Talk:Therese Neumann

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 Definition (1898-1962) Catholic mystic, described in Autobiography of a Yogi, who professed to have consumed no food other than The Holy Eucharist, nor to have drunk any water from 1926 until her death. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Religion [Categories OK]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

rationale for creation of this new article

The material here today on 2 March 2023 was largely imported from Wikipedia, but. it was edited to remove some content, and a few new words were added. It is my intent to carefully edit it in the next week or two, and smooth out the rough spots and add photos, with attribution from Wikipedia, if they are appropriate to appear here. My opinion is that the Wikipedia article was unfair to the subject, and went out of its way to push a scientific reductionist viewpoint of this religious figure. My idea is that we should just present the stories of this person's life here, and let the reader decide if anything is untrue or impossible. Only reliable sources will be used, but those may include accounts from the Roman Catholic Church and other religious authorities. Jack S. Byrom (talk) 20:10, 2 March 2023 (CST)