User:David Levinson

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Dr. David Levinson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota and Director of the Networks, Economics, and Urban Systems (NEXUS) research group. In academic year 2006-2007 he will be a visiting academic at Imperial College in London. He currently holds the Richard P. Braun/CTS Chair in Transportation Engineering.

In January 2005 he was awarded the CUTC/ARTBA New Faculty Award. He earned a Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering at U.C. Berkeley in 1998. His dissertation "On Whom the Toll Falls", argues that local decision making about managing and financing roads will most likely lead to direct road pricing, which will allow the efficient allocation of scarce road resources (and thus reduce congestion). He has also conducted research into travel behavior.

More details are at [1].

Recent publications


  • David Levinson and Kevin Krizek (editors) (2005) Access to Destinations. Elsevier.
  • David Gillen and David Levinson (editors) (2004) Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Intelligent Transportation System. Kluwer.
  • David Levinson.(2002) Financing Transportation Networks. Edward Elgar.
  • David Levinson and Kevin Krizek (2007) Place and Plexus. (under review).
  • William Garrison and David Levinson (2005) The Transportation Experience. Oxford University Press.


  • Tilahun, Nebiyou Yonas David M. Levinson, Kevin J. Krizek (2005) Trails, Lanes, or Traffic: Value of Different Bicycle Facilities Using Adaptive Stated-Preference Survey 05-2023) presented at 84th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board in Washington, DC, January 9-13th 2005. Transportation Research: A Policy and Practice (in press)
  • Zhang , Lei and David Levinson (2004). Ramp Metering and Freeway Bottleneck Capacity Transportation Research: A Policy and Practice (in press).
  • Montes de Oca, Norah and David Levinson (2006) Network Expansion Decision-making in the Twin Cities Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record (in press)
  • Zou, Xi and David Levinson (2006) Modeling Intersection Driving Behaviors: A Hidden Markov Model Approach (I) Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record (in press)
  • Smalkoski, B. Li, N, Levinson, D (2006) Economic Effects of Lifting the Spring Load Restriction Policy in Minnesota Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 45(2) pp. 45-56.
  • Zou, Xi and David Levinson (2006) A Multi-Agent Congestion and Pricing Model Transportmetrica Vol.2, No.3, 2006 pp.237-249
  • Levinson, D. and Zhang, Lei (2006) Ramp Meters on Trial: Evidence from the Twin Cities Metering Holiday Transportation Research: A Policy and Practice Volume 40, Issue 10 , December 2006, Pages 810-828
  • Levinson, David and Bhanu Yerra (2006) Self Organization of Surface Transportation Networks Transportation Science Vol. 40 No. 2 May 2006 pp. 179-188
  • Chen, Wenling and David Levinson (2006) Effectiveness of Learning Transportation Network Growth Through Simulation. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and PracticeVol. 132, No. 1, January 1, 2006
  • Levinson, D., K. Harder, J. Bloomfield, K. Carlson (2006) Waiting Tolerance: Ramp Delay vs. Freeway Congestion Transportation Research part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Volume 9, Issue 1 , January 2006, Pages 1-13