User:ElectionJune2014/Nominations/Managing Editor/Anthony Sebastian

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.


If you vote for me for Managing Editor for a second term, you vote for someone who has not failed in achieving his goals a hundred times, but someone who has learned a hundred different ways not to accomplish them.

But all has not been a failure. We managed to overcome the crisis in our finances at the beginning of the summer of 2012. The response to our call for donations was extremely satisfying and enabling.

Citizen Darren Duncan has agreed to do the work of transferring our software from a three server hosting configuration to a one server configuration, reducing our costs for hosting from $320 a month to $100 a month. As he works on the project, Darren has been paying out-of-pocket $320 a month for the three servers until the project is completed, which means that the citizenry need only come up with $100 a month to keep us online.

We now have a mechanism for acknowledging our donors and contributors to the wiki, but I must admit that I have been having a hard time in finding time to keep up with it. It is important, and I can only say that I will try to do better. Perhaps someone will volunteer to help out.

I was happy to have had a hand in advancing John Stephenson as Constable and general Citizendium infrastructure commander. John has been doing a great job in making Citizendium into a highly professional organization. He has done a splendid job as Citizendium’s public relations activist, giving us presence on Facebook, and Twitter, and Google+.

I have many people to thank for helping me do my job, too many to mention all of their names. I will mention in particular John Stephenson, Hayford Peirce, Matt Innis, Aleksander Stos, and the members of the Transitional Citizendium Council. Peter Jackson and Sandy Harris have kept me on my toes. I miss Nick Gardner. John R. Brews has taught me a lot about collaborative writing.

We still have much work to do. To build our user base. To expand out-of-the-box of pure online encyclopedia articles. To amend our article approval process. To find a sponsor and/or partner.

Working as Managing Editor has meant for me less time for content contributions to Citizendium. I miss the writing work. But I would miss more not having the Citizendium as a place to write. So I will work passionately to make it so. If I am not reelected you can count on to be an active content contributor, submitting many new articles and editing and finishing up many already started. Anthony.Sebastian 01:01, 11 June 2014 (UTC)