Georgette Heyer/Works

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A list of some works of Georgette Heyer.

Novels set in the Georgian period

No. Title Year Plot summary  Notes  
1 The Black Moth 1921      
2 The Transformation of Philip Jettan 1923   later republished as "Powder and Patch"  
3 These Old Shades 1926      
4 The Masqueraders 1928      
5 Devil's Cub 1932   shares some characters with "These Old Shades"  
6 The Convenient Marriage 1934      
7 The Talisman Ring 1936      
8 Faro's Daughter 1941      

Novels set in the Regency period

No. Title Year Plot summary  Notes  
1 Regency Buck 1935      
2 title date      
3 title date      
4 title date      
5 title date      
6 title date      
7 title date      
8 title date      
9 Regency Buck 1935      
10 title date      
11 title date      
12 title date      
13 title date      
14 title date      
15 title date      
16 title date      
17 Regency Buck 1935      
18 title date      
19 A Civil Contract 1961 A modest nobleman, whose deceased father bankrupted the estate, becomes guardian to three younger siblings. Forced to break a betrothal to a beautiful noblewoman, he allows the lady's father to introduce him to a wealthy merchant who aspires to a noble husband for his daughter. With full awareness by all parties, the arranged marriage is quickly accomplished. How will the new couple fare when their lives continue to intersect with that of the husband's erstwhile fiancee?    
20 title date      
21 title date      
22 Frederica 1965 A wealthy bachelor's affluent sisters, whom he dislikes, lobby him to give a ball at his own expense for their daughters' come-out. A distant cousin also asks him to introduce her attractive younger sister to the ton. To the astonishment of all, he agrees to give the ball on condition that his encroaching sisters share it with their unknown cousins. His sisters assume he must be under the spell of the beautiful younger cousin, whereas it is the seemingly unremarkable older cousin, encumbered with raising her three orphaned younger siblings and managing a neglectful older brother, who has caught his carefully concealed interest.    
23 title date      
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26 title date