The Secret Lovers

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The front cover of a paperback edition, probably from 1977.

The Secret Lovers, published by E.P. Dutton in 1977, was the third of seven novels by the American novelist Charles McCarry to feature an American intelligence agent named Paul Christopher. It takes place in 1960 and '61, a year after the events in the first Christopher novel, The Miernik Dossier, and three years before the beginning of The Tears of Autumn, which was actually the second book McCarry wrote about Christopher. The word secret in the title is first understood by the reader to be a noun rather than an adjective—at one point the cool, distant Christopher tries to explain his remoteness to his beautiful young wife, "I love secrets, we all do. That's why we do the work.... I put my emotions aside.... I couldn't do the job if I let myself go free." [1] As the book progresses, however....

Recurring characters

In most of McCarry's novels, both those about Christopher and those about his cousins the Hubbards, there are characters who turn up in more than one of the books. In The Secret Lovers we have Paul Christopher, who had been in two earlier books, and the first appearance of his wife, Cathy, as well David Patchen, a Harvard roommate, fellow soldier in World War II, and colleague in their intelligence agency. Barney Wolkowicz, who will have important roles in Christopher's future, is chief of the Berlin station here.


  1. The Secret Lovers, Charles McCarry, Fawcett Crest paperback edition, New York, undated, page 74