User:Pascal Prévost
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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Expert in sport and exercise physiology and biomechanics
- biology of sport and physical exercise
- exercise adaptation in children, adolescents, senior, obeses
- sports and exercise traumatology prevention
- physical preparation and sport training optimization
- 2007 : General manager - EBE & Associés ( - consultant in health and performance optimization in a company and sports team
- 2002 : PhD - neurophysiology and biomechanics related to the motor performance (LPPA, Collège de France, Paris, France)
- 1996-2005 : Assistant-professor - UFRSTAPS, Université Paris XII, Créteil, France (sport physiology, exercise physiology in children and adolescents, sports biomechanics, sports traumatology, physical exercise and aging
- 1996-1997 : Contributor in charge of experimental design and analysis in the scientific program Neurolab (NASA-CNRS)
- 1995-2002 : Research assistant in Pr. Alain Berthoz laboratory : LPPA-CNRS, Collège de France, Paris)
- 1992 : Master - physical and material adaptability and desadaptability to sport training (UFRSTAPS, Université de Bordeaux II, Bordeaux, France)
- Since 1998 : Personal trainer ; physical conditionning and/or preparation for "non-physical-active" individuals, managers and athletes.
- Since 1992 : Physical trainer in individual sport (athletism, tennis, gymnastics, etc.)
- 1982-2005 : Sport coach in artistic gymnastics
- personal web site :
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