French support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about French support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war.
See also changes related to French support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, or pages that link to French support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war or to this page or whose text contains "French support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war".

Parent topics

  • Iran [r]: Country in the Middle East. [e]
  • Iraq [r]: Country in the Middle East which has borders with Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Jordan and Turkey. [e]
  • Iran-Iraq War [r]: War between Iran and Iraq, 1980-1988, with very high casualties on both sides, but an inconclusive result [e]
  • Economic warfare [r]: The use of principally non-military methods to impose national policy, when those methods deal in the broad sense of economics, such as embargoes, freezing assets, and buying up raw materials. It may be complemented by military means such as intercepting supply shipments or attacking factories. [e]


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