Social class/Bibliography
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- Louise Archer et al. Higher Education and Social Class: Issues of Exclusion and Inclusion , 2003
- Leonard Beeghley. Structure of Social Stratification in the United States, (5th ed. 2007)
- Daniel Bertaux and Paul Thompson; Pathways to Social Class: A Qualitative Approach to Social Mobility, (1997) online edition
- Thomas N. Bisson; Cultures of Power: Lordship, Status, and Process in Twelfth-Century Europe 1995
- Peter Blau and Otis D. Duncan, The American Occupational Structure (1967) classic study of structure and mobility
- Brady, David "Rethinking the Sociological Measurement of Poverty" Social Forces 81#3 2003, pp. 715-751; in Project Muse. * Leonard Broom and F. Lancaster Jones, Opportunity and Attainment in Australia (1977)
- Lizabeth Cohen. Consumer's Republic, (2003), Historical analysis of the expression through consumer goods of class in the United States.
- Gary Day, Class (2001)
- Eichar, Douglas M. Occupation and Class Consciousness in America Greenwood Press, 1989 online edition
- Rick Fantasia, Rhonda F. Levine, Scott G. McNall, eds. Bringing Class Back in: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives 1991 online edition
- David L. Featherman and Robert M. Hauser, Opportunity and Change (1978). major sociology study of US; heavily statistical
- Paul Fussell Class: a painfully accurate guide through the American status system, 1983.
- John Goldthorpe and Robert Erikson, The Constant Flux: A Study of Class Mobility in Industrial Society (1992)
- David B Grusky. ed. Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (2001) collection of scholarly articles
- David B Grusky. Social Stratification in Sociological Perspective: Class, Race, and Gender, (2007)
- Lawrence E. Hazelrigg and Joseph Lopreato; Class, Conflict, and Mobility: Theories and Studies of Class Structure 1972. online edition
- Helmut Kaeble, Social Mobility in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective (1985)
- Alan Kerckhoff, ed. Generating Social Stratification (2nd ed. 2005)
- Pat Mahony and Christine Zmroczek; Class Matters: 'Working-Class' Women's Perspectives on Social Class, (1997) online edition
- John M. Merriman; Consciousness and Class Experience in Nineteenth-Century Europe, (1979) online edition
- Susan A. Ostrander; Women of the Upper Class, 1984 online edition
- Ramaswami Mahalingam; "Essentialism, Culture, and Power: Representations of Social Class" Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 59, 2003 pp 733+ on India
- Jeff Manza and Clem Brooks; Social Cleavages and Political Change: Voter Alignments and U.S. Party Coalitions Oxford University Press, 1999 online edition
- Jeff Manza; "Political Sociological Models of the U.S. New Deal" Annual Review of Sociology, 2000 pp 297+ online edition
- Jeff Manza, Michael Hout, and Clem Brooks; "Class Voting in Capitalist Democracies since World War II: Dealignment, Realignment, or Trendless Fluctuation?" Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 21, 1995
- Marmot, Michael. The Status Syndrome: How Social Standing Affects Our Health and Longevity (2004) excerpt and text search
- Marx, Karl, and Frederick Engels, The Communist Manifesto, (1848). (A famous statement of class conflict as the driver of historical change.)
- Owensby, Brian P. Intimate Ironies: Modernity and the Making of Middle-Class Lives in Brazil (1999) online edition
- Pakulski, Jan , and Malcolm Waters, The Death of Class, (1996). rejection of the relevance of class for modern societies excerpt and text search
- Payne, Geoff. The Social Mobility of Women: Beyond Male Mobility Models (1990) excerpt and text search
- Savage, Mike. Class Analysis and Social Transformation, (2000) excerpt and text search
- G. de Ste Croix, "Class in Marx's Conception of History, Ancient and Modern", New Left Review, no. 146, 1984, pp. 94-111
- Sennett, Richard. and Jonathan Cobb, The Hidden Injuries of Class (1972), classic study of the subjective experience of class; excerpt and text search
- Siegelbaum, Lewis H., and Ronald Grigor Suny, eds. Making Workers Soviet: Power, Class, and Identity. 1994. Russia 1870 - 1940
- Sorokin, Pitrim. Social and Cultural Mobility (1927) useful survey of European and American scholarship to mid-1920s online edition
- Walkowitz, Daniel J. Working with Class: Social Workers and the Politics of Middle-Class Identity 1999 online edition
- Warner, W. Lloyd et al. Social Class in America: A Manual of Procedure for the Measurement of Social Status 1949. online edition
- Weber, Max. "Class, Status and Party", in Hans Gerth, and C. Wright Mills, From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, 1958. (Weber's key statement of the multiple nature of stratification.)
- Wouters; Cas. "The Integration of Social Classes." Journal of Social History. 29#1 1995. pp 107+. on social manners online edition
- Wright, Erik Olin. The Debate on Classes (1990), neo-Marxist excerpt and text search
- Wright, Erik Olin. Class Counts: Comparative Studies in Class Analysis (Cambridge University Press, 1997) online edition
- Wright, Erik Olin, ed. Approaches to Class Analysis (2005)scholarly articles
- Zmroczek, Christine, and Pat Mahony, eds. Women and Social Class: International Feminist Perspectives. 1999 online edition