User:Dmitrii Kouznetsov

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.


  • 1980, graduated from the Moscow State University (physics).
  • 1988, got Ph.D. (kandidat fiz-mat.nauk) at the Lebedev Physics Institute (Moscow)
  • 1991-1999, Universidad Nacional Authonoma de Mexico.
  • 2000-2004, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA.
  • 2004- University of Electro Communications, Institute for Laser Science, Japan.
  • List of publications is available at


Rejected articles

User:Dmitrii Kouznetsov/Amphoras fraud


External articles


TORI means "Tools for Outstanding Research and Investigation".

Current clone of TORI is available at ; it is my wiki-site.

Some articles ("tools") from there are already imported to CZ.

Some others may be imported, even without to ask my permission. While the MathJax is not yet supported at CZ, the minor adjustment may be necessary: the dollar signs should be replaced to <math> and </math>.

The following articles from TORI may be of interest for the CZ:

Mathematics related articles:

Physics related articles:

Human related articles:

In February 2013, the axess to the original URL of TORI had been disabled by the attack of Nishio Shigeaki; after a month, that attack had been supported by the administration of our institute, and up to year 2014, the efforts to recover the original URL are not successful. The cite had been cloned at server Mizugadro, and the links to the articles of the clone are mentioned above.


Some articles are not yet wikified, but may be also useful:


TetrationReal.jpg ExampleEquationLog01.png TetrationAsymptoticParameters00.jpg AnalyticTetrationBaseSqrt2v00.jpg TetrationExp1e.jpg TetrationBase2andE.jpg Kslog00.jpg TetrationBiholomorphic.jpg TetrationAsymptoticExpansion00.jpg Sqrt(exp)(z).jpg Expc.jpg ZpluxSinZ.jpg TetrationModified.jpg TetrationModifiedZoom.jpg AnalyticTetrtionBase2figure0.jpg AnalyticTetrationBaseSqrt2u00.png AnalyticTetrationBaseEv00.gif Analytic4thAckermannFunction00.jpg Slogez01.jpg SlogFitFixedPoint04.jpg SLOGtailor16.jpg SLOGappro50.jpg SLOGtest50.jpg

Logez02.jpg GaulegExample.png ContourPlotExample.jpg TaylorExampleZ.jpg

LogFactorialZ.jpg Factorialz.jpg FactoReal.jpg ArcGamma.jpg OneOverFactorial.jpg QFacQexp.jpg QFactorialQexp.jpg

Dore-Munchausen-pull.jpg BlackSquareReproduction.jpg BlackCircleReproduction.jpg Supermatizm1921-1927.jpg