement plan in which an employer allocates specific amounts of money for participating, vested employees in a tax deferred account.[1] The plan is "defined" because the formula for calculating the amount contributed by an employer is known in advance. Differing from a defined contribution plan, the benefits a retiree receives from a defined benefit plan (commonly referred to as a DB plan) are not dependent on the success or failure of the portfolio in which the employer's contributions are invested.[2] This distinction places the entire liability of economic market fluctuations and the particular portfolio's performance on the employer (or the plan sponsor). The benefit a participating employee (or a participant) will receive is traditionally calculated based on length of employment and terminal wages.[3] In some instances, the management level of a participant will also factor into the calculation. Because of the plan's tax-deferred status, there are restrictions on how early benefits can be received.[3] The academic study of retirement is in the field of financial economics.

Calculation of defined benefit pension plans

Types of defined benefit plans


Flat benefit plan

Unit benefit plan

Variable benefit plan

Qualified plan

Non-qualified plan

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Types of payouts available

Management of defined benefit plans

Federal retirement laws

Investment strategies



Although the performance of the pension's portfolio does not affect payments made to retirees, some critics of defined benefit plans argue that participants should have a higher degree of control over the investments.[5] The most common argument for this is that participants can't invest more in their plans if they want to. If a DB participant desires a higher post-retirement payout, he or she must take out a separate IRA or 401(k), if available.

Defined benefit plans also traditionally have no adjustments for inflation post-retirement.[5] If a retiree is receiving $400 per month for the rest of their life, this amount will not increase even if the price index doubles, reducing the real value of the $400.

Related pension plans

Cash Balance Plan

Money Purchase Plan


Notes and links

Related articles

Further reading

Selected external links