Ainu people/Gallery

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A collection of images about Ainu people.
Ainu gallery
A cise is a traditional Ainu dwelling, with a thatched roof and entranceway separate from the main interior space. These replicas can be seen at Nibutani, an Ainu-majority village in Hokkaido.
(CC) Photo: John Stephenson
A cise is a traditional Ainu dwelling, with a thatched roof and entranceway separate from the main interior space. These replicas can be seen at Nibutani, an Ainu-majority village in Hokkaido.
The interior of this replica Ainu dwelling shows where food was prepared. In the background is a special opening that acted as a separate entrance for Ainu spirits.
(CC) Photo: John Stephenson
The interior of this replica Ainu dwelling shows where food was prepared. In the background is a special opening that acted as a separate entrance for Ainu spirits.
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