User talk:Janos Abel/sandbox/forLandEconomics
My intention is to include neglected branches of economics in the main economics article. Land (meaning all natural resources) is fundamental in a sense the other traditional factors of production (labour and capital) are not. In fact, economics goes wrong as soon as land is treated in the same way as the other factors.
Land has no cost of production therefore it is quite different from labour which has to be nurtured, educated, then maintained daily by being provided with food, clothing, and shelter.
Capital is a derived factor -- a product of the two primary factors of land and labour. Because of its derived nature, capital also has unique characteristics that set it apart from the other two factors.
When the same rules of buying and selling are applied to these factors distortion is bound to arise. This is the core problem at the foundations of modern economics. Taking the labour market, the land market, and the capital market as one and the same, introduces confusion in the very thought processes that try to understand the nature and behaviour of these components of living economies.