
This is a selection. See the politics wrorkgroup for a complete list.
- Administrative law - - John Quincy Adams - - African Union - - American conservatism - - American progressivism - - The Arab League - Arab Spring - - Aristocracy - - Herbert Henry Asquith - - Clement Atlee - - Aung San Suu Kyi -
- Jeremy Bentham - - Joe Biden - - Tony Blair - - Gordon Brown - - William Jennings Bryan - - Zbigniew Brzezinski - - Edmund Burke - - George H. W. Bush - - George W. Bush -
- James Callaghan - - David Cameron - - Jimmy Carter - - Neville Chamberlain - - Winston Churchill - Bill Clinton -- - Common law - - Community - - Congresses of the United States - - Conservatism - Conservative Party (UK) - - Competition policy - - Calvin Coolidge - - Corporation - - Oliver Cromwell - - Country - - Civil law -
- Democracy - - Diplomacy - - Dominionism - - Anthony Eden - - Dwight D. Eisenhower - - The Enlightenment - - European Union - - Eurozone - - Fascism - - Financial regulation - - Fiscal policy - - Benjamin Franklin - - Muammar Gaddafi - - David Lloyd George - - Mikhail Gorbachev - - Grand strategy -
- History of political thought - - Adolf Hitler - - Thomas Hobbes - House of Commons (United Kingdom) - - House of Commons (United Kingdom) - - House of Lords - - Identity politics - International Court of Justice - - International Monetary Fund - - Islamist -
- Jacksonian American nationalism - - Thomas Jefferson - - Lyndon B. Johnson - - Hamid Karzai - - Edward Kennedy - - John F. Kennedy - - Keynesianism - - Henry Kissinger - - Labour Party (UK) - - Osama bin Laden - - Liberalism - - Libertarianism -
- Harold Macmillan - - James Madison - - Magna Carta - - George C. Marshall - Marxist-Leninism - - Angela Merkel - - John Stuart Mill - - Monarchy - - Monetarism - - Monetary policy - - James Monroe - - Robert Mugabe - - Napoleon - - National Socialism - - Neoconservatism - - Richard Nixon - - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - - Barack Obama - - Oligarchy -
- Paleoconservatism - - Thomas Paine - - Party system - - Pericles - - Political philosophy - - Prisoner's dilemma - - Public expenditure - - Vladimir Putin - - John Rawls - - Ronald Reagan - - Realism (foreign policy)- - Republic - - Dean Rusk - - Nicolas Sarkozy - - Sharia - Social contract - - Social democracy - - Socialism - - Taxation - - Terrorism - - Margaret Thatcher - - Alexis de Tocqueville - - Totalitarianism - - Harry S. Truman -
- United Nations - - U.S. House of Representatives - - U.S. foreign policy - - War - - George Washington - - Washington Consensus - - Westminster system - - Wiederbewaffnung - - Wilsonianism - - World Bank -