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A list of key readings about Gunpowder.
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  • Buchanan, Brenda J. ed. Gunpowder: The History of an International Technology, (1996) 430pp excerpt and text search
  • Cocroft, Wayne. Dangerous Energy: The Archaeology of Gunpowder and Military Explosives (2000) 222 pages
  • Cook Jr., Weston F. The Hundred Years War for Morocco: Gunpowder and the Military Revolution in the Early Modern Muslim World, (1994) online edition
  • DeVries, Kelly. Guns and Men in Medieval Europe, 1200-1500 (2002)
  • Guilmartin, John F., Jr. "The Earliest Shipboard Gunpowder Ordnanace: an Analysis of its Technical Parameters and Tactical Capabilities." Journal of Military History 2007 71(3): 649-669. Issn: 0899-3718 Fulltext: Ebsco, focus on 14-16th century naval uses
  • Guilmartin, John F., Jr. Gunpowder and Galleys: Changing Technology and Mediterranean Warfare at Sea in the 16th Century (2nd ed. 2003).
  • Hall, Bert S. Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe: Gunpowder, Technology, and Tactics (1997) 300pp
    • Hall, Bert. "Black Powder in the Fifteenth Century," in Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe (1997).
  • Kelly, Jack. Gunpowder: Alchemy, Bombards, and Pyrotechnics: The History of the Explosive that Changed the World. (2004). 288 pp. excerpt and text search
  • McNeil, William. "The Gunpowder Revolution." MHQ: the Quarterly Journal of Military History 1990 3(1): 8-17. Issn: 1040-5992
  • McNeil, William. The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Forces and Society since 1000 AD (1982), has a great deal on gunpowder's role
  • Mauskopf, Seymour H. "Gunpowder and the Chemical Revolution." Osiris 1988 4: 93-118. Issn: 0369-7827 Fulltext: in Jstor
  • Mauskopf, Seymour H. "Chemistry and Cannon: J.-L. Proust and Gunpowder Analysis," Technology and Culture, Vol. 31, No. 3 (Jul., 1990), pp. 398-426 in JSTOR
  • Needham, Joseph and Ho, Ping-yü. Science and Civilization in China. Vol. 5: Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Part 7: Military Technology: The Gunpowder Epic. (1986). 703 pp.
  • Norris, John. Early Gunpowder Artillery: C.1300-1600 (2003) 144 pages
  • Partington, J. R. A History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder (1960, reprinted 1999) 420pp; standard history, but weak on Arabic and Chinese uses