Talk:Smoke Signals (film)

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 Definition A 1998 Canadian-American film about a troubled father-son relationship on Idaho's Coeur D'Alene Reservation. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Visual Arts [Editors asked to check categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Worth adding?

Adam Beach told about being excited about getting a call from Producers, who said they liked his performance in this film, and wanted to call him in because they were considering casting him in a similar role.

However, before his actual interview, he realizes they have confused him with his co-actor, the glasses wearing nerdie character.

Instead of correcting them, he went and bought himself a pair of glasses.

Should I keep my eyes peeled for this interview?

Cheers! George Swan (talk) 09:33, 23 March 2022 (CDT)