User:Olcay Sert

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

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Olcay Sert is a research assistant and ELT instructor in the division of English Language Teaching at Hacettepe University, Turkey, and gives courses to teacher candidates in advanced grammar, linguistics, school experience, teaching English to young learners and computer skills . He has had articles published in national and international journals, and has had presentations in international conferences. After graduating from English Linguistics department at Hacettepe University, he started his M.A. in the division of English Language Teaching, where he currently works as a research assistant and instructor. His main research interests are code-switching and code-mixing, multilingualism, plurilingualism, teaching vocabulary, sociolinguistics and discourse analysis. He is also an assistant editor in Novitas Royal (An online refereed academic journal in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language).


  • 2006__Foreign Language and Technical Support, Hacettepe University Journal of Education
  • 2007__Associate Editor, [1] Novitas-ROYAL: Research on Youth and Language]

Published Articles :

Sert, O. (2005). The functions of code switching in ELT classrooms. The Internet TESL Journal. 11(8)

Sert, O. (2005). Comparative Analysis of Pairwork and Individual Assignments in Two ELT Classes. Journal of Language and Learning. 3(2), 219-232.

Sert, O. (2005). A Comparative Analysis of Pair-Work and Individual Assignments in Two ELT Grammar Classes. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 1(2), 236-253.(This paper is the revised version of the article entitled 'Comparative Analysis of Pairwork and Individual Assignments in Two ELT Classes' published in Journal of Language and Learning)

Sert, O. (2006). Heightening Grammatical Awareness in English. Karen's Linguistic Issues.

Açıkgöz, F. & Sert, O. (2006). Interlingual Machine Translation: Prospects and Setbacks. Translation Journal. 10(3).

Sert, O. (2006). Semiotic Approach and its Contributions to English Language Learning and Teaching. Hacettepe University Journal of Education. 31, 106-114.

Conferences (Papers Presented) :

Sert, O. (2006). A Diagnostic Analysis of ELT Students' Use of Discourse Organizers: Pedagogical Implications for EFL Writing Courses. The 4th International Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching. December 15-16, 2006.Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey

Sert, O. (2007). Code Switching to English in the German as a Second Foreign Language Classroom: The Case of Turkish Learners. Languages for Europe Conferences: British Council-Berlin; Preparing for the World of Work- Language Education for the Future. January 26-27, 2007. British Council, Berlin-Germany