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 Definition A word game updated daily by the New York Times in which players have six attempts to guess a five letter word [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Games [Categories OK]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Playing the game

I used to play this every day when it began but I lost sight of it for a long time and then started again in January when I saw a news piece about it. I can sometimes get the word in about four goes but I've lost a few times when four letters are in place and the fifth could be any of several options. I remember one time I had got GRA(t)E after three goes but still lost because I had to choose from C, D, P, V, Z, and couldn't pick the right one! My current streak is, er, well, five. John (talk) 04:40, 22 March 2024 (CDT)

I know exactly what you mean! Yesterday's was just like that, and all of my friends and I had the same black box running down our little results chart as we tried to figure out which consonant it was. Somehow the correct letter is always the last one I try. E. J. Diamond (talk) 05:36, 22 March 2024 (CDT)